What Do You BELIEVE?







Dear Friends,
I start with prayer in the morning and find my day flows easily. I just seem
‘to know” which street to take on my errands. I just seem “to know” to go left rather than right when needed. My “to do” list rearranges itself
and becomes God’s “to do” list. People call me at the right time when most needed. I speak my word in grocery stores and post offices for divine order
and timing when I am in a long line. I am then, either called to a new open cashier or a new post office worker steps in to help. When I am in the God Zone
it is easy and effortless. I think about why that is, and I realize it is because I BELIEVE my word has power to create my life.

I was reading an article in the Science of Mind Magazine called
“The Prayer That Gets Results,” by Ernest Holmes. The article talked about a man’s prayer for his wife’s health. Deep within him,
he believed his prayer would be answered. Even in the midst of her illness “a deep conviction came to him, a complete faith and confidence that his wife
would be restored to health. He got down to a deep fundamental cause underlying everything…
God is life and he was praying for more life;
God is love, and he was praying for a deep love;
God is peace and he was more completely entering in that peace.
He merely said: ‘God, make perfect the life you have given me, restore my wife to health because I know everything is possible to YOU.’
There was THAT within him that knew his prayer would be answered. Jesus the Christ asked, before He healed anyone, ‘Do you believe?'”

This morning in my own prayer time, I wrote down what I REALLY believed about God. I truly know that answered prayer happens because
the person who prays believes it will happen. My question for you is, What do you Believe about God? I love the analogy of the drop of water in the ocean.
The drop has all the essence, properties and qualities of the ocean because it is the ocean (see Rumi’s quote above.) It is part of the wholeness of the ocean
and is the ocean. The ocean cannot be, without all its parts. We are a drop of God in the GOD WORLD. We have the essence, properties, qualities of God because
we are God. God cannot be or exist without ALL ITS PARTS, you, me and everyone. God is Source and we are the expressions and emanations of God. God knows Itself
through Its creations – US. I BELIEVE when our conviction of this truth is so strong, prayers are Divinely answered.

Once our prayer is complete, we must release the prayer to the Divine Will.
As a God Drop we see only a small part or parcel of the God World. When we release the prayer saying “this or something better,” we are
allowing and BELIEVING in the immensity of God, the GOD WORLD, GOD MIND, GOD HEART, to answer the prayer in the HIGHEST Way.







Do you have a health challenge? What do you believe?
GOD is perfect health and wholeness. That is YOU, now and always. Can you believe that? If not say it over and over again until that Divine spark
of belief fills you up.
I BELIEVE I am whole, in perfect, health, feeling alive and happy.
I am God, God is Me.

Are you looking for a job? What do you believe?
GOD wants you to be successful and happy in your chosen field of work.
God has the right and true job for you that brings out all your talents, skills
and abilities. Can you believe it? If not say it over and over again until the Divine spark of knowingness and belief fills you up.
I BELIEVE I am in my right and true job which brings be joy, happiness, and success. I use all my talents, skills and abilities and even learn more. The people I work with are ethical, fair, uplifting and compassionate.
I am God, God is Me.

Have a deep conviction, a complete faith and confidence in the power of your word in prayer.
BREATHE, Release and let go and let God be God in you, as you and for you!