State What You Want!


Dear Friends,


State what you want, not what you see!


“What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true within limits to be found experientially and experimentally.”

John Lilly


I was reading the Science of Mind magazine and Ernest Holmes talked about “The Positive Opposite.” He says, “If there is anything you dislike about your work or environment, state clearly in one sentence what it is you want. Regardless of what your problem is, do your best to affirm its opposite…”


I believe I do this all the time. On the road in traffic jams, I state

“The road opens and I easily move forward.” I always state, ‘there is a gas pump open for me when I arrive.’ At times I cannot see one at first so I drive around and keep stating it. Soon at least one car pulls out and I pull up. Stating the opposite is affirming what you want and believing you already have it. If I affirm green lights I generally get them. There are times I hit EVERY red light, which to me is a ‘red flag’ to trust, let go and let God move me forward in safety.


Steve and I celebrated our 21stAnniversary last week so we went to

Old Town San Diego, one of my favorite places to walk around. We walked to a beautiful open air Mexican Restaurant, and I mentally said, ” I want to sit in the shade.” The waitress brought us to a table directly in the sun. I looked at it and asked if there was a shady table. The waitress said no. I looked at Steve and mentally affirmed, “I am sitting in the shade.” I mentally SAW a shady table and stated what I wanted.

We waited a moment or two, not willing to leave. A few seconds later a couple got up from the table next to ours and left. I smiled and immediately sat down at their shady vacant table. I asked the waiter if it was OK, and he said ‘No problem.’ He just had to clean the tabletop.

State what you want, not what you see!


We also went into a lovely GEM store. Steve had every intention of buying me a ring. I was happy looking; however, I wasn’t sure I would find one

there. We walked around the store once and I just shook my head saying to Steve I am not finding anything I like. We walked around the store again and Steve pointed to a case with rings. Steve found the button to rotate the jewelry racks within the glass case. As it turned, I saw a ring. I said STOP. I liked that ring. We asked the clerk to open the case and I tried it on. IT FIT. It was lovely, an amethyst in a silver setting. You may be asking why I did not affirm or state what I wanted. My mind already thought I might not find one. Ambiguity births ambiguity. Uncertainty births uncertainty. If it hadn’t been for Steve stating what he wanted, regardless of not seeing it at first, and not leaving until we looked one more time, I would not have a lovely new ring.

State what you want, not what you see!


If you don’t like an appearance of a situation, state the opposite. Remember you are the Cause, not the Effect. Our thoughts and feelings have an effect on our environment. We emanate vibrations all the time. Our words go into the Law of Mind and are always acted upon.


Rev. Jeffrey Ryan says, “The Word spoken upon the waters of consciousness is the ONE Creative Source of All. I am mindful that my actions and activities affect the entire web of life. My thoughts, words and deeds have impact…”


Stating what I want with joy and appreciation,

Abigail and Steve