Dear Friends,
This is the week Christians and New Thought celebrate Christmas.
We love the story of the baby Jesus being born in a manger with Joseph and Mary as his earth parents and God as his Heavenly Father. This story implores people to accept on faith that Mary conceived this baby by God, and Joseph stood by her knowing the child within her was not his. What a tribute to Mary, who under scrutiny, judgement, perhaps gossip, stood her ground and said YES to God. Another tribute is to Joseph who stood by Mary as well. Here was a young couple, not married, having the baby, who in time would change the consciousness of the world! How strong and courageous would we be in their situation? We honor them greatly as examples of faith, trust and belief.
Today we see this beautiful birth as as symbol of the Christ Consciousness being born within us. This sweet baby Jesus had to grow up, learn and expand his Consciousness before he was baptized into the Holy Work he came here to do. We all are birthing, growing, learning and expanding our Christ Consciousness to do what our soul/spirit came in to do. (Read below for the AFC Event)
Let us remember daily we have the potential to be Christ Like. We have that within us (God Spirit) to do what Jesus the Christ did. He was and is our wayshower. In all situations today, next week and next year we have a choice in every encounter and every situation to cast the Christ Light on it. We can take the HIGH Road and see all situations from a LOVE perspective. We can choose to serve, give, forgive, be kind, compassionate wherever we are and wherever we go.
Jesus Christ said, “Love God, Love your Neighbor (which meant ALL people, whether you like them or not), and yourself.” Loving yourself is being kind, forgiving, compassionate, and self caring. When you are happy, you have the ability to bring joy to others.
Be AWAKE, and mindfully ALIGN with your CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Be the LIGHT for others and yourself. Bring and Be LOVE wherever you go.
May you have a very Merry Christmas. If you celebrate another faith path, may you bring YOUR LIGHT and LOVE to all as well. Whether you call it Christ Consciousness, God Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, it is truly LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Be It, Bring It.
Love and Light,
Abigail and Steve