The Butterfly Effect





Dear Friends,

The news carried more alarming terrorist actions in Sri Lanka. Our hearts and prayers are with all the people affected, which includes you and me.
We all feel the sadness and pain even when this happens a world away.
For we are all connected and the whole web of life vibrates the pain.

Every word we say, every thought we think, affects the world. Remember the “Butterfly Effect Theory?” When a butterfly flaps its wings it can make a change in weather somewhere in the world. I do believe our words, choices and our actions can make great changes of which we may never see.
We must not allow ourselves to become numb to these hurtful events so that it becomes our new normal. It is NOT normal to hurt another human being.
Our NORMAL is to love, be kind, forgive, understand, accept, support and help one another. Every great avatar spread the same message.
Even the “terrorists” in Jesus time were forgiven. Last week was Easter week and on the cross he said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Three days later he rose and let people know, nothing can stop the eternal life we have been given. Those three days in history sent huge energetic vibrations all over the earth, and more than 2,000 years into the future we are still feeling the affects of that Biblical event.

So today, pray for those who are afflicted, abused, hurt. Also pray for those inflicting the hurt to remember who they are, God being God here on earth.
Carolyn Myss said, “Everything you do matters!”
The late musician Eric Hansen wrote a song called, “Our Thoughts are Prayers.”
The Buddha said, “Radiate boundless love toward the entire world…”

Radiating Love,

Beyond the Golden Rule






We celebrate the annual Golden Rule Day coming up on April 5th and we celebrate the idea of going beyond the GR to the Platinum Rule.
It is a slightly different shift in consciousness when applying the PR.
Golden Rule -Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Ex – You see a beautiful fish in the water. You want to preserve him, keep him happy and healthy. For you, being happy and healthy means breathing AIR. So you bring the fish out of the water to the air and realize, that is not what the fish needs nor wants.
Platinum Rule -Do unto others as they would like to be treated.
Ex -You see a beautiful fish in the water. You want to preserve him, keep him happy and healthy. With understanding and education you know the fish must remain in the water to stay healthy, so you do everything you can to keep the water clean.
The Platinum Rule is essential in the Interfaith Arena.
In order to embrace friends across religious traditions and cultures, we must begin to learn what they need, believe in and are comfortable with.
Ex – We as Westerners may wear shoes into our churches and synagogues.
We are comfortable with that idea. However in order to show respect and apply the PR, we take off our shoes to honor Eastern traditions and Islamic traditions before entering a holy sacred space.
We also wear head scarfs in Mosques, Sikh and Hindu Temples. We wear yarmulkes in Conservative and Orthodox synagogues.
We are all like beautiful flowers in one garden. Each flower has its own unique fragrance and growing needs. Some need to remain moist to stay healthy. Others need a dry desert climate to grow. As people, we are unique in our faiths, relationships, cultures, clothes, personalities and more. Once we begin to appreciate and respect our differences, we see so many more similarities.
Let us all honor our uniqueness and learn from, and about each other.
When we do, we will truly be going beyond the Golden Rule


Going Platinum,

Forgive Your Enemies


Dear Friends,
If you have not heard, I want to let you know there was a senseless arson attack early Sunday morning on one of the Masjids in Escondido, CA.
Our heartfelt condolences goes out to this community.  We were all shocked and horrified to hear another terrorist attack happened in our own neighborhood and community. We condemn the white supremacist ideology that led to this attempt. We faithfully stand with  our Muslim brothers and sisters. For when an injustice and killing takes place in one locale, it affects people all over the world.
There were several speakers before the evening Muslim prayers began.
I spoke on behalf of New Thought and the Poway Interfaith Team.
(photo below).  I encouraged everyone to reach out to people of different faith traditions to get to know them better, through potlucks, service projects,  and sharing faith beliefs. As my byline above says, “When knowledge is shared, awareness and understanding become greater.  Myths and misconceptions are dissipated, and barriers of fear melt away.”
Rev. Meg Decker, from the Episcopal tradition, and also part of the Escondido Together Interfaith Group said it is part of her tradition to not only love your neighbors but to pray for those who persecute you, or harm you in any way.
The more we pray for love within them, the softer they will be and their hearts will change.   Beautiful words.
In all traditions there is FORGIVENESS.  As we approach Good Friday, we remember the words of Jesus the Christ,  “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
What is happening with these attacks on faith houses, is, the community is rallying together, standing up for one another, and becoming closer friends and supporters.  Hate divides. Love and Compassion bring people together.
Let us all pray for those whose hearts have gone astray,
have been poisoned  with lies.  Their glass may look dark,
ugly and murky.  When we pray for them it is as if we are
pouring pure water into the glass.  As the prayers keep coming we see the glass overflowing and slowly the murky water begins to flow out, and what is left
is sweet, pure water.
Keep the prayers flowing and see hearts softening and becoming pure, as God has intended  it to be.

