FLING Out Your Prayers



March 29, 2022

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” – Jean Houston

” The one who dares to FLING their thought out into universe intelligence with the positive assurance of one who knows and dares to claim all there is, will find that it will be done. God will honor their request.” – Ernest Holmes, ‘Creative Mind’

Dear Friends,

I read these quotes from the ‘Science of Mind’ magazine one morning and loved the idea of FLINGING prayers into the Universe! How often do we sit in a chair and pray quietly? I do every morning. The ideas of FLINGING my prayers into the universe was exciting and appealing. I went out onto the balcony and spoke my prayers out loud and they were flung into the universe!!!

I remember doing that very same thing years ago, standing on my balcony and speaking my word (words and thoughts are prayers) out into the universe asking for a LABYRINTH to be built here on our property. Then the MAGIC happened. My first thought was, I need to clear the backyard of an old rusty swing set and some stored tables and chairs. I walked back into our house and looked at a local newspaper and there was an ad for “Haul Away Anything!”
I called right away and much to my surprise, the man said, he could come out immediately! We negotiated a price and before noon that day, the backyard was cleared! Steve was attending a graduation and when he got home, I said go out on the balcony and see a surprise. He did and said, “Where did everything go?!” I explained, and with that, his architectural mind went into gear and he designed our labyrinth, which we have today. In a week or two we had made many trips to the Rock quarry and hand picked the rocks to create the labyrinth paths. We purposely left part of the circumference open because we wanted to have a Blessing Ceremony for the labyrinth, where people would bring their own rocks with dedicated blessings to surround the labyrinth.
The SPEED of creating the labyrinth from FLUNG WORDS in the universe to the ceremony was incredible. It was only a matter of weeks from start to finish.

I realized I fling prayers every time I go somewhere in the car. God goes before me preparing my way. and I am always safe and other cars around me too.
I fling prayers out into the grocery store when the line is backed up and we need another checker. In a matter of minutes a person shows up and I am usually the recipient of the hand wave to come over to his/her counter.
I fling prayers out to the universe on my walks.

TODAY FLING your heart felt, most wanted prayers out into the universe and allow the flow and speed to occur. Be ready and be prepared to be amazed!