Time for a Tune Up

Dear Friends,


The Universe is designed to grow, expand, and evolve in all ways. We as humans, in this universe, are also designed to grow, evolve and ever expand physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are all part of God’s Divine Design.
If we feel our lives are veering in a direction we do not wish to go, it is time to
STOP, PAUSE, and TUNE UP Ourselves.

There are 3 Ideas I would like to share with you today on PAUSING and TUNING UP.

1.Get support. If we want to grow, we must take time for a regular spiritual tune-up.
When we tune up our cars on a regular basis it improves the fuel economy, lowers emissions, improves engine performance and restores its pep and power.
When our back is “out of whack” we go to a chiropractor for an adjustment to realign our spine.
For our Spiritual support, we can go to a practitioner, minister or prayer partner to help us see the Truth of our being in times of crisis and challenges.
We also go to our faith tradition’s service, take spiritual education classes, workshops and webinars, to help tune up our mind and heart.
In order to grow and evolve we must find the time to get a spiritual tune up!

2.Evaluate when and where you would like improvement in your life and be teachable in those areas.
Be humble and honest with yourself. Stop making excuses. Look at any pain you may have caused another. Forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness from others. Being humble creates an inner freedom from having to protect those parts that we try to hide from ourselves and others. We begin to develop a quiet, understanding and compassionate heart.
Embrace your humanness. Our self-worth may plummet, however remember our self-worth is not attached to our human mistakes or failures. We are always the Beloved of God, worthy and blessed.
Try journaling to express your deepest thoughts. It will help reveal what you need to know, in order to grow, expand and tune up.
Keep a High Conscious watch for yourself. How others react or perceive your intentions is their business.

3.Let go of that which you don’t want and state the thing that you
do want!
Choose to let go of unhappiness, judgment and victim-mentality.
Flip an attitude of “poor me,” to “Yeah for me!”
Job loss? This is a blessing for God has a new and better job in mind with better salary, working conditions and colleagues. Vision and write down what you do want!
Health? No matter the circumstances or doctor’s prognosis, remember the truth of yourself. You are spirit, an eternal being, whole, perfect and complete. Vision God’s light flowing through every atom, cell and molecule of your body. Enlist a minister or practitioner to see and state the truth with you.
Friends? Consider everyone your friend because we are all one in God. Every person you meet in the store, at the bank, at work are friends. SEE them as such. State you have an abundance of friends! Then call someone to chat or make a date to have coffee.
Attitude? You can choose to be cranky or compassionate, sour or joyful.
State how you want to be in the world and BE IT!
Money? You do have enough. State it! Count all the blessings in your life. Give to where you are spiritually fed and invest in companies that align with your core values and spiritual principles.! Bless the money you give and watch how it blesses and returns to you in numerous ways.
PAUSE, and see where you need to Tune yourself up in life!

(This message is an excerpt from the Sunday lesson at the CSL Inland Empire, where Rev. Abigail was the guest speaker. Ideas for this lesson also came from writings of Abigail Schairer, CSL Seattle).

Pausing and Tuning up,
Abigail and Steve