Hands and Heart






Dear Friends,
This Sunday we were at The Unity Church in San Diego hearing a wonderful message by Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell. As always the music was inspiring.
We sang the song by Karen Drucker called “Blessing To the World.”

You are the heart. You are the hands.
You are the voice of Spirit on earth.
And who you are, and all you do, is a blessing to the world.

We are the heart. We are the hands.
We are the voice of Spirit on earth.
And who we are, and all we do, is a blessing to the world.

I am the heart. I am the hands.
I am the voice of Spirit on earth.
And who I am, and all I do, is a blessing to the world.

As we were singing this song, I really felt the Unity of all attending the service and singing the words. We are all blessings to the world. We all have unique purposes to achieve and be. No one is out of the loop. A phrase Rev. Wendy repeated was, ” We are Magnificent Beings and still a Work in Progress.”
The two go hand in hand, not opposed to one another.
Each one of us is created by the Divine Source of all Good, Love, Wisdom and Intelligence. That is our DNA. How we use this identity and knowledge is our choice here on earth. And I believe, if we are here, we are still learning and growing in our spiritual unfoldment, hence, “a work in progress.”

The Science of Mind magazine was devoted to the same idea on March 10.
Rev. Joanne McFadden shared a story about a dog trainer and her unique purpose. She trains dogs who are blind and deaf. She has taught deaf dogs
sign language and uses other trained dogs to help the blind ones learn how to navigate a house. All her dogs are adoptable when she has completed her work. What a wonderful gift she blesses and brings to the world.

“Spirit needs each of us to express Itself, and Spirit is intensely creative.
It created each of us for a special purpose. Have you discovered yours?
How can you be the heart and hands of Spirit on Earth like no one else can?”



I AM the Messiah

Dear Friends,
The Prophecy
“Once upon a time there was a small community of people who were not getting along with each other. They would bicker and argue all day long…
Then one night their minister had a vision. The vision was very simple and very short. The vision told him, ‘One of your members is the Messiah.’
The minister shared his vision with the community and from that day on things began to change.
Every day when one member of the community was with another member they would think, ‘Maybe this is the Messiah.’ So they began to treat one another with more love, more care and more respect. Each person began to think,’Maybe I AM the Messiah,’ so they began to treat themselves with more love and respect. The community began to prosper and the members stopped bickering and arguing. The community began to grow and others came from far and wide to join them because it was known for the love, care and respect that flourished there.”
Children Believe Everything You Say, by Jennifer Day
We can all learn a great deal from children’s stories. These stories are for everyone. Adults who read them, remember who they are. For in truth, we are all messiahs. We all have God’s DNA within us. We all come from the same Source as Love. We all have the Christ Consciousness potential. Jesus the Christ said, “What I do, you can do also.” Time to stop bickering with one another and be loving and kind to each other. We may not agree with others, however we can show respect for their opinions and ask, ” How did you come to feel or believe that way.” This opens conversations without push backs or walls in consciousness.
Those who choose to continue acting as if they are not God and Good, will eventually realize all action is karmic and Divine justice is always served. All are on their own evolutionary journey.
Be the messiah today, be good to yourself and good to others. All are here for a purpose, and we can respect God’s intention for everyone.
I AM one of many Messiahs,

