Anchored in Faith










Dear Friends,

“Faith is my anchor in a sea of doubt.”
(October Daily Word)

I read those words and was immediately enamored with them. Here are some doubts we hear people say.
I doubt this world will ever be at peace.
I doubt there is more goodness in the world than evil.
I doubt that I will ever have enough (money, joy, friends…)
I doubt I can do that project.
I doubt I can speak in front of people.
I doubt that person will ever change.
I doubt he or she will ever forgive me.
And the list goes on…..

If and when your mind goes in the doubt spiral, stop for a moment and think…what is my faith for, if I cannot see beyond appearances. Everything is an appearance of consciousness. Our world seems to be reeling and needs a beckon of light for hope and happiness. That is where FAITH comes in. Where do you put your trust? In GOD/SPIRIT or the human experience? Time to put your FAITH to work and Vision the Truth of each person on earth. Each person is a Spiritual being having a human experience. Each person is a creation of God. Each person is a Divine Spark, whether they know it or not. As YOU and I begin to SEE the TRUTH of each being, and ourselves, the Truth emerges & manifests.
We all know the Original People’s story about the Wolves. The grandson asked the grandfather, which wolf will win, the evil or the good? The grandfather said, the one you focus on, and pay attention to.
We must focus and pay attention on the GOOD in people and ourselves.
We must focus and pay attention to the truth that we are capable spiritual beings. We listen. We forgive. We uplift.
Focusing on doubt will only increase the doubt. Focusing on God and the truth of our being, will always increase the Good.
Then we can say, “Faith is my anchor in a sea of doubt.”

Anchored in Faith,
Abigail and Steve