Being the Good


Dear Friends,

“I am standing strong on my mountaintop of all good, giving and receiving all the abundant blessings of life, including peace, joy, prosperity, health, love, creativity and harmony. This mountaintop is on a bedrock of faith and trust with a gentle breeze of grace and ease blowing.” –
Emma Curtis Hopkins (May Science of Mind Magazine)

I loved reading this quote and read it several times to fully embrace the meaning. I was looking out over the hills in the back of our house and imagined standing on the hills and looking over the countryside. I did feel a sense of peace and all was right with my world. Reading this quote and affirmation truly states how we all can feel and be when we just allow our faith to be strong and stand on our belief in the Universal Life Principles (love, joy, compassion, peace, oneness, unity) which never wavers regardless of human thought or action. GOD, Life, Universal Energy is always working FOR us , not against us. The Universal God, Spirit, Holy Mystery is always GOOD – GOOD and very GOOD. That is the energy and vibration I choose to live in and with whether I imagine myself on a hill, mountaintop or here on level earth going about my daily purpose.

We can read the paper and get upset, angry, irritated , fearful, OR we can read the paper and see an opportunity to Bless people, see the good in them, know they are God’s children living life from a different point of view….
Those who appear to have lost touch with their God-ness, need prayers to help them remember who and what they are.
Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
People rise to the level in which we see them.

Today let us be and give goodness to all we meet. Let us accept goodness from all we meet. Let us know we are already filled with abundance, peace, health and prosperity. As we give, so shall we receive ( smiles, kind words, actions, tithes, donations to our spiritual centers & charities).

Bring people with you on your mountaintop so everyone can be the best
and see the best view of the world.