Dear Friends,
On my walk I noticed a row of trees, which all looked the same, and yet when I got closer they were different. The branches, the tree trunk, the roots all were different, and yet they were of the same tree line. Isn’t that like us? We all look a little different yet, we are all human from the God line.
Take this step further, and all religions may look different yet they all come from the God line. God brought forth wisdom to saints, messiahs, prophets,
not the other way around. Who is to say, one is better than the other.

I watched a wonderful webinar by a colleague, Dr. Jim Kenney, who talked about the first and second Axial Ages. He believes, as do I, we are moving forward towards, and partially in, the second Axial Age. In a nutshell, the first age is tribal and the second age is global. Our consciousness is expanding and enlightening with thoughts that move outside our borders, whether they be religion, state, or country. Of course there is always a span of consciousness in any age. Our goal is to reach and become an awakened global conscious society. He clarified the words, “Inclusivism” and “Pluralism” for me. I had actually thought they were the same. He said:
“Inclusivity is accepting of all faith traditions,
and yet we still think ours is the best.
Pluralism goes beyond inclusivity where we realize another’s faith path/tradition is just as valid as our own.”

When I looked at those beautiful trees, each was magnificent in itself. All religions are magnificent in themselves. They give us grounding and purpose. There does come a time when we expand and look at the good and magnificence of other traditions and begin to incorporate some beliefs and practices into our own. When we do, we are moving toward Global Consciousness. In time maybe being Spiritual, with all the values of all traditions, will become more important than religiosity with its rules, laws
and creeds.

The Rim is where we are set in our fundamental religious ways. As we open to learning about each other, we begin to journey to the center where GOD is the Hub. At this point all religions and spiritual practices are valid and Love is the core. (Kenney) Rumi said:
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field and I will meet you there.”
Pluralism is the Hub, the field, where we all realize, no one and no religion is better than another. We meet there with mutual love and respect.



Dear Friends,
I believe the Universe is always sending us messages, ideas, solutions and opportunities.
The question is are we listening?
Steve and I had a wonderful virtual Harmony Breakfast last week with leaders from POINT Interfaith Team, School District representatives, Interfaith Worker Justice, Anti Defamation League, Hands for Peace, San Dieguito Interfaith Ministerial Association, Racial Justice Coalition and the Assistant to our Congressman, Scott Peters. We truly had Diversity at the table. As I listened to everyone’s thoughts and visions on how to bring more inclusion to their workplace and home, I realized there was a window of opportunity for me there. I felt like a door was opening for me with the School Board Trustee and the Director of Student Services in our Poway School District. My vision was to be a liaison between POINT and the Poway Unified School District. These ladies would be wonderful to work with and so I will continue to connect with them. The Universe opened a door for me to work with educators in the area of inclusivity and diversity. I am choosing to step through it to see what new possibilities are on the other side.
Is there a door you wish to open? Has there been opportunities you have passed up?
Is there a the direction you want to go? Listen to your inner voice. If it keeps nagging on you, maybe it is time to OPEN the door.
Scripture says,
“Seek and Ye Shall Find…Knock and the door will be open to you…”
Rev. Philip White (Unity Magazine) said,
“Doors are decision makers, able to open or close opportunities.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
“God enters, by a private door into every individual.”
Remember to say YES, to zoom events and activities that interest you. You will never know who you will meet and connect with. It may be that one person who will open the door of opportunity for you. Even if you are not sure, STEP through the doorway and check it out.
Stop saying no or maybe. Start saying Yes, and give it a try.
We all need new and wonderful purposes. Nothing ever stays the same, so goals, dreams, intentions will change too. Open up the door of your heart and mind and step through to discover what awaits you on the other side.
Opening the door,
Abigail and Steve

The Hill We Climb








“The Hill We Climb”

