Vote to Save America

Dear Friends,

I believe we are all feeling the disconnect and negative energy of the political drama in this country. This is a reminder to VOTE in November. It is the most important mid term election we have had in many years. In my opinion, the POTUS is beginning to transform our nation of freedom into one of dictatorship. With his trying to stop journalists and reporters from writing and reporting the news and eliminating security clearances of our top FBI and CIA people, we are sadly becoming a fearful society.
His inappropriate behavior, his white supremism, his lies and his alienating all our of allies and making “friends” and sharing secrets with dictators whose ideologies are in contrast with what we stand for, is unacceptable in my heart and mind.

PLEASE VOTE in the November election and encourage your family, friends and young adults you know to VOTE as well.
We must stop the rise of this ambitious bully.
We CAN do this. He is the Goliath and we are the Davids in this country. Let us “hit” him where it hurts where he can do no more harm, AT THE POLLS.

1. Vote for those who stand against him.
2. Vote for those who are more interested in the good of the country, than pleasing POTUS and being fearful for their government seats.
3. Vote the young adults in. the OLD regime needs to move out, and let the NEW, bright intelligent, creative Young adults in! We keep saying they are our future. This is wrong. They are our NOW!

Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science, says, “Treat and move your feet!”         We pray first, then take action. Prayer without action is like standing in an elevator and not pushing the button to the floor you want to go to.
If we do not vote, we will not have the country we know and love.

For more information and to register to vote, go to

Freedom for All,

 NEW THOUGHT is being represented at the 2022  Parliament of           World Religions.
If you would like to be a delegate and participate, please contact
Dr. Barbara Fields at the AGNT Office [email protected]

4 Seasons
AGNT – The Association for Global New Thought is the founder and sponsor of
the Seasonal Celebrations throughout the year.
Go to their website at  http://www.agnt.rog/seasonsfor information and programs nationally and globally

Season for Non Violence – January  – April
Season for the Earth – April – June
Season for Humane Service – June- August
Season for Interfaith & Intercultural Understanding – September – December

Rev. Dr. Abigail & Rev. Dr Stephen Albert are members of AGNT


Time to Unplug


Dear Friends,

I love this sweet dog in the quote above. It reminds me of how I feel when I take time
to be at peace and relax. Every year I take personal retreat days to just get away, spend time with nature, walk trails, read, write, color (yes I color in adult coloring books) and listen to lovely music. I will be doing that this week and Steve will be home in his own “home retreat.” I do take my cell phone and check in daily, but no laptop and no work. This is time for myself to rest and rejuvenate. The appearance of the world is troubled. The vibrations seem edgy and I can feel it when I am not mindful.
I would suggest, even if you cannot take a few days off, for one day UNPLUG, Rest, Rejuvenate, however that looks for you. If watching the news is upsetting, DON’T for that day. Find a tree with a bench and just sit and be, or read an uplifting book.
What makes you happy? What makes you feel good? Incorporate those things during your R&R day. You don’t even need to answer the phone!
I have a minister friend who UNPLUGS once a week. No work, no talking, no phone, no computer.
Our bodies and energy systems are meant to be in balance. When we are out of balance, stress appears which can cause dis-ease. So Stay in-EASE and find the time just for you.
Being in Ease,


Wholeness is the Natural Order

I believe we all have had challenges with our health at some point in our lives.
In New Thought we believe the essence of God is within us, whole, perfect and complete.  We know Jesus the Christ truly embodied this belief and therefore could heal anyone and anything. He kept asking, “Do you believe you are healed?”
In other words, ‘Do you believe there is that within you which is already whole, perfect and complete?’  
Many of us WANT to believe this completely, and don’t always do.
In Lynn McTaggert’s book, “Intention Experiment,”   Glen Rein, a biologist, tested which prayer was the most effective for inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in a
petri dish. With the help of an experienced healer, 5 different prayers were explored. What he discovered was the most powerful intentional prayer was the one that“directed the cells to return to their natural order.” It inhibited the growth by 39%.(SoM magazine July)
God created the natural order of the universe. It is all in balance, whole, perfect, complete.  We are created out of this Divine order, Divine intention, Divine perfection which we call God, Spirit, Cause, Creator, Source. The natural order of God is already within us.  When we realign with this thought and belief, our atoms, cells, and molecules respond and begin moving towards their natural order of wholeness. Some examples:
  • I  remember a minister telling me years ago, when she worked in a laboratory doing tests on various cells, she keep singing “You Are My Sunshine.” She was a happy person so singing a tune came naturally.  Apparently she had to stop singing because it was affecting the test results.
  • Do you remember the water experiments by Dr. Emoto? He would say wonderful, kind words to murky, muddy water and the water would change and become clear.
  • When Steve had his stoke in 2003, I asked people to pray by SEEing him walking and talking naturally.  And he did!  In other words, back to the Natural order of God within him.
YOU are whole, perfect and complete. Within you is Divine Natural Order, no matter the physical appearance.  If you are challenged knowing this, find a New Thought practitioner or minister who can know it with you and for you until you can know it for yourself.
Wholely Perfect,

Prayer Works!

