BEing a New You in the New Year






Dear Friends
This has been quite a year for us, expanding our faith and increasing our fortitude!

Our hearts and prayers go out to all the people around the world who lost their lives due to COVID and to the families grieving.
We continue praying for our essential workers and the scientists who have worked so diligently throughout this year to take care of the sick and create a vaccine for the health of the world. We bless them and express our gratitude and thanks for their service to humanity.

Ernest Holmes in his “What We Believe” says:
We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
We believe all those who have passed on to the other side are still expanding their soul because they are immortal. No one ever “dies.”

As the New Year approaches, how do we want to BE in the coming year. How can we expand spiritually here on earth?
Where are the areas we need to learn and grow? We are here to BEcome Godlike. Our Spirit is perfect, and yet here on earth our challenge is to recognize the perfection and beauty of our Spirit, our God essence.
“We believe in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-kindness
and the eternal Givingness of Life to All.
We believe in our own soul, our own spirit and our own destiny,
for we understand that the life of all is God.”
The LIFE of ALL is GOD. Can we in 2021 move ahead in our spiritual growth to recognize God in ourselves is the same God in ALL people everywhere?
Can we be kind to ourselves, therefore be kind to everyone regardless of faith, culture, creed or political persuasion?
What will we have to BEcome in order to do BE that?
For an inspirational video, please view the Near- Death Experience of Jeff Olsen.


In the midst of great pain and hardship, the message it always there.
GOD IS, Heaven exists and we are NEVER alone.

BEing New in the New Year,
Abigail and Steve