Let Go of Heavy Pebbles






Dear Friends,

“A father and son were walking on the beach and every so often the boy picked up stones and pebbles and put them in his pocket. Soon he found walking difficult and asked his dad to pick him up. His dad did but told him he needed to rid himself of the stones and pebbles.
As you and I go through life, we pick up stones along the way. When we turn to Spirit for help, It responds, ‘Put down the stones of disbelief, doubt, fear and resentment. Make your burden light. Move within and remember I Am always with you” (Science of Mind Magazine, August, Rev. Dr. Ron Fox)

This past week I was very much like that little boy. We had/have an Interfaith Awareness Week coming up and I was worried about the Opening Ceremony Program Sunday, August 8th . I wanted everything to be smooth as silk. The gentleman putting the Opening together seemed to not be responding to my emails or texts. He kept asking for videos of our speakers and music, which I had sent him many times previously. I was in a near panic thinking he may not be able to pull this off. After talking with him, I found out his computer was being fixed and he was using another computer which did not have all his info on it. He was also having other serious challenges in his life. Once knowing what he was going through, I felt more compassionate.

We finally had a “practice” run and he had everything in order. He only needed to work on his presentation in-between the speaker and music videos.
When we finished the run through, all I could do was let go of my worry, doubt, and anxiety pebbles. So Steve and I prayed !!!! Go figure!

“God is Greater than the burdens you are carrying. Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you.” Psalm 56:22

There are times we just have to cast the burden on the Lord and let go. I think that is one of the most difficult lessons to learn, because, if you are like me, I tend to blame myself when things go wrong even if I was not the one directly responsible for it. I felt responsible for the entire week, when in reality this is God’s week, not my week. God’s Will be done, not my will be done.

This experience taught to be compassionate, because we never know what people are going through, and to view life from different perspectives.
I continues to know all IS in Divine Order and Timing and God is in charge.

Letting Go of Heavy Pebbles,
Abigail and Steve