Finding Commonality

Most Intense Human Chain Ever Rescues Dog Stranded in Canal | The Dodo

Copy paste this title above on your browser and watch a short
but inspiring video.


The first time I watched, it made me cry. All these strangers came together to help a stranded and scared dog who was about to be swept away at the edge of a torrent canal. The first man down almost lost his balance while trying to secure the dog. This is a heartwarming rescue.

After I saw the video, it reminded me how when we work together, regardless of race, nationality, political persuasion etc. we can be in service and do great things. Our focus is on selfless service, or SEVA. We work as a team and have each other’s backs. I thought, perhaps, no matter how opposite people view life, when there is a worthy cause, it pulls them together in brother and sisterhood. It brings opposing people together for a common cause.

Think about this idea when upset, angry or mad at a family member or co-worker. We cannot change people’s minds when they are adamant about their point of view. However working together on something NEW may just be the glue that can bring people together again. We need to stop trying to change people’s views and work on finding ways to come together in full cooperation and collaboration. Leave the opposing views outside the door. When inside we work together on a common project.

Finding Commonality,
Abigail and Steve