Divine Appointments








Dear Friends,

I believe in Divine Appointments. There are those times when being in the right place at the right time, had to be a God scheduled happening. I am sure, like many of you, there were times when you felt you needed to be somewhere and just had to go. Once there, perhaps you met a person that became important to you, became involved in an activity or cause that speaks to your heart, or was there to support a friend or stranger. One never knows why some of the Divine Appointments happen. We know there is an exchange of God Energy, Universal Life, the I AM Radiance and Vibration when we are with people and in situations. We are called to remember we are God in action, wherever we are, and wherever we go.

Last Sunday, Steve and I had that Divine Appointment experience. We knew we needed to attend the Unity Church in Mira Mesa. We always receive an excellent message from Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell so we were looking forward to it. After a half hour of beautiful songs, Tibetan bowl sounds, prayer and silent meditation we could feel the Divine Presence in the sanctuary. It was palpable. There was a sense of calm, peace and serenity. And then for some reason during the silent meditation, I opened my eyes and saw a man in the front row fall down. Then a person next to him jumped up, while others came quickly down the aisle. Wendy saw what was happening and immediately said words to calm everyone, who at this point became aware of the medical emergency. She asked only nurses and doctors come down to assist. A call to 911 went out. Wendy told us to BREATHE in sync as mothers breathe when a baby is in distress and is held close. We did. Both Steve and I immediately held our hands out to allow the Divine Energy flow through us to the gentleman as we began prayer treatment. We knew God is all there is, everywhere flowing in and through all people and places. The Mighty I AM Spirit is the Wholeness of ALL. We continued our prayers in the silence, even as the medics worked on him, and after they left for the hospital. We knew beaming the light and speaking our word in prayer was our Divine Appointment for that day.

Where ever we are and wherever we go, let us always keep a high consciousnesses ready to BE that Light of God in all events and emergencies.
We know the Truth, we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
When we speak our word, it is God Power directed and acted upon. We know the active Presence in that sanctuary was GOD BEING GOD Among us, and the gentleman will live knowing he too was at the right place at the right time.

Always In My Divine Place,

Abigail and Steve