Setting Conscious Intentions.
Every morning we need to wake up with a conscious intention in mind. I know when I sit for my morning prayers and meditations, the whole day seems to flow. My intentions and affirmative prayers manifest in directions that are sometimes surprising.
The Mind loves an intentional thought that is clear and specific with the feelings that it is already accomplished. Not having a clear intention is like swimming in
muddy water.

Last Friday the temperature in Poway ramped up to 105 degrees. IT WAS HOT! We expected our daughter and her little dog to come over since they did not have air conditioning. Whew, at first it felt good to have cool air circulating through the house. Then all of a sudden we noticed the air blowing had lost it coolness. Our AC was out. We called our insurance and left a message. No calls back.
Saturday came. I called again and this time I got the name of the AC Contractor they used. Called twice. No calls back. Called the insurance again later on Saturday afternoon and also on Sunday. By this time we were frustrated. Two of our neighbors came over to see if they could figure out what was going on. No luck.
Monday morning I sat in my meditation chair and felt at peace. I wrote out a prayer treatment with one of the sentences saying, “Thank you God for sending the right and true AC man out today. Our house is now cool and refreshing…”
I visualized a man walking through the house and troubleshooting areas that could be at fault. When I was done I got back on the phone with the insurance and left another message. I also looked up other AC contractors, made an appointment with one for Wednesday. AUK! For some reason (intuitive sight?) I saw another AC contractor’s company with a good review from YELP and called him. He said he could stop by either later today, Monday, or on Tuesday. We waited. Finally at 5pm Nathan called and said he would be over in 10 minutes. He was. Here was my image of a man checking the AC both inside and outside our house, and fixing the problem in about 15 minutes.
Thank you God!!! In a short time, our house was refreshingly cool.

Linda M. Potter, RsP who wrote the SoM July Daily Guides says.
“When we pray for clarity, we’re asking God for the ability to sort through the mental and emotional fog; to see the spiritual truth in the situation; and to determine what we really want, what we actually need and what best serves everyone involved.
It is our emotional commitment to a thought that welcomes it into our lives and begins the manifestation process.”
I was emotionally committed to having our AC fixed. I let go of my original idea of who it should be, and allowed God to come in and connect me with the right and true person. I am forever grateful for prayer treatment, knowing it always works!

Grateful for Prayer,


Whole Perfect Complete

Dear Friends,
I was reading the July issue of the Science of Mind magazine this morning and a wonderful example of our Spiritual perfection was written by Linda M. Potter, RScP. Her topic was how we are all born WHOLE and perfect, regardless of how the human body may look or feel.
She said,
” A hologram is the perfect metaphor for how this works. When you cut a hologram of a rose in half, each half contains the whole rose. If you cut that same hologram into eighths, you will end up with eight complete roses. If we think of God as a hologram, no matter how many pieces IT is cut into, each piece, no matter how small, is a complete, whole picture of God. We are born whole and remain whole regardless of external circumstances.”
What a beautiful description of our God Selves. We are all whole and perfect parts of the WHOLENESS of God. When we do prayer treatment we go to our place in mind, heart and consciousness which only sees and knows that ROSE, that GOD SELF is always whole, perfect and complete. When we KNOW the Truth of our Being, it manifests! No matter how young or old, big or small, we are all parts of the ONE WHOLE GOD.
All There Is, Is GOD
Everything God is, is within us, complete and perfect.
Ernest Holmes said, we are not healed ( we are already perfect). The wholeness and health are already within us. When we know the truth, it is revealed.

Treat Our Children Well

Dear Friends,
Jesus the Christ said, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
(Matthew 25:40)New International Version)
In these times of government separating children and families, we each need to look into our hearts and decide how we want to show up in the world. We know we are all on a spiritual journey whether we know it or not. It does not matter whether we are Republican or Democrat, rich or poor, a different color or faith. What does matter is how we treat our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters of all ages. I believe the only thing we are required to do to move forward in spiritual transformation is to LOVE and to put LOVE in Action. We must care about the welfare of others regardless of race, customs, country or faith. Children behind cages is the opposite of LOVE. How can we treat our young ones like that? How can we allow our government do this? No man is an island. How we treat our immigrant brothers and sisters will boomerang back to us. It is the Law of Karma, the Law of Reciprocity. What we do will always come back to us in greater force. Not allowing people to come into our country seeking asylum from gang/cartel violence and threats to their lives is like turning them away from an island sanctuary back to the sea of sharks. It brings back the horror of turning away ships escaping Nazi Germany. The people on board were forced to return and were ultimately killed.
“Do unto others, what you would have others do unto you.”
“Do unto others as they would want done to them”
Where did we stop living and teaching the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule?
Time to refresh our conscience and consciousness.
Let us treat our children well. All children of All ages are All our responsibility.
Loving Actively,

