Unexpected Opportunities


Dear Friends,

We had an unexpected opportunity and bonus in our lives last week.

Seemingly out of nowhere we each received a letter (in the mail on an official letterhead) invitation to attend a “Cypress Land of Embrace” concert at the 47th Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America on July 3rd at the Sheridan Marina Hotel. Steve and I looked at each other with a “who? what? why?” expression. We have no contacts with the Greek faith organizations here in San Diego and this letter originated from New York! How did they hear about us? Must be a GOD Thing!

We had a choice, to disregard an invitation out of nowhere, or to pursue and accept this bonus. A Greek concert sounded like a lot of fun and great music! So we said YES.

We had a delightful contact, Father Rev. Dr. Nicolas Kazarian who met us early in the day with a day pass to attend any workshops or plenaries and walk through their exhibition hall. We met lovely people in the Exhibition Hall and marveled at the beautiful and ornate chalices, jewelry, church décor and artifacts as well as exquisite robes. There was information about the Greek Orthodox Church activities and outreach. We met a lovely lady, Elina, from Greece and chatted with her for a long time.

After the Plenary and supper, we were sitting in the long walkway hall watching the many priests, Bishops and attendees go by. As we were looking at the door across the hall, all of a sudden it opened and two men dressed as Santa Claus walked out. I think our jars dropped. They came over to us and we engaged in a wonderful conversation.


They truly have a Santa Ministry where they take requests from parents and call their children and talk to them on a zoom call before Christmas. It is more than just what the children want for Christmas it is a sweet conversation about who the children are, what they like or don’t like. The kids can talk to them about anything. The youth often have their own iPads or laptops and walk around their house showing Santa different things.

We also asked them why priests are dressed in black. Steve and I were talking about how so many clergy in many faiths wear black robes. Of course at this Congress we saw 100’s of priests and bishops dressed in black. These lovely Santas (Peter and Kevin) said it signifies “Death to the world.” In other words, letting go of worldly things and putting full attention on God.

At this point we felt we have already had a FULL afternoon and the concert had not even begun. We met Father Nicolas Kazarian 15 minutes before the concert and he introduced us to the United States Archbishop Elpidophorus. What an honor it was to meet this kind and gentle soul. We were then escorted to front row seats and enjoyed a 2 1/2 hour concert of lively, fun, foot stomping, hand clapping Greek dancing Music!!!

This unexpected opportunity was a GIFT from God blessing us with meeting new and wonderful people with a future of collaboration and continued friendship. Who knows where it will lead? Obviously GOD does. It has inspired us to reach out to the Greek community in San Diego to get to know them and invite them to participate in our Interfaith work.

When divine opportunities come your way, no matter how they look, big, small or who? what? why? GO FOR IT. You will be blessed!

Accepting the Unexpected Gifts,

Abigail and Steve