Are your nerves frazzled with all the political and natural disaster events happening?
The air and ethers are filled with this crazy energy and everyone and every thing is being affected. Each one of us is an AGENT of Change, A VESSEL of Light, an INSTRUMENT of Peace. Let us each make our Divine contribution to LIFE; human and animal, plant and planet, water and air and our beloved Mother Earth.
Just BREATHE in the breath of God, hold, and release any anxiety.
B Behold Beauty and Bountiful Good in everyone and everything.
R Relax with a favorite activity.
E Experience an Easy, Effortless, & Excellent day. Treat for it, See it, Feel it.
A All is Divine and All is God.
T Thoughts create. What peaceful thoughts are you thinking and creating?
H Help someone today. Doing an act of kindness makes you feel good.
E Embrace Diversity and uniqueness of all people.
Be God’s Emissary today. You are the Light, you are the Peace we need in this world.
Instrument of Peace – St. Francis of Asisi
Where there is hatred, let me bring love
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith
Where there is falsehood, let me bring truth
Where there is pain, I’ll comfort you
Where there is silence, let me sing praise
Where there’s despair, let me bring hope
Where there is blindness, let me bring sight
Where there is darkness, let me bring light
And with these words I speak
Grant that I may not so seek
To be heard but to hear
To be consoled but to console,
Not to be seen, but to see
To be loved but to love
For when we give love we will receive
When we forgive love, we’ll find reprieve
It is in dying we’ll be released
Make me an instrument of peace