“When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never-ending shade,
The loss we carry a sea we must wade.
We have braved the belly of the beast.
We have learned that quiet isn’t always peace,
And the norms and notions of what just is isn’t always justice.
And yet, the dawn is hours before we knew it.
Somehow we do it.
Somehow we have weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken but simply unfinished.
We, the successors of a country in a time where a skinny black girl descended from slaves
And raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president,
Only to find herself reciting for one.
And yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine
But that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect.
We are striving to forge our union with purpose,
To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man.
And so we lift our gazes, not to what stands between us, but what stands before us.
We close the divide because we know to put our future first
We must first put our differences aside.
We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another.
We seek harm to none and harmony for all.
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true,
That even as we grieved, we grew.
That even as we hurt, we hoped.
That even as we tired, we tried that we will forever be tied together.
Not because we will never again know defeat, but because we will never again sow division.
Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree,
And no one shall make them afraid.
If we are to live up to our own time, then victory won’t lighten in the blade,
But in all of the bridges we have made.
That is the promise to glade, the hill be climbed.
If only we dare it because being American is more than a pride we inherit.
It is the past we step into and how we repair it.
We have seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it,
Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy.
And this effort very nearly succeeded.
But while democracy can be periodically delayed,
It can never be permanently defeated.
In this truth, in this faith we trust.
For while we had our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us.
This is the era of just redemption. We feared it at its inception.
We did not feel prepared to be the heirs of such a terrifying hour,
But within it, we found the power to author a new chapter.
To offer hope and laughter to ourselves.
So, while once we asked how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe,
Now we assert, how could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?
We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be.
A country that is bruised, but whole. Benevolent, but bold. Fierce and free.
We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation,
Because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation.
Our blunders become their burdens.
But one thing is certain, if we merge mercy with might and might with the right,
Then love becomes our legacy and change our children’s birthright.
So let us leave behind the country better than the one we were left,
With every breath in my bronze-pounded chest,
We will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one.
We will rise from the gold limbed hills of the west.
We will rise from the windswept northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution.
We will rise from the lake rimmed cities of midwestern states.
We will rise from the sunbaked south.
We will rebuild, reconcile, and recover in every known nook of our nation
And every corner called our country.
Our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful.
When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid.
A new dawn looms as we free it,
For there is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it,
If only we are brave enough to be it.”

by Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureate at the Inauguration.2021



Circle of Love


Dear Friends,
Believe it or not, we are in FEBRUARY, the month of sweetness, love and Valentine’s Day. Today let us imagine a      Circle of Love
where everyone holds each others hands with the intent to always drop hands to let another person into the circle. Imagine the
circle becoming wider and wider and people laughing, singing, chanting with joy and love for one another.

Let us all imagine the circle surrounding the earth and all that love radiating out into the world and universe. Imagine the angels
smiling on us and joining in the celebration!
This Circle of Love is inclusive, so no one is left out.
All are welcome, all races, nationalities, cultures, ethnicities, immigrants, genders, young, old, in-between, homeless, the good and the bad.
For we are All God’s children, loved without preference or favoritism. The Oneness, the safety, the security, the connection,
the non-judgement and Unity is felt by all.
What a wonderful world we would live in. Let us make it happen!!!




Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureat shared her beautiful poem,
“The Hill We Climb”

Dear Friends,

It was a beautiful inauguration day for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. It feels like we have America back in balance, truth and integrity again. Let us keep our President and Vice President in our prayers as they restructure our society to be inclusive, equal, diverse, and compassionate, for people of all colors, nationalities, ethnicities, genders, and gender preferences, EVERYONE!

I feel like our new leaders are role modeling from the top down, the ideas of communication, collaboration, and uplifting the wide strengths, skills and wisdom of diverse people to help lead this democratic country. We again have leapt forward in consciousness as we did in 2008 with President Obama. Unfortunately the old ways and old paradigm took over for 4 years, where divisiveness, exclusivity and autocracy was thought the only way to run our country. However the old ways must change to allow the new paradigm to come in, democracy to flourish, so all can benefit and prosper.

The NEW is really not knew but ancient spiritual wisdom. We are all one people in, as
and of God. Each one is loved and unique.
Each one is “the individualization of the One Spirit and all people are individualizations of the One Spirit.” (What We Believe by Ernest Holmes).
Let us continue to BE this High Consciousness of Inclusivity, Equality, and Diversity and DO what we must do to insure these ideals in our family, friendships, work places, churches, centers, mosques, temples, synagogues, organizations and charities.

Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,
Yesterday we celebrated Martin Luther King Day. I love his beautiful quote saying ” Only
Light can drive out darkness and Love can drive out hate. At this time I encourage everyone to intentionally send Light and Love to anyone who is promoting hate. Light and Love is God within each person. We need to remember that truth about ourselves and our neighbors, all of humanity.
We are about to bring in a NEW AGE of Consciousness with our new President,
Joe Biden. Any time there is change, the old just does not want to leave or give up.
What is the old? The old is racism, divisiveness, inequality, hate, fear of the other and more. This is the time the NEW is breaking through and the TRUTH is appearing in all areas of life. We are ONE people, unified under God. We are Divinely connected. When
we hurt another, we hurt ourselves.
We must not only pray for peace on our streets we must pray for those in our state,
US Capital, and the world. We must pray that the Consciousness of God, within ALL people, will rise up. It is like a flower finding its way through a crack in the sidewalk cement. The cement tries to hold firm, however the flower with all its precious goodness and beauty cannot be stopped. God Consciousness cannot be stopped! It is rising in each and every one of us to a greater degree.
We must also pray for the ability to forgive. I was wonderfully reminded about
who I Am and who everyone else is from hearing this wonderful children’s book,
Take a few moments to watch the story on You Tube.
Without forgiveness, we cannot have unconditional love for ourselves and everyone.
It is our spiritual evolution.
Loving and Forgiving,
Abigail and Steve









Dear Friends,

The other day I was listening to some favorite CD’s and one was by Eric Hansen, a beloved musician, songwriter and singer. Eric passed away some years ago, however his beautiful songs and lyrics remain filling us with joy and truth. The words below are from his song
“The Holy Man.” It reminds us we are all holy, precious and worthy. In 2021 let us all remember we are created by God so we ALL have God’s DNA, Divine Nature Attributes,
(from Detra Johnson RScP) within us.
Over the holidays we may have been frustrated by mail and delivery people when packages, or mail did not arrive on time. We may have felt irritated when service in stores or restaurants were not quick or correct. However, all people are Holy, created from God’s DNA.
In the New Year, let us make a commitment to see the HOLINESS in all people we come
in contact with and/or over the phone. When we do, our irritation subsides and we can continue to BECOME more of our GOD DNA potential.

Here are the Beautiful Words and the YouTube video link is below.
Enjoy and Remember!


Treat every one you meet
Like a holy man
Know that every step you take
Is on holy land

Do not grow impatient
Do not speak in haste
Do not strike in anger
There’s so little time to waste

We are holy
Anyone you see could be
The Holy Man

It could be a stranger on the street
A lover that you meet
The check out girl in a grocery store
Standing on her feet
It could be that guy you were so rude to
When he was nice to you
A teacher that you hated
When you were back in school

Treat every one you meet
Like a holy man
Know that every step you take
Is on holy land

You are me
And I am you
We are one
Spinning ’round the sun
And when the day is done
We have done our best
To see the Holy Man





Treating All as Holy,
Abigail and Steve

BEing a New You in the New Year






Dear Friends
This has been quite a year for us, expanding our faith and increasing our fortitude!

Our hearts and prayers go out to all the people around the world who lost their lives due to COVID and to the families grieving.
We continue praying for our essential workers and the scientists who have worked so diligently throughout this year to take care of the sick and create a vaccine for the health of the world. We bless them and express our gratitude and thanks for their service to humanity.

Ernest Holmes in his “What We Believe” says:
We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
We believe all those who have passed on to the other side are still expanding their soul because they are immortal. No one ever “dies.”

