Dear Friends,

It was a quiet morning as I sat in my meditation chair to pray, meditate and read. When I turn on my crystal healing lamp, I am in gratitude and surrender the day unto God.
This particular morning in the semi-darkness, as I switched on the light , I was struck by the intuitive thought this is like the GLOW of GOD within me and within all. I meditated on the Glow of God within and how simple it was to just switch on my light. God is like that light bulb, It just needs us to switch on our own God Glow. The Light is always there ready, willing and able to warm the body with love, tenderness and compassion. It is there to help us see clearly without blame or judgment. It is there to help us move past fear to love. For Love is all there is in God’s Glow. The consciousness glow within us becomes the light that awakens the consciousness of people we are with.
The Glow of God within affects everyone.

We have all heard the saying, just turn on the light and the darkness in the room dissipates. WE can be that light. When we remember who we are, God in form, Light in action, Glow within , we affect not only ourselves, but everyone around us.

This brings to mind the Mills Brothers Song Glow Little Glow Worm”
Glow little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer
Lead us lest too far we wander
Love’s sweet voice is calling yonder
Glow little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer
Hey, there don’t get dimmer, dimmer
Light the path below, above
And lead us on to love!…

Even a simple glow worm can remind us God’s Light is in everyone and everything. Be that GLOW and Shine today!

Allowing the Glow of God to Shine,
Abigail and Steve