Let Go Let God


” I am always growing, always changing. With gratitude, I receive the blessings while letting the painful memories go. I have no room for regret and do not dwell on things I have no power to change. As I release unwanted thoughts and unpleasant memories,    I free myself to enjoy new experiences and create beautiful, lasting memories.”      (August Daily Word)

Letting go, is one of the most powerful life experiences and also the most painful. It is powerful when you finally release a desire for that perfect job, spouse, partner,
friend, event etc. to realize better and more profound good is meant for you. That job you sought, was not the right fit. That spouse or partner was not the right match.
That sought after friend was not loyal or truthful.
That event needed to go in another direction for its highest purpose.
When we realize GOD ALWAYS has greater good for us, we begin to let go and let God on a daily basis. The Divine flow just happens. The Divine phone call or person you meet “accidently” is right for you and/or your situation at hand. You stop trying to make things happen and allow Divine orchestration to happen. Your Divine Purpose finds you!

Letting go is painful when a person we love has cut us off, or won’t speak to us. It is painful when a friend is hurtful and we keep trying to “make things right.”
It is painful when a situation happens and we can do nothing about it. These are times when we feel helpless and powerless. It is also at these times we need to remember
GOD is the ONE POWER who sees the greater good in everyone and in all situations. There are people in our lives that must,
and are ready to find their greater good elsewhere. It may not be with us.
The more we release to God, the greater good will find its way back into our lives.

Letting Go is a benefit to your health. When we want to hang on to something, it affects our bodies. Mind, Body, Soul all are interrelated. The more we release our will
to the divine will, the more we will relax, feel at peace and the turmoil in our bodies will calm down.