BE Your Story

Dear Friends,
I love reading stories to my 10 month old ‘walking’ granddaughter. Some books she likes to listen to especially if there are little flaps to open. There are other books she likes to read upside down while turning the pages backwards. Otherwise her favorite activity is to pull books off the shelf!
She is so much fun and brings us so much joy.
I am keeping a picture album of her first year and will continue to do so because it is the early story of her life! I look forward to the day when I can read non-fiction true life stories about brave women and men who made a difference in the world.
We all are in the STORY OF OUR LIVES. How is your story going? If someone was reading your life story to a little child, what main idea would you want them to know, what would you like them to learn, or to grow spiritually, to serve, to make a difference in the world?
Ghandi said, “My Life is My Message.”
What message are you sending out day by day? What life story are you sharing at work, with your family, with your friends, with your neighbors and especially those who are in service to you at grocery stores, department stores, restaurants etc. Is your life message one of compassion? empathy? justice? respect, ethics, joy?
Yesterday was Labor Day, a day where we are supposed to rest, relax and give us time to reflect on our lives and the work we do. Are you satisfied with the work you are doing? Are you happy being retired? How are the family dynamics going? We all have a story to tell. Can we tell our life story to our children and grandchildren and be proud of it?
Maybe it is time to write your memoirs and really look deeply into your life. Remember, no mater what age you are, you are still in your LIFE STORY.
The past is the past, and we cannot change it. However we can change going forward as we write a new chapter in our LIFE STORY. Our life is eternal, so there is no stopping, just lessons learned, reflecting and then moving on to
Do Better and Be Better.
Your next chapter may be entirely different and you can begin it now!
Write, reflect, and be the person you want to be, for your children and grandchildren to see. Maybe THIS is the LIFE chapter you will read
to your loved ones.
Living My Story,
Abigail and Steve