Beginning a New Chapter






Dear Friends,

“… It is time to turn the page and begin a new chapter.”
(Science of Mind Magazine, August 12th Daily Guides)

I always like to read the Daily Guides in the SoMM. The quote above stayed with me because I really feel I am turning a new chapter
in my life and we collectively as humans are beginning a new chapter in our human evolution.
In the midst of this pandemic,
I am and we are opening our hearts and minds to a new way of looking at our life, our systems and structures.
I am, and we are reading books, gaining information and changing the way we view ourselves and others.
I am and we are SEEing our differences and are beginning to appreciate the various life experiences people have that are unlike our own.
I am and we, who are white, are listening now and recognizing the White privilege we have living here in the USA.

Our Next Chapter
Will show we are no longer hiding behind the old habits and ways of
doing things.
Will be setting up new ways of acting and reacting to people.
Will be restructuring the systems we are a part of to exhibit equality and opportunity for all.
Will be helping one another to a greater extent. When we help one, we help all. When we stand up for one, we stand up for all.

“Today is a fresh beginning, a new start and a joyous adventure on the pathway of eternal progress.
Today is bright with hope and happy with fulfillment.”
Dr. Ernest Holmes

I am and we are beginning to really SEE our oneness with each other.
I am and we are turning a new chapter in our human history and evolution.
I am and we are living in exciting times. Let’s step into the next chapter with joy, gratitude, fortitude and purpose!

Stepping into a New Chapter,
Abigail and Steve