Our Connected Family

Dear Friends,
I was reading the article about Wayne Dyer in the ‘Unity Magazine’ and was
reminded again of our human/spiritual connectedness.  At this time in our history we seem to be a divisive people.
We need to remember who we are – Spirit, God, Love and Light.  Even more we need to remember we all come from the same Source.  Our roots are God. We are all one BIG family, growing, learning and evolving in many ways. From the image, above, we can see people on the branches,  at different levels, different sides, yet all CONNECTED at the root of our being.  God’s DNA is in each and every one of us. Wayne Dyer, quoted in the article said,
“We are all branches on the same tree, this tree of humanity, and that no tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst each other. When we engage in battle,… we’re just creating more of the stress, fear, anxiety and tension that we say we don’t want in our world. People get so caught up in their emotions, especially when they believe what someone else is doing or thinking is wrong. Your HIGHEST SELF wants peace. Go to that place of peace.”
In Religious Science we know when we pray, we go to that place of peace, God within, and know the Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Ominloving and Omniaction of Spirit within ourselves. We feel the Divine because we are the Divine.  I like to think of God as “stretched out in smiling repose.”  It is that place where all is good, whole, healthy, abundant, peaceful and joyous. When I feel it for myself, I feel it and know it for all people I am thinking about and praying for.
We do not have to agree with people’s opinions. We do not need to argue our point. We DO need to see them as our brother and sister, branches on the same tree in the same family.  Let us do unto others as others would want us to do to them.  Let us be kind, loving and respectful. Every thought and action is a ripple out into the world and felt by all.
Sending Love,

Happy Valentine’s Day

Dear Friends,
This Valentine’s Day Blessing is my prayer for you this week. God, our Source, Creator, Divine Parent birthed us with It’s LOVE, Light, Wisdom and Intelligence. Love is inherent within us, which allows us to feel love for our spouse, partner, child, parent, friend, co-worker, and even the stranger on the street. There is a favorite saying, “There is no spot where GOD is not.” We can easily put the word LOVE in the quote. “There is no spot where LOVE is not.” Even in our most difficult challenges, LOVE is there. When we feel our world is crashing down, LOVE is there. When we break up with our partner, spouse or friend, LOVE is there. For the Intelligence of the Universe is based on LOVE and the Highest Good for all is continually revealing Itself. Our eternal life is designed to move us forward knowing and being more LOVE.
We do not need another person to feel love. Love is within us already. Once
we recognize LOVE is who we are, we can begin to express it in so many ways.
Kiss your spouse/partner
Hug your child
Smile at your neighbor
Refrain from judgment
Say hi to a homeless person on the street
View a challenge from another point of view.
Send a card of appreciation
Make a phone call to someone you haven’t talked with in awhile.
Pray for the Highest Good for all, whether you agree with them or not.
I know you can think of more ways to be and express LOVE.
No need to rely on another person for LOVE. If we have the special relationship where we feel One Soul is flowing through two bodies, let us count our blessings and give thanks. If we don’t have a spouse or partner, let us give thanks for our family and friends. GOD/LOVE is within YOU and within everyone. LOVE is the origin of the Universe. This LOVE Energy will continue today and forever. You can’t stop it, just flow with it. Be happy and be at peace.
Happy Valentine’s Day!


 NEW THOUGHT DAY First Sunday in March





ANNUAL New Thought Day
Celebrated the First Sunday in March every year (since 2012)

This is the day New Thought Centers celebrate their legacy and tradition around        the world.
Rev. Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science
Rev. Drs. Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, founders of Unity
Rev. Melinda Cramer, Founder of Divine Science

“In 2011, after realizing the different New Thought organizations’ focus on differences rather than similarities, Rev. Dr. Steve Albert brought them together and created “New Thought Day,” observed on the first Sunday in March of each year.

The first public announcement was made at Hillside International Truth Center (the late Rev. Dr. Barbara King’s center) in July 2012, and in January 2013 the Multifaith Action Society included New Thought Day on their annual calendar.

Rev. Dr. Steve and Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert founded the All Faith Center in Northern San Diego County. Both are active, long time members of ANTN, and Abigail is a past Board president.

Attached is the PowerPoint which has been edited and approved by 10 New Thought organizations including: Unity World-wide Ministries, Centers for Spiritual Living, Affiliated New Thought Network, Hilltop International Truth Center, Association for Global New Thought, Agape, Divine Science, Universal Foundation for Better Living, One Spirit Ministries, Church of Truth, Home of Truth and Seicho-No-Ie.

The Power Point may be downloaded for free for presentation to ANY organization which wants to explore the history, beliefs, and rituals of the New Thought Tradition.

