Dear Friends,

When we BLESS people we are bestowing God’s Love upon them. God loves ALL of us, no exceptions.

This poem is written by Mirabai Starr (Spirituality and Health)


Beloved One

You who endlessly create, sustain, transform and rebirth the Universe,

Thank you

For the luminous beings from every wisdom tradition, Known and Unknown,

Whispering secrets from the past and dancing among us right now,

Lighting our way,

With their poetry and tears, their exile and liberation,

Their resounding no and their full-bodied yes.

For the women who step up and take their seat against all odds.

For the men who bend to clear the weeds from their path.

And the ones whose true humanity defies, dissolves and absorbs all gender.

For Black femmes and brown girls, for Native elders and Asian babies.

For the image of God shinning from the faces of the blind and those rolling

in wheelchairs,

The ones who utter wisdom without words or live long lives without partners.

In brokenness and mending, in dismantling and tending.

For the radical rebel who embodies clear-eyes conviction.

Linking arms with those on the margins and making songs for the voiceless.

And the peacemaker who sees beyond duality.

Flowing like water around boulders in the stream, carrying us back home

to love.

For a thousand faces offered into the ground in solidarity with those who cannot breathe.

A thousand bodies rooted like small mountains in meditation.

A thousand pairs of hands weaving prayer rugs, harvesting pumpkins,

brewing tea.

For the lotus flower with its roots reaching unapologetically into the mud.

Its petals opening quietly to the sky.

For our shattered hearts when our loved ones die or choose to love another.

When we behold the suffering of those who do not have clean water to drink or Enough rice to make it through another day.

Of the incarcerated and victims of torture and refugees forced to leave the land they love.

For the blessing of red wine in a clay cup, a loaf of braided bread.

A day of rest

Thank you beloved one, for the ability to give thanks.

To give gratitude in spite of and also because of everything,

To say thank you, thank you, for the way you flower into everything that is.

Penetrating and saturating all that is,

Blessing exactly what is with your boundless, extravagant, impassible Beauty.

Blessings, Abigail and Steve