Laughter brings Joy


Dear Friends,

“Don’t Forget to Laugh Today!”
Steve sends me cute funnies everyday, and I love to see them on my computer. We have separate offices and he can hear me laughing at the funnies and comics he sends via email. They have boosted me so many times in the past few years with the pandemic and our government crisis happening. I have to give praise and gratitude for my husband for he is always lifting people’s spirits up. Even after going through shoulder surgery and some painful physical therapy he is bringing joy through pictures of yummy food to the therapists. They delight in taking part in the fun. Once in a while he will actually bring them goodies, the real deal! He is looking forward to bringing joy, support and encouragement once again as a volunteer at Palomar Hospital.

I remember years ago when I was teaching, I would always find some fun and joy during parent conferences. My principal(s) would comment saying,
“Every time I pass your room, there is laugher going on!” Laughter is a great way to ease worry and anxiety in any situation.

Last week I was babysitting my granddaughter Peyton and her other grandparents came in and then the third grandmother. Three sets of grandparents were taking delight in watching this little one play, laugh, crawl, stand, and clap with delight. It was pure joy being with her, holding her and kissing her. Grandma kisses everywhere. Why does she delight us so much?
Because her entire being is Pure Joy, the Sweet Essence of God. It is Love and Laughter in action. We all take part in her consciousness when we are with her.

Children at play remind us of the truth of our being. We are Pure Joy, the Sweet Essence of God. When we allow God to come through us, flow in us and be us, we become the ONE who brings joy and laughter to others, and ultimately bring it back to ourselves.

Laughter is the language of the soul.
Pablo Neruda

Laughter connects you with people.
It’s almost impossible to maintain any kind of distance or any sense of social hierarchy when you’re just howling with laughter.
Laughter is a force for democracy.
John Cleese

A day without laughter is a day wasted.
Charlie Chaplin

Remember to LAUGH Today and bring JOY to someone else!

Laughing and Smiling,
Abigail and Steve