Pray Affirmatively

Dear Friends,

Too often we forget, the power of prayer.
I am not referring to begging God for something
or making bargains with God…I’ll do this if you do that etc.
Prayer is the instant connection we have when we acknowledge God as all good and the Source of our being. We are the essence of God and God is All of us. As we speak our word, there is an instantaneous connection and response. There is a knowingness in God, in you, in me. As Eric Hansen sang, “Our Thoughts are Prayers…”When we are in need, all we have to do is recognize God already KNOWS what we have need of.
Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear”
(English Standard Version Bible)
We cannot hide our thoughts from God, for we are Spirit and prayers are stating our truth, our faith, our acceptance that what we affirm to be ours, is ours, and/or something better. Knowing the Divinity we are, takes away the fear of lack, limitation or unworthiness.
God never limits us. We limit ourselves.
God never wants us to be lacking. Our words and our beliefs create our lack.
God never wants us to feel unworthy? God created YOU and God is NOT unworthy.
Time  to restate your prayers.
Trust you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience.
Be clear in your focus and vision of what you want.
Have faith your affirmative prayers are heard, acted upon and outcome already done.
We are co-creators with God, creating our life and our experiences.
The more we say we “don’t have” the less we will have.
The more we say we Have Everything we need and more, then it will be so.
Change your thoughts and words from “I want, to I have,’ and ‘I can’t to I can!”

A famous quote by Dr. Ernest Holmes is,
“Change your Thinking, Change Your Life.” Try it. It works!


Truth, We are ONE

Dear Friends,
Do you stray? In thought? In word? In deed? I believe we all do at some time.
However, no matter how much we seem to be “off course” we can always return to the Truth of our being. In essence, we are ONE, we are Love. We are One with and as God and we are ONE with and as each other. We are One with those we love and One with those we don’t like at all. Whether we like someone, agree or disagree with him or her, we are still ONE and LOVE Reigns in all. That is our Spiritual Truth.
Ernest Holmes (EH), founder of Religious Science says:
“I believe in the incarnation of the Spirit in all, and that we are all incarnations of the One Spirit.”
“I believe in the eternality, the immortality, and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
These two quotes are part of our basic beliefs. Everyone is an incarnation of Spirit.
Everyone’s soul WILL forever expand into greater good, greater opening, greater awareness and greater love.
At this time it is extremely important for us to be the bringers of LIGHT & LOVE, and to be a safe haven where people can express opinions without harsh judgement. I know many people whose families are split politically and cannot even talk with one another. As Light Beings we need to be the listener. We don’t have to agree with everyone, we just need to listen, understand and love them.
Can we stand with them and continue to believe “in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God,(EH)” in us, in them.
When we do this, our loving, oneness energy will ripple out and affect the world.
We are here to change the world. The world is waiting for us. Changing the world, is first changing ourselves, our thoughts, words and deeds.
May loving kindness be in your thoughts, words and deeds today.
Loving Oneness,


I Love Mondays

Dear Friends,
I love Mondays!  I know you have heard many people say,   “I love Fridays” or TGIF.  Mondays for me is a chance to “Begin Again.”  It is my beginning of the week.  This is the day I do a longer prayer and meditation time, a full exercise yoga routine, a long wonderful walk and a slower time on our labyrinth.  It feels like I am starting over.
All the past week is  the past week.  I re-evaluate my life, my consciousness and decide how I want to change or continue this week.  It is also a letting go of any negative emotions that may have stirred me up from the previous week. To me it is
freeing to know I can begin again and start a new day/week fresh and free.  I remember the words I heard and wrote on my ‘white stone’ during our January Burning Bowl and White Stone Ceremony.  It was/is “River Flows.”  This reminds me of how the River of God’s Divine Wisdom, Love and Intelligence flows through me all the time. It never stops. When I feel frustrated, stressed or irritated they are emotions blocking my Good.   I stop and realize  the GOOD of GOD is always flowing within me.  I AM GOD as me.  I AM an Emissary of the Divine.  Being in that state of mind truly changes my consciousness, which changes my day, and stimulates creative ideas I can happily implement throughout the week.
Maybe your week begins on Tuesday, as  many clergy take off Mondays due to a heavy weekend schedule.   Maybe you work 4 days on, 3 days off.  However your work week looks, to know you can begin again with a new view, a new perspective on life is joyful and fun.
Remember you can “begin again” at any time, any moment, any day and
EVERY DAY.  No need to wait for your Monday.
Breathe deeply and allow GOD’s Good to flow though you now 
and begin again.