Dear Friends,

As I was recovering from a severe cold, cough and sore throat these past two weeks, I realized if I cannot continue my responsibilities for the POINT Interfaith Team by informing the members of events, happenings, newsletters, meetings with agendas, minutes, treasurer’s reports, and committee meetings as Executive Director, who would be my backup? At the time, no one. I needed help. I contacted the board and we put in place a contingency plan so that the system continues even if I cannot not, for whatever reason.

This got me to thinking about how everyone at some point in life has to move on, and allow someone else to fill his or her shoes. This thought didn’t set well with me. I love my work. I love doing what I do and really don’t want someone to step in and take over. I allowed that thought to set for awhile. Then I had a new realization, a new higher consciousness thought.

NO ONE CAN TAKE MY PLACE as a spiritual being. I stopped thinking that I could be of no value anymore if someone replaced me at my human job. There may be someone ready to step into my job when I am ready, however no one can REPLACE ME as a Spiritual being. I read a beautiful affirmation in the July Daily Word,

“As a divine being, I am valuable and irreplaceable. “It also said, “The world needs my unique contributions. Like a beautiful gemstone, I, too, am a precious jewel among so many others. Together we sparkle and shine.

Jobs are jobs, passionate work is passionate work, winners are always replaced by other winners. DIVINE BEINGS, you and I, are never replaced and last forever. We are always VALUABLE and VALUED by GOD in our human life and beyond. This is the Truth that never ends.

I will continue doing the job/work/passion I love for as long as I can with backup and then release it when the time comes. I may let go of the job, however I never can release my Value as God’s human vessel on earth. YOU TOO are Valued, Valuable forever as an individualization of God forever and ever. Amen.

Knowing Our Worth                                                                                                 Abigail and Steve