You Are Always Carried












Dear Friends,

For some reason I resisted writing this message today. I thought who wants to hear more about our hot water pipe leak fiasco. And then I heard a song from the past with words that said; “I fought the law and the law won…. I fought the law and the law one.”    I had to laugh because I was “fighting” an intuition that would not quit. The poem, “Footprints” entered my mine and so I released, let go and let God win.

Someone reading this today needs to know God is Always either walking with or carrying everyone in all challenges and crisis’s. God is moving through us as decision makers, and problem solvers. Sometimes we ask ‘Why Me God?’ Every experience we go through is a Spiritual Lesson for our Highest Good. Challenges make us stronger, more compassionate and grateful. We are then in a position to help others when they are facing their own challenges.

Some weeks ago I shared how we had a hot water pipe leak. That was fixed, and then the demo happened taking out the toilet, parts of walls, flooring and cupboards in the bathroom, hallway and laundry room. We had to wait until it dried using professional dryers in all three areas as well as the dirt basement. Once that was complete we waited for the insurance check to cover the restoration. It came and I realized not only did Steve and I have to sign the check, our mortgage company did too. So I sent it to our mortgage company and when I called to see if it arrived, I had an unfriendly agent on several occasions. Even my insurance agent said they would not talk to him! On Feb. 12 I called one more time and had a delightful agent who helped me understand the signing process and timing. What a change and relief! On Valentines Day I thought the check would arrive in a week or two, however God had other plans. As a Valentine surprise the check arrived that day!

Throughout this process of dealing with a leak. no hot water, water damage, in the house and dirt basement, the warranty company, insurance company and mortgage company, at times I felt completely alone. Then I looked at my daily prayers written out and realized everyday the prayer was answered in unique and wonderful ways. I am never alone. Sometimes I felt it was only me, then, like the poem said, …”The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, is when I carried you.” So true. Everything was always in God’s hands and arms. We finally felt God’s choice for the Restoration company and at some point they will begin working on our house to put it back together.

In the meantime I will continue to feel blessed because we have a roof over our heads, heat to stay warm and food for nourishment. God is orchestrating this process. God is the mitigator, the desk and field agents, the plumber, the demo crew, the insurance agent the mortgage agents (friendly and unfriendly) and the reconstruction workers! God is in all as all.

Wherever I AM, GOD IS and All is well! I surrender and allow God to carry me through this process and know it is already finished in Divine Mind because God as Divine Law Always Wins, and works for me. Amen!

Lovingly Carried,

Abigail and Steve

Uplift, Respect and Love One Another










Dear Friends,

Rev. Steve is working on his latest book, Dream Your Evolution, and in it he has created the most amazing poems for each chapter. I want to share a couple with you today.

‘No Age Limits Here’                                                                                                          “If you can stop and take a deep breath right now,                                                                   And know you have a peaceful place to rest,                                                         please share your dream with everyone around,                                                           for other folks who may not be as blessed.                                                                      A single prayer from you may do the trick,                                                                        for God knows what is growing in your heart,                                                                  To stop the hate and to dream of peace                                                                            to feed the families whose only world is grief.                                                                    Let’s dream our Soul is linked with heir own,                                                                   And they feel our love as we close our eyes to pray.                                                          Let us believe our dreams can help direct the way,                                                           To humankind embracing what we pray.”

‘A Plea for Peace’                                                                                                              “I fought the teenage bullies,                                                                                               I ignored the many ‘NOs’.                                                                                                   I’ve had my share of ups and downs,                                                                                I couldn’t make them slow.                                                                                               I’m looking for that perfect peace                                                                                          in all my dreams each night,                                                                                             I need your help to dream with me,                                                                                    and make this world seem bright.                                                                                  Let’s see the world evolving,                                                                                           together all as one,                                                                                                            Soul to Soul we’re finding,                                                                                                 the rainbows and the sun.                                                                                                  You think that I’m a dreamer,                                                                                       there’s a bunch of us out here,                                                                                      There’s room for you to join us,                                                                                          and show the world you care”

At this time in our country’s history, peace, freedom, integrity, honesty is out of balance. We, as citizens need to pray for Divine Direction to bring our world back into a state of goodness, and beauty. Right now Ego is leading the pack. Let us pray GOD within takes over and leads the pack.

