Dear Friends,

Steve and I attended a wonderful one day virtual ANTN (Affiliated New Thought Network) conference last week. The theme was “A World Rooted
in Love.” We heard inspiring words, spectacular music, and participated in many interactive breakout sessions.
Here are some inspiring thoughts:
Recognize the Living Spirit is within each person.
All journeys are unique and needed. Yours too!
There is nothing separating me from you. We are ONE.
Turn your attention to the Inner space within you. That is where you live.
30% of what we say, think and do influences the world.
BE the Living, Shining Example.
Keep raising your Consciousness to grow and spread your wings.
The most important relationship is with ourselves. – Nurture Self Love

Steve and I brought INTERFAITH into the mixture. We shared ALL faith traditions are Rooted in Love. That is where each one began. Each avatar, prophet, messiah, holy man was the living example of LOVE. Every word expressed came from LOVE (gratitude, joy, compassion, kindness, oneness.) These faith teachers were NOT of the faith. They taught the Universal Principle of LOVE.
Christianity began with the worship of Jesus, who was a Jew.
The Lutheran Faith began with Martin Luther, who was a Roman Catholic.
The Methodist Faith began with John Wesley, who was an Anglican.
Baha’u’llah was not a Baha’i, Buddha was not a Buddhist, Confucius was not
a Confucian, Krishna was not a Hindu, Mahavir was not a Jain,
Lao-Tzu was not a Taoist.
If humankind had only taken the teachings which emphasized LOVE, not doctrine or dogma, we may not have so many wars between religions and countries.
GOD created us out of LOVE.
We all need to return to LOVE..
LOVE is the Highest Power and Good in the Universe.
Love for our family, friends, and people we do not know.
“Love turns strangers into friends.” _ Rev. Jacqui Lewis
Love for those who hurt us.
Love for all humanity.
LOVE sent out, always comes back around.
Let us ROOT our lives each day in LOVE. Let us be mindful of our thoughts and actions. When a challenge comes up, ask yourself…
How can I be loving in this situation?
How can I be loving to this person?
How can I be kind and speak gently?
We do not have to love the person’s actions. We can love the GOD in each person. For it is the essence of GOD within all that connects us, and roots us in LOVE.

Rooted in Love,
Abigail and Steve