As the New Year approaches, how do we want to BE in the coming year. How can we expand spiritually here on earth?
Where are the areas we need to learn and grow? We are here to BEcome Godlike. Our Spirit is perfect, and yet here on earth our challenge is to recognize the perfection and beauty of our Spirit, our God essence.
“We believe in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-kindness
and the eternal Givingness of Life to All.
We believe in our own soul, our own spirit and our own destiny,
for we understand that the life of all is God.”
The LIFE of ALL is GOD. Can we in 2021 move ahead in our spiritual growth to recognize God in ourselves is the same God in ALL people everywhere?
Can we be kind to ourselves, therefore be kind to everyone regardless of faith, culture, creed or political persuasion?
What will we have to BEcome in order to do BE that?
For an inspirational video, please view the Near- Death Experience of Jeff Olsen.


In the midst of great pain and hardship, the message it always there.
GOD IS, Heaven exists and we are NEVER alone.

BEing New in the New Year,
Abigail and Steve

Birthing Christ Consciousness

Dear Friends,
This is the week Christians and New Thought celebrate Christmas.
We love the story of the baby Jesus being born in a manger with Joseph and Mary as his earth parents and God as his Heavenly Father. This story implores people to accept on faith that Mary conceived this baby by God, and Joseph stood by her knowing the child within her was not his. What a tribute to Mary, who under scrutiny, judgement, perhaps gossip, stood her ground and said YES to God. Another tribute is to Joseph who stood by Mary as well. Here was a young couple, not married, having the baby, who in time would change the consciousness of the world! How strong and courageous would we be in their situation? We honor them greatly as examples of faith, trust and belief.
Today we see this beautiful birth as as symbol of the Christ Consciousness being born within us. This sweet baby Jesus had to grow up, learn and expand his Consciousness before he was baptized into the Holy Work he came here to do. We all are birthing, growing, learning and expanding our Christ Consciousness to do what our soul/spirit came in to do. (Read below for the AFC Event)
Let us remember daily we have the potential to be Christ Like. We have that within us (God Spirit) to do what Jesus the Christ did. He was and is our wayshower. In all situations today, next week and next year we have a choice in every encounter and every situation to cast the Christ Light on it. We can take the HIGH Road and see all situations from a LOVE perspective. We can choose to serve, give, forgive, be kind, compassionate wherever we are and wherever we go.
Jesus Christ said, “Love God, Love your Neighbor (which meant ALL people, whether you like them or not), and yourself.” Loving yourself is being kind, forgiving, compassionate, and self caring. When you are happy, you have the ability to bring joy to others.
Be AWAKE, and mindfully ALIGN with your CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Be the LIGHT for others and yourself. Bring and Be LOVE wherever you go.
May you have a very Merry Christmas. If you celebrate another faith path, may you bring YOUR LIGHT and LOVE to all as well. Whether you call it Christ Consciousness, God Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, it is truly LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Be It, Bring It.
Love and Light,
Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,
Three leaders in the San Diego faith communities gave inspiring thoughts to these three words LOVE, HOPE, FAITH in the Sunday San Diego Union Tribune, as they looked back on 2020 and ahead to 2021. Here are some excerpts of their messages. To read the complete article go to
The San Diego Union Tribune, “OPINION” section, December 13, 2020.

Imam Taha Hassane, Islamic Center of San Diego and member of POINT Interfaith Team
“As a Muslim, believing that my faith convers all aspects of life and shapes my view on life, humanity, divinity and afterlife, the new year-symbolizes and opportunity for reflection.
The first thing is Time. When I am given time, I am given an opportunity to live longer to fulfill my purpose., to serve the Creator and show mercy to the creation. Second is self-accountability, spiritual evaluation. Finally as I plan for my future, I ask myself these questions:
What do I want to achieve in the next year regarding my relationship with God, family, and community?
How can I improve myself and become a tool of inspiration and source of goodness?
What should I do to contribute to the betterment of my community, my nation and our world?
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, what is my role, as a faith leader, to ensure my community’s safety and well begin?
What more could I do to have my voice heard standing firmly for justice and challenging injustice.
I invite you to join me in these reflections.”

