November 15, 2022

Dear Friends,

Lately I have been taking a flashlight with me when I walk early in the mornings. I want to be sure I am seen by cars and trucks going by. I am enjoying the darkness before the sun rises. There is something magical about the dark. I always feel I am closer to and in the Presence of God. I know in truth God is always present, however when it is dark, I tend to shut out and let go of daily concerns and plans. The darkness affords me time for quiet, rest, and peace. I sleep better and longer. I surrender and just relish in the season of late Fall and Winter.

Our bear friends, as well as squirrels, hedgehogs, turtles, snakes, woodchucks, hibernate for rest and renewal in the winter. Trees, plants, flowers go dormant in the winter as well. It is wise to follow their example for rest and renewal.

This darker Fall /Winter season really shows us how important it is to take a moment to quiet our minds and focus on the Presence of God in our lives.

Watch the sunrise, watch the sun set. Both are quiet sacred times. Do you remember the movie ‘City of Angels” where all the angels gathered in the morning and at night on the beach to be present for the sun rising and sun setting? It may only be a movie, however I could feel the sacredness of the moment before the day began, and at night as the day ended. The angels were restored and renewed after a day with us humans!

We too need to be restored and renewed. Take time in the morning or at night to rest and feel the Presence of God. You can do this during the day just by closing your eyes and giving yourself a break, a moment, a time for the Divine. Quieting the mind helps solve problems and create new ideas.

As Louis Armstrong says, “The day is bright and blessed and the night is dark and sacred.”

Restored in Sacred Darkness,

Abigail and Steve