CLICK on the blue New Thought Day below.


Celebrating our History and Principles in New Thought Centers around the world.
Check with New Thought Churches in your area for special events on that day.
Centers for Spiritual Living
Unity Centers
Independent New Thought Churches (Affiliated New Thought Network)





All Faith Center Labyrinth Walks

 Walking the Labyrinth is Walking to the Center of Who You Are.


Everyone is welcome to walk our Labyrinth on their own time and pace.
It is a walking meditation. As we walk, we are open and receptive to Divine Ideas,
our Divine Purpose and Divine Transformation.

A labyrinth is a sacred geometrical symbol with a single path leading to a center point.
It is not a maze because there is only one path.  The walls keep you on the path.
The goal is in the center of the labyrinth.  When you reach it, you have gone half the distance – you now need to turn around and walk back out.
Its unique pattern is designed to shift awareness from left brain to right brain as you walk, inducing a heightened state of consciousness.
It allows those who enter to experience other ways of “seeing.”  The center point is the place of power.  A labyrinth is a single path or uni-cursal tool for personal,
psychological and spiritual transformation.  Labyrinths are thought to enhance right brain activity.
In a most basic sense, the labyrinth represents the spiritual journey; that of venturing to the center of your innermost being and then returning to the world with a broader sense of who you are.
It is a metaphor for life’s journey.  Inherent within the design of the labyrinth is its archetypical power, dating back some 3,000 to 4,000 years.

Sacred Events

Labyrinth Circle

Burning Bowl and White Stone Ceremonies


Family Center of Labyrinth 1

Other Classes and Events

Medicine Wheel and Drum Circle

World Labyrinth Day creating WANDS “Your Word is Your Wand”

and more…

We are available for groups (no more than 20) to walk the labyrinth.
We will share a brief history, and how labyrinths are used today.
There will be time for sharing, meditation and reflection after personal walks.
Refreshments and water provided.
Call 858-487-8885 to set up a time for your group to experience
the sacredness of the Labyrinth.



Replenish and Serve

Dear Friends,
If your life is like mine, you are busy with activities, events, meetings and trying to make a difference in the world. Yesterday, I heard a fabulous speaker, Bishop Cornelius Bowser speak about the Implicit Bias in our country’s history and laws of the land. Unfortunately we are still a country dealing with bias and racism. We hear it from leaders in our government, in the news, in the killings of black men and in the unjust rulings in the courtrooms. Biship Bowser said a person of color will get a longer sentence for the same crime than a white person. We hear how some of our police officers tend to pull the trigger in the black neighborhoods, more than in white neighborhoods. People of color are pulled over in their cars on a regular basis. We hear White Supremists holding rallys and marching. Bishop Cornelius told a story of a Mayor telling his Police Commissioner to stop all the rampant crimes in the black neighborhoods. The PC took the police gang unit out of the black neighborhoods and put them in the white neighborhoods. He took the police patrolling the white neighborhoods and assigned them to the black neighborhoods. CRIME DROPPED almost instantly.
We know the Spiriutal Principle, when we LOOK for something, it generally appears in our world. When we see good, we get good, when we see bad we get bad. Simplistic? Yes. True? Yes.
There is so much need in our society, helping the homeless, the immigrants, the refugees, the people of color, it overwhelms me. I want to cry because there is so much fear and hatred happening in our country. I am paralyzed at times and feel I cannot do anything. I felt this way yesterday after the Bishop’s talk and all the people who stood up advertising their particular justice events. I was not the only one feeling this way. I talked with a friend who also went to this event. She said the negative energy is over powering sometimes where she cannot do anything.
I realized, I need to bring my saddened heart and overwhelmed mind out of the abyss.If you are at all feeling helpless, first write down all the good things you have done and are doing to help someone. Then choose ONE thing to do that will lift a person’s spirit and consciousness. Simple things will have a ripple affect and you will never know what the outcomes will be.
Take clothes to Good Will or the Salvation Army.
Keep some food in the car and give it to a homeless person on the street.
Take food to a food pantry.
Find an organization that speaks to your heart and get involved.
Most of all find a sacred place for your personal stillness and quietude.
Replenish yourself with the LOVE and LIGHT of the Divine, then go out
into the world and help others.

Replenished and Serving,