Dear Friends,

Breathe…… Just Breathe

Breathing is our very life. It is what keeps us here on earth. It is the very breath of God flowing in us, as us, and through us. Breathing is an automatic way to keep us alive and well. Breathing is also a way to be mindful in all situations. There are times when we are with people who irritate us, push our buttons or are just unkind. In those moments, if we are mindful of our breath, we can slow it down. For as we slow our breath down, inhaling and exhaling deeply, we also notice our body responding. Our body becomes more relaxed, calm and in control.

I was reminded of my breath recently when I felt irritated towards someone and had to just breathe quietly and peacefully. I allowed my body to become undisturbed by the events knowing I would be guided to respond in the highest way possible. Another time, when someone almost made me feel small and unwelcome, I breathed. When the person realized how sharp tongued she was, she apologized. We all have these moments when we need to allow ourselves
to step back and breath deeply, quietly, serenely and purposefully.
We not only help ourselves, we help others retain a sense of dignity and a realization of their actions.

Breathing is our essence. When meditating we breath slowly, and consciously to help us reach that INNER SPACE where we tune in with God, Spirit, the essence of our ONEness.

One of my favorite songs by Marcy Baruch is “Inner Space.” I love listening to it in the car going to and from places. It settles me into my own inner space where there is only peace and love. Here are the words and link to the video. Marcy is singing at a Unity Center.

PREVIEW 4:59 Marcy Baruch – This Inner Space
This Inner Space
Words and Music by Marcy Baruch
“This inner space has the pow’r to set me free, it’s the cavern of creation and the truth of you and me.
This inner space, an eternity of time, It’s the moment of the holy now and the Allness that is mine.
This inner space contains all that I need, from deep within the invisible flows the living air I breathe.
This inner space is flowing in my bones, it stirs my heart, it stirs my mind, and ev’ry pray’r I’ve ever known.
And, I say breathe, just breathe, now breathe, this peace.
This inner space is the ocean of your soul, and when you feel most broken the truth is, you are whole.
This inner space, connects us one to all, and though it would never push you,
it will break down ev’ry wall.
And, I say breathe, just breathe, now breathe, this peace.
This inner space invites us to renew, in all my endless choosing I become the chosen too.
This inner space, it never knows a past, in a quiet place you can hear it and it might just make you laugh.
So, I say breathe, just breathe, now breathe, this peace of this inner space.”

Breathe….. Just Breathe