Divine Delay

















Dear Friends,

How many of you have had a “Divine Delay?” I am sure everyone has experienced a time where there was a hold up, slow down or complete STOP
in your day or travels.

It happened to me just the other day. I was about to leave a shopping center when the gear shift would not budge. I tried moving the steering wheel and it just STOPPED and was completely stuck. Nothing I did helped move either one. All I can say is thank God for AAA. I called and unfortunately had to “talk” with a virtual assistant who could not understand the city I was trying to say. “She kept calling ‘Poway’ ‘Pulee’ or something to that affect. Finally ‘she’ said she could locate my car on my cell phone’s map, which she did. She then told me a AAA roadside assistant driver would be there within 20 minutes. Needless to say, this took TIME from start to finish. I was very grateful for the AAA driver who came sooner than 20 minutes and was able to get my steering wheel and gear shift UNSTUCK in a second. He was so pleasant and helpful. He showed me how to unstick it if it happened again.

As I was driving home I realized I had a Divine Delay. For some reason the Universe wanted me the stay put for awhile. I will never know the reason,
and I will always be grateful for my angels looking out for me.

I will remember the AAA Auto Club as my ANGELS ALWAYS ASSISTING.

Every morning during my prayer time, I
invoke a RING of PROTECTION around me, around Steve, around all my family and friends
house, property, cars and travel. I truly believe this prayer was activated just when I needed it. The drive on my way home was smooth and easy. All seemed in Divine Order. What if my wheel or gear shift had not stuck?
Would I have been in some unfortunate incident where I wished I had stayed in the parking lot a few minutes longer? I will never know, and I do not need to know. What I DO KNOW is I am always being cared for, looked after and loved by the ONE Spirit, Power, Universal God in, as and through me.

Invoke YOUR Angels today and everyday to keep you in the Spiritual Ring of Protection for your highest good. All Delay is a Divine Delay. Be grateful
for those times. Appreciate your safety with stop lights, stop signs, cars that won’t start or even flat tires.

Say thank you to your ANGELS ALWAYS ASSISTING!

Always Grateful,
Abigail and Steve