Have an AWEsome Day


Dear Friends,

I was meditating while looking out towards the hills behind our house.
The hills were a glow as the sun shone on them. The song I heard in my head was “The hills are alive with the sound of music.” I had one of those “suspended moments” when time stood still. I was in AWE of the light on the hills and the dewdrops glistening on the trees and bushes. I sat in AWE of those hills looking at God’s creation. It all looked magical and mystical. At that moment everything seemed right with the world. And in that moment everything was right. I knew God was in charge. God within directing me and God without, being everything visible and invisible.

I am sure you have had those moments of AWE in your life. And maybe like me, you want more of them. Well, you can. Just as I did, take a moment to suspend time, stop effort, take a breath, be in AWE of God’s beauty. I know you will have A Wonderful Experience! It will feel like you are in God’s time, where you feel a sense of peace, and an intuitive knowing that God loves and knows you.

Years ago when I first came into New Thought, I had an intuitive knowing while in a small group. The thought came to me, “God knows your name.”
I almost broke into tears, thinking God knows my name and even more, God loves and cares for me. God is with me all the time. It was like a flood of light flowing through me.

This week, suspend your busyness in shopping, wrapping, going, doing and just be in AWE of the wonder of God’s creation. It will move you into a new awareness. There is a little quote (unknown author) I came across years ago, and it says:

This is GOD. I will be handling
all your problems today. I will not
need your help, so have a good day!”

Have an AWEsome day. God is still in charge.