Bishop Robert McElroy, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego
“Christ’s entry into the world is more than the revelation of a child born in innocence and hope. It is God’s consolation and comfort that in the most difficult moments of our lives, divine grace is intimately present. Religious hope is the conviction that in times of suffering and hardship God will find a way to accompany us as in these days of pandemic, economic struggle, sickness and isolation. We mirror the journey of Mary and Joseph. They had to leave behind their familiar home, come to a distant city to experience the birth of their first born child without support of family and friends. After the year we have all lived, increasing and sustaining joy and gratitude may be more challenging than ever, but amidst all the difficulty, we are reminded of the human capacity to find light, joy and miracles in our daily lives. May each of us have the courage to light our way with courage, resiliency, resolute faith and hope.”

Rabbi Yael Ridberg, Congregation Dor Hadash in San Diego
“We have been searching for miracles all year; an end to the suffering. To be able to embrace one another again and to gather without concern. This week Jews all over the world will light the eight-branch Hanukkah candelabra to remember and celebrate the unexpected miracle found in the depths of despair. The miraculous jar of oil found in the Temple desecrated by the Syrian Greeks should have only lasted for one day lasted eight days. The miracle of the first night was that of faith itself, faith that would enable the people to begin again. Hope is essential in the midst of despair. Hope is an act of defiance and an act of love. Joy is an expression of spiritual resistance and one of resilience. May each of us have the courage to find the flask of oil, however small to light our way forward together.”

Symbols of Christmas

December 15, 2020

Dear Friends,

At this time of year I like to prepare myself in prayer and meditation for the wonder of Christmas and all it means. Every symbol has meaning and significance, and springs forth from an idea that came before.

Many churches celebrate this Advent Season .
“Advent is a time of expectation and hope. “Advent” means “arrival” or “coming,” and it prompts us to pause each day in December and remember why Jesus came at Christmas. Advent today is a time of anticipation and expectation of the birth of Christ. Advent lasts for four Sundays leading up to Christmas. The Advent wreath is created out of evergreens, symbolizing everlasting life in the midst of winter. The Advent wreath is a symbol of the season, with a candle lit each of the four Sundays leading up to, and on Christmas Day.
The candles represent Hope, Faith, Joy and Peace. The middle candle represents Light and Purity and is called the Christ Candle lit on Christmas Day.”
The light of the flickering candle flames reminds us who Jesus is: “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:4-5).”
Remember to always let your LIGHT Shine as a sincere heart, kind word, and a supportive action.

Christmas Tree and Garland
Other Christmas symbols are the Tree, and the Garland. Gathering Garlands is an ancient Druid influence. The freshness reminds us of life everlasting. The Christmas Tree represents the Tree of Life (also Jewish symbology) and honors the Christ presence in the home.

Martin Luther originated the first domestic Christmas Tree.
The Sacred Heart of Christmas by Flower Newhouse.

Christmas Carols
Christmas Carols are enjoyed by all. There was a time when people actually went door to door singing the favorite songs of the season. I did with my dad when I was little. It was a joyous event even in the cold wintry Chicago air. Sound and Song are considered in many religions the true way of communication with the Divine (Hindu, Sikh, Ekankar). “Christmas Carols possess latent power for unifying men and women with the higher orders of Life,” the Holy Ones, the Angels.
The Sacred Heart of Christmas by Flower Newhouse.

Three Kings and the Star
“The three Kings represent the souls who have risen above their lower natures and found what is truly important. The empty wilderness resembles the uncharted times in one’s life when familiar ways no longer exist. One must strike out towards the star and ideal.”
The Sacred Heart of Christmas by Flower Newhouse.
We all have times in our lives when what was working, no longer works, nor serves us. Time to open to a new way of living, moving and having our being. Let us follow the star (intuitive guidance) of our heart.

For the next two weeks, allow yourself time to remember the reason for the season.
LOVE, JOY, PEACE, KINDNESS, all the that Jesus the Christ represented. Ask yourself, what does this Holy Day and Season mean to me?
According to Flower Newhouse, a Mystic, and Minister, “Emmanuel” was the name the heavens knew Jesus by. It was his Holy name. Jesus was his earthly name.
Let us all tune into our Holy name and be that which we aspire to be now and always.

With Love,
Abigail and Steve.