Bullies no longer need to be feared and give out hatred. An internal realization rises up and floods each body to know living in peace, living in respect of everyone, living in uplifting each person with kind words, physical help and support is the only way. As Steve said, “show the world you care.” Decide how that looks for you and do it.

Love and Peace,                                                                                                                  Abigail and Steve

Everyone and Everything is Connected






Dear Friends,

We welcome February and look forward to Valentine’s Day. It is a day and month when we think about all those we love and let them know how much we care with cards, gifts, and special surprises. We feel love and connections with our “tribe” ( family, friends and loved ones)

Eugene Holden, writer of the Feb. SofM magazine Daily Guides says,                   “There isn’t anything we are not connected to.” POINT Interfaith Team’s theme this year is, “Grateful Connections, Unexpected Friendships.”

It is ALL about Connections and being in the awe of wonder when we meet someone who becomes our friend, leads us to a new job or purpose, a helper when we are in need and much more. Our invisible radar and connection with all there is, sends out messages and we receive what we send out.

Gregg Braden says: “Everything in our world is connected to everything else.”(Feb. SofM magazine)

A few weeks ago we had terrible and devastating fires in Los Angeles and even a couple fires here in Poway, where we live. Thousands of people began praying for RAIN. I put a beautiful invocation for rain by Morgana Sythove on the newsletter and asked people to say it and visualize it happening everyday.

The RAIN came and nourished the wounds of Mother Earth and helped relieve the stress of the people and fire fighters. We became the tribe of Rain Prayers. As Gregg Braden said in his quote,’ everything is connected’. We are connected with the water, the air, the clouds, the conditions that create rain. We are connected to the elements that cause the perfect condition to bring on the rain. God as elements HEARD our prayer and acted on it.

Even when we don’t know or are not aware, we are connected to ALL THAT IS.

In Ernest Holmes “What We Believe” declaration of faith, he says:                            “We believe Creative Mind receives the direct impress of our thought and acts upon it. We believe in the control of conditions through the power of this Mind.”

This month let us be aware how we are all connected. First we connect to GOD, then our human family (people we like and don’t like), the air we breathe, the trees, the environment, the water, the stars, planets, moons, suns and the entire Universe. We say a word, have a feeling and is known by God and the Universe. It is like a WEB, we pull a string and the vibration goes out to ALL and springs back to us.

Blessings, Abigail and Steve










Dear Friends,

Last week I shared how we had a hot water pipe leak.
Reading these words below from last week I have to update you on our progress.
“I realized no matter how hard I pushed, the more resistance I got. I finally had to LET GO and LET GOD bring us the right and true plumber, and in the meantime, I remained GRATEFUL for just the way things are.
The good news is, God did bring us the right plumber company, a mitigation company and the work is in process.!!!”

Since then we were assigned three different plumbing companies on different days to do the work. It was like revolving plumbers. Just when we thought we had a plumber (as I thought we had), another one called to come out and assess the leak.

Luckily we still had a great mitigator and finally Thursday, Jan.23 of last week we were assigned the original plumber (1st out of 4), Jan. 24 to reassess the water leak. Also on the day, the field insurance agent would be at our house assessing the situation.

Friday morning came, and I knew my morning meditation and prayer time was essential for a Divinely Ordered Day. I love to write out my prayers and they always work! It was a heartfelt and loving prayer. In a nut shell after affirming GOD as all there is and within me and within all people today coming through our house. I called forth Divine Timing and Let Go and Let God be God as Love in each