What Are Your Highest Ideals for America?

Dear Friends,
What are your highest ideals for America, the world and humanity?. We know what you think about, you bring about.  God gave us a creative mind and the free will to use it. We have the responsibility to use it wisely. The energy that goes out from our thoughts and our feelings creates our reality and the reality of others.  We truly do contribute to each atom, cell and molecule of everything on our planet, our humanity and the universe.  When we truly believe we can make changes with our hearts and minds, it will come about.
I attended ‘One Heart One Mind CSL’ service last Sunday.  I loved the story
Rev. Michelle Ingalls shared.  “Villagers came together to pray for rain. Everything was dry and they desperately needed rain for everything to grow.  Once they were all assembled the prayers began.  Then a small boy appeared in the group. He was the only one who had an umbrella.”  He truly believed it was going to rain.  How much faith and belief do we have in these turbulent times?
Can you believe and affirm...
I am healthy, safe and responsible. I wear my mask for myself and others.
My family and friends are healthy and safe.
I see only GOOD coming from this pandemic.
I believe the new vaccine will work and available now!
(Declaring, & believing ahead of time signifies faith and belief, just like the little boy with the umbrella.)
Add your personal declarations of faith to this list…
The Higher our Ideals, and Values are, the closer we are to using  and being our Christ /God Consciousness.  The more we claim these High Ideas and Values the more High Energy vibrates out into our personal world and the universal consciousness.  We are all connected.  Myth says when a butterfly flaps its wings there is a storm somewhere else on earth.  We must truly realize our impact on our society and the world.  Each one of is here to make a difference.  The tools we have are our internal thoughts, God Intuition, Guidance, feelings and action.
Focusing on the Highest and Best in Life,
Abigail and Steve