Be Reverent, All is Holy


Dear Friends,

November is here with all the expectation of Fall becoming Winter, leaves changing color, preparing for Thanksgiving and being grateful for life itself.
I was reading in the November ‘Science of Mind Magazine’ a Daily message from Rev. Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones on “Living with Reverence.” He said,
“Living with reverence is remembering that we exist in a spiritual universe where everyone and everything is interconnected. Seeing the sacred in a seed
can be a spiritual experience if we will look beyond form and see the divine essence… Everything we do becomes a sacred act,… We see the God in ourselves
and in every person. Relationships become sacred.”

Reverence is mindful. When I walk I am fully aware of the beautiful trees lining the street and the birds flying in formation over head. I notice where coyotes
have been. I often move snails from the street to a grassy area. Even in CA the leaves are changing and I am in awe of the beauty and color. Sometimes I see fog
in the valley as the sun rises over the hill. It is a glorious moment in time, one I do not forget. We are all connected and our true reality is the Spiritual universe
as Dr. Dennis wrote.

During this month of November be mindful of all there is. Have a sense of reverence for Mother Earth.. Be reverent for each expression of God, animate or inanimate
knowing all belong here and we are connected to everyone and everything at the core of our being. The rock senses you, the bird knows you are there, the trees
lovingly share their energy with you.
As New Thoughters often say, “There is no spot where God is not.”
That is the Truth. Everything is Holy.

For a beautiful song, please listen to “Holy Now” by Peter Mayer.

As you begin this month, be Mindful, be Grateful, be Reverent for all the Good, the Beauty, and for Life Itself. Everything is Holy.

Abigail and Steve