Birth Your Christ Consciousness



Dear Friends,

Last weekend we had the pleasure of attending the “WALK THROUGH BETHLEHEM,” an authentic re-enactment of the Nativity Story presented by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. It felt real and sacred.

This experience gave me pause to think about that night over 2,000 years ago when the LIGHT and LOVE of God came forth in this beautiful child to change the world consciousness. I believe this story when read, sang about, re-enacted each year, reminds us of where we are in consciousness, and we re-discover the story is really our own. We all were birthed in the earth dimension, coming in as pure spiritual beings in a human body. We grow, we learn, we make mistakes, we get angry, and yet we are still those beautiful spiritual beings and will forever be. This Christmas let us birth something greater than we can ever imagine. Let us birth greater compassion, greater, joy, greater care for ourselves, greater service for others, greater love for all people everywhere.
Let us truly birth our own Christ Consciousness, as the LIGHT of the World.

Remember, you are a wise man bringing your own sacred gifts to the world honoring God, Christ and the Divine Universe.
You are the shepherd, humble and in service to those who need care and help.
You are the Angel speaking Truth, Joy and the Good news in high vibrations.
You are Joseph, the protector, leader, strong in heart and mind.
You are Mary, willing to listen and do God’s Will no matter what.
You are Jesus, the Christ Consciousness, come to earth to spread Love, Joy
Peace and Belief in your own minds and hearts to create a world that works for everyone.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this day. It is a Holy Day. Let us keep the sacredness of this day in mind as we gather with family and friends.

In Love and Light,
Abigail and Steve