Dear Friends,








 Do you remember that movie? It was a fun comedy! The words, TRAINS, PLANES AND AUTOMOBILES popped into my mind because many people will be traveling on vacations during these summer months. Last year we flew three times, and each time I would write out a prayer treatment and say the Unity ‘Prayer of Protection.’ I would visualize a White Light around the plane and Angels on the wingtips. I would see Angels inside as our flight attendants.

The light of God surrounds us; the love of God enfolds us,                                      the power of God protects us, the presence of God watches over us.                        Where we are, God is and all is well.

I love this prayer and say it often. Every morning one of my rituals is to vision a ring of white light I call the RING of PROTECTION around each member of my family including me. This visual and words spoken has kept me from harm numerous times, especially when driving in the car. I am always careful about checking my mirrors and looking over my shoulder before changing lanes. However there have been times when a car seemed to come out of nowhere and almost hit the side my car. Just before that moment, I seemed to pause one more time before changing lanes. I believe that was GOD, my Angels keeping me safe in the RING of protection I called forth earlier that day.

I was reading about Arlene Jullie’s vacation story in the July Daily Word. She traveled to South America and one of her experiences was on a boat going towards an island. When a storm came up, the waves were “towering over the boat” and she wasn’t sure they were going to make it. However She kept repeating the “Prayer of Protection” and never let her mind vision a disastrous outcome. She visioned the boat arriving safely. The good news is the captain did get the boat safely to the port.

Her story reminded me of my experience many years ago when I sailed in a small 28’sailboat from CA to FLA through the Panama Canal. At times there was some very rough weather and seas, yet I knew GOD was always with me.

When my daughter was 16 we went on a Caribbean Cruise and we were excited to see the many islands and just have fun. After touring one island, we started to come back to the ship. As I was walking along the pier my heart started pounding and I felt severe anxiety as we stepped onto the ship. On board I had an internal fear, which I could not shake or validate. Why was I feeling this way? Later before going to bed, I looked out our cabin window and I had the image of the boat sinking and people running with life jackets to life boats. I did not want to alarm Tammy, yet I did tell her I was anxious. I got prepared to leave if necessary. Then I called my mentor minister in CA and told her what I was feeling. She called her prayer group and they went into prayer. I went into prayer and called forth the RING of Protection around us and everyone on the ship. I visualized the Divine LIGHT flowing through the ship inside and out. I did this as long as I could until I fell asleep. I woke the next morning and all my fear and anxiety was GONE! When we left the ship for another island tour we saw workers “mending” the side of the ship. We will never know what happened or could have happened. What I DO KNOW is the Prayer of Protection and the visioning of Divine Light surrounding the ship and flowing in the ship SAVED us!

This summer, wherever you travel whether it is on a on a plane, train or automobile call forth the RING of Protection and say the ‘Prayer of Protection.’ You will be glad you did!

Save Travels,

Abigail and Steve