Colors of the Soul

It is March and I am seeing lots of greenery as well as bursts of color appearing among the bushes and flowering trees. Being here in sunny Southern CA we see colors appear sooner than our friends in the northern part of the world.
For some reason I have been wanting to wear more purple, yellow, red and bright pink. Our weather is still cold here (gets down to 32 at night) in Poway (suburb of San Diego) but the signs of Spring are well on its way.

Have you ever just wanted to wear a certain color for the day? Women, often more than men, are very aware of the color combinations they wear. What inspires you to choose one color over another? For me it seems when I am needing to be nurtured or out by trees and nature, I tend to wear green. Other times when I feel happiness and joy I want to wear yellow. Red empowers me and purple uplifts me. I believe our bodies, mind and heart are choosing the vibrational color frequency we either need or want to wear.

One day I wore a purple sweater with my purple raincoat (rainy day) to a metaphysical bookstore and boutique. I bought a beautiful 4 1/2″” amethyst obelisk and a 4″ amethyst tree. Amethysts are purple. I knew the tree was for someone else and at the time I did not know for whom. The tall obelisk was definitely for me and as I held it in my hands I could feel the energy emanating from it. Later in meditation the name of the person was clear and later that day I gave the amethyst tree to her. It was like I handed her the gift she has always wanted. Was purple communicating with me?

God within guides us in so many different ways and one is through color. Each color has its own frequency and our chakras each have a specific color. Perhaps the color for your day is your chakra sending you a message. Here is a list of chakras and their color meanings. What color vibration do you need or want?
What color vibration will you emanate?

BE BOLD, wear the color of your Soul’s choice for the day. The color will bless you and the color vibration will bless others.

Due to the recent invasion by Russia in the Ukraine, you may choose to wear blue and yellow in solidarity with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.

Living in COLOR
Abigail and Steve