Dear Friends,
In the past few weeks, not only have I have physical challenges, my brother in law has as well. He had to be taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital in Omaha. My sister in law let family and friends know what was happening and kept us informed daily. My niece’s and nephew’s family came to his hospital bed and needless to say all were upset and very concerned about his health and well being. Everyone, including Steve and me, began praying for him. We never know what the soul will choose when facing illness. My prayers are only for his health and wholeness.
“I pray for others with care and compassion but without attachment to specific outcomes. I need not force what I think should happen. My part in prayer is to hold each person in unconditional love and support.”(March Daily Word)
In New Thought we know and declare the TRUTH of each person we pray for.
First, I acknowledge GOD as the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omniaction, Omniloving, and Omnipresence in all, through all and as all.
Second, I affirm my ONENESS with the Almighty GOD, Source and Good of all Creation.
Third, I affirm my brother in law’s Oneness in, as and of God. God within my brother in law is whole, perfect, complete, healthy, and strong. He always has been and always will be. This is the TRUTH of his being regardless of appearance.
Fourth, In deep gratitude I thank God in the name of Jesus the Christ, and the Christ Consciousness of all.
. I release this affirmative Prayer knowing it is demonstrating NOW.
Throughout the prayer I Visioned him walking, laughing, healthy and happy.
We as prayer givers cannot predict the outcome because each soul must make a choice to either come though the challenge and continue life on this side, or continue life on the other side. Everyone has a choice. Our prayers are thought vibrations heard by the “person” of whom we are praying for. These vibrations of goodness, health and joy nestle into the consciousness of the person. He or she knows on a spiritual level there is no disease or ill health in GOD. The person prayed for can feel the change in hi/her body. All we do is know the TRUTH. God is the individualization of my brother in law and having a human experience through him. God is him.
Needless to say my brother in law is back home, healing in human time and happy to continue his journey in this lifetime.
Remember YOU are an individualization of God in human form, whole, perfect and complete,
Abigail and Steve