Let the Universe Be Ambitious For You

Instead of being ambitious yourself, let the universe be
ambitious for you.  You relax in to the space of being who you are supposed to beand doing what you are supposed to do and let the universe take it where the universe wants
to take it.
Marianne Williamson


I enjoy reading the Science of Mind magazine in the mornings. This particular Daily Guide caught my eye with the quote by Marianne Williamson (see above.)
“Instead of being ambitious yourself,
let the universe be ambitious for you!”
To me it is another way of saying, relax, surrender, let go and let God
(Spirit, Mind, Cause) create the outcome.
How many times have you been disappointed with the outcome of an event or circumstance in life? It just didn’t go the way you wished or wanted it to.
This past week, Steve and I were looking forward to seeing some wonderful friends who were only 1 1/2-2 hours away. It just seemed their CA vacation schedule and ours did not match. We even tried to Facetime with them, and that did not happen. When things like this happen, we must realize, we have a choice, to be disappointed or allow the Universe to provide what is best for us
at the time.
Cheri and Ben Jamison wrote the July Daily Guides and July 16th said.
“Spirit is in charge. Things fall into place when it’s meant to be
or metaphorical doors close when it’s not.
If you try to force, you will likely be frustrated.”
We have a choice, to try to MAKE things happen the way we want them to, or allow the universe “to be ambitious,” and create the way, which will only benefit us for our highest good. We can still do our prayer treatments, visualize, and vision for what we think we want, then we must release all our wants and needs and allow the Universe/God/Law/Spirit take over. In the end,when one door closes, a new door will open and be wider, more apparent and easy to walk through.
Stop being ambitious for yourself.
Let the universe be ambitious for you!

Letting go,