Beauty is a Brain Boost

November 12, 2019

Dear Friends,

Steve and I were invited and honored to attend a NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) Connect Intensive Visioning Retreat in Boulder City, NV this past week.  We were immersed for three days in the most amazing creative visioning experience. Thirty-five of us gathered from Canada, USA and Mexico to look at our history of interfaith work, restructure, redo, rethink what needs to be done now, and Vision for 15 years into the future.
Gard Jameson opened his Nevada Foundation home to us with many spaces for large and small group dynamics as well as acres of beautiful gardens, a labyrinth, statues of blessed prophets, angels and sacred beings from all faith traditions.
The NAIN group was also invited to attend a Shabbat Service at Ner Tamid Synagogue on Friday evening, a choir performance and Taize service at the Center for Spiritual Living in Greater Las Vegas, and an Interfaith Council Forum at a Mosque on Sunday.

We all were using both our left and right brains. Our logical and creative sides were equally balanced, and Divine Wisdom and Intelligence flowed through each of us easily even when we had spent hours in small and large group work. Why?  I believe it was because we were in such a beautiful place. When our left brains began to drag, all we had to do was look outside, take a walk out onto the property and fill up with God’s creation of gardens and immense panoramic views. Many of our small group sessions met outside so we had the benefit of the beauty while working.

Many of our great inventors, scientists and mathematicians always said it was in nature where they received their greatest ideas.

Are you in the middle of a dilemma, or facing a problem, challenge or issue where answers have not been revealed yet?

If so, GO OUT for a walk in nature, sit by a tree, smell some flowers, walk on the beach, come walk our labyrinth. Listen to music.  Allow your mind to BLISS OUT and just BE.  Allow your brain sanctuary time.  The most wonderful Divine downloads can happen when you least expect it.  Dreams are a wonderful way to receive Divine Ideas.  Meditation is an awake Divine download.   We cannot live our lives in a 24/7 mode.  We must give ourselves time, space and freedom from paper, pencil, computers, phones and TV.