BE Your God Power







I had lunch with two of my best and loving friends this past week. They are both highly respected and powerful women. Each has served hundreds, maybe thousands of people in their life time. They deeply care about people, live by personal values and their faiths. Each worships differently. When we come together we laugh, share and enjoy each others company. We trust each other when we share work and family situations. They both are a blessing to me and to the world.

I used the word “powerful” when talking about them. What makes them powerful? Not because someone gave them a position of power. Not because they were forceful in the workplace. Not because they put someone else down to rise up. They are powerful because they know where their power comes from, GOD! They are willing to serve God by serving others.

The powerful GOOD they do for people comes from a deep Faith in the Divine. ALL TRUE POWER comes from God Within. God leads us into our highest and best when we listen. There are always signals, and road signs. When we pay attention, we follow the direction our heart leads us.

Here are the three P’s for POWER

PRAY – and know God’s power is always within, available and working for your highest good..

PAY ATTENTION – When you ask in faith believing pay attention to what comes next; an idea in mind, a feeling “I have to do this” a knowing what needs to be done.

PROCEED – DO IT! Follow your God Power, that innate intuition which is the still small voice within you. Let go of the thoughts of, “Really?, I can’t do that. I don’t know how. What will people think? I am afraid”…. and so on.

If it is YOURS to do, God will open the way for you to do it. YOU have the Power. Walk and talk with God daily and not just in your morning meditation. God is available 24/7 and listening 24/7. For God within hears all your requests and is ready to give you much much more and even something better! Be open and receptive for your highest good.

Walking and Talking with God,

Abigail and Steve