Let Go Be Free

Dear Friends,
We had a wonderful Labyrinth Walk last Saturday.  We talked about how it is important to release and let go of things, people, places, situations that no longer serve us, so we can open up to a NEW and even a greater experience.  Here are two quotes we pondered and reflected upon.
Wesley Baines
from ‘The Spirituality of the Autumn Equinox’ wrote:
“Fall, paradoxically, is a time of simultaneous bounty and withering;
crops are harvested, even as the natural world begins to fade.
As autumn sets in, consider the areas of your life that need to be let go of, consider what no longer serves you and needs to wither.
At the same time consider the dream-seed that you planted at the beginning of the year that have been steadily growing. Those dreams are to be reaped.”
 Judith Orloff, MD from the Sept./Oct ‘Unity Magazine’
“Autumn invites you to reflect on your priorities. It’s an opportunity for metamorphosis, a chance to liberate yourself from outdated beliefs, resentments, or relationships. ASK yourself,
‘What are my burdens? How can I release them?’

Autumn offers a deeper experience of your own transformation and spirituality.”

So what does “Letting Go” mean?
Letting go means:
Letting go of control.  No one wants to be out of control. But you can’t control everything, You can’t control outcomes. What you can control is your attitude and make a conscious decision to move through a situation with grace and ease. See God in the situation and everyone involved. There is a higher purpose and a higher picture.
Scripture says, “Not my will but Thy Will be done.”
Breathe in God’s Love, Exhale God’s Love as you let go of control.
Letting go means:
Trusting God and putting the outcome in God’s hands. God knows every situation and what is in everyone’s heart. The sooner you let go and let God handle a challenge or problem the sooner it will be resolved. Situations and problematic personal relationships are solved by surrendering the Divine outcome into Spirit’s hands. Declare what it is you want in a relationship or situation, then say “I release this into the heart and mind of God knowing the Divine Outcome is happening now.  I accept all this and/or something better!”
Breathe in God’s Love, Exhale God’s Love into the Divine Outcome.
Letting go means:
Releasing past hurts, past mistakes, anxious and fearful thoughts.
These only clutter your mind and spirit.  People come into our lives for a reason and a season. All are our teachers. Ask, “What did I learn from this person or experience?”
Breathe in God’s Love, Exhale God’s Love into all the people I know.
Letting go means:
Forgiving and feeling the FREEDOM in your heart and mind.
You can’t experience freedom if anxious, hurtful, obsessive, fearful thoughts clutter your mind.  Letting go and letting God’s loving Spirit fill your heart and mind will set you free. The first step is to FORGIVE, yourself and others.
Breathe in God’s Love, Exhale God’s Love as forgiveness for yourself 
and everyone.
A Prayer for Letting Go

Dear God,
In this moment, I let go of all thoughts and concerns.
When I let go, I am able to receive.
When my hands are formed into tight fists, I cannot open my hands to
receive anything.
When I hang onto tight control,
When I close off my heart and my spirit,
I cannot receive your blessings for me.
I let go to receive your blessings.
Letting go in this moment, I receive your loving presence around me
and within me.
Help me to let go when I am feeling overwhelmed, so that I may receive
your peace.
Help me to let go when I feel fear, so that in fear’s place I may receive love
and courage.
I let go of problems and challenges in order to receive your guidance and clarity.
I let go and trust you.
I will not fall.
You will catch me.
I let go and trust in the still, small voice inside of me.
Help me not to struggle but to surrender my struggle to you.
I gladly receive this gift of letting go and letting you lead me and guide me.
(By Jackie Trottman)
Letting Go, Being Free,