Dear Friends,
Today is a NEW Day and a NEW Year! Let us be joyful and glad in it!
When we wake and realize we are still here, we know there is still wondrous things to be done, places to go and sights to see. We have been gifted another day on earth to BE an emissary of God, Spirit, Divine Love.
What will you do with your day?
Remember you are both an emissary of God and God Itself showing up as YOU.
As the quote above says, “…what you long for already exists within you!”
Today may take you on a path that will fill you with Joy, Peace, Understanding and Service. Listen to your heart, without judgement and filters. Step into what is yours to do today.
What if you do not know what is yours to do today?
Then just be happy and grateful. When we surrender unto God’s timing and will, we can relax and know whatever is intended for us to do, will be shown to us in God’s perfect time and way. There are spaces, pauses and quiet times between activities. Enjoy this time of serenity. God never intends for us to be ‘going & doing’ 24/7. We must heed the quiet, meditative times to restore and renew ourselves for the next wondrous action in our lives.
Enjoying Today,
Abigail and Steve