I SEE YOU as GOD Individualized


Dear Friends,

We are in the midst of Interfaith Awareness Week, loving all the beautiful programs and speakers from different faiths and cultures from all over the world. We can feel our Unity and Oneness.

I have a CD in my car which I love to listen to called “Songs for Humanity” by Cahill & Delene. One of those songs is called” Shades of Brown.”

The basic lyrics are:

“I have never seen a white man.

I have never seen a black man,

I have never seen a yellow woman, purple, red or blue man.

I have never seen a green man, orange or tangerine man…..

We are all just different shades of BROWN and stand on common ground.”

The lyrics go on to say how we are all the same on the inside.To hear the whole song go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6KMmPr1YKM

Edwina Cowan (Spiriutal Playdate.com) says let’s “Celebrate Skin.” We can celebrate our skin color and also know our beautiful skin color does not define us. Our skin only protects what is essential inside our human body, to live here on earth. What is essential is our Godness, our Spirit, our Christ/Buddha Consciousness that guides and directs us everyday in our life as we live inside our human bodies.

Kathy Juline, RScP says, “You have a name but you are not your name. You have a body but you are not your body. You have a story but you are not your story. Who are you? You are a center of God-consciousness, perfect and timeless.” (August Science of Mind Magazine)

Not only do we need to remember this TRUTH for ourselves, we need to remember this TRUTH for everyone we meet. We can recognize the color of people’s skin, recognize their culture, faith and ethnicity and also know their Divinity. I believe each person chooses to live in a particular body for Spiritual Growth, What we must always SEE is the Divine Presence within ALL people, YOU included.

We greet our brothers and sisters this week participating in Interfaith Awareness Week and with love, joy and see them for who they really are:

GOD individualized.


Abigail and Steve