Turn Up the Voice of Spirit

Dear Friends,
At this time in the world, when fear permeates the air, with news and social  media, we need to turn that volume down and turn UP  the volume of Spirit in our heart to love, live life with joy, and happiness.
We need to get back to basics and KNOW:
1. God is all there is. Peace, Power, Love, Wisdom, Intelligence, Guidance, Goodness,  Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omniactive, Omniloving EVERYWHERE in all and through all.
2. All that God IS reigns within me/us. That peace, power, love, wisdom, intelligence guidance and goodness  is always available within us, ready to be heard and felt. When we accept this Truth we are connecting with our own Divinity and Uniqueness.  We are all loved equally regardless of faith, culture, race, politics or country.  We each have our own path and choices to make.
When we rely on the inner Wisdom and Direction of our own Spirit (God,
Source, Creator) we can easily move into action when directed.
The still small voice (God intuition) within is ready to be heard.  When our world is quiet and meditative. we can hear it.  Listen for it everyday.  There are times when we have not listened to it, and we say “Dang, I knew I shouldn’t have done that or gone that way.”
Today turn UP the God volume, 
by turning down the TV, radio and other media.
Listen to what is YOURS to do today.  It will bring you happiness, joy and
 you will feel fulfilled and purposeful.
Turning UP the Volume of Spirit Within,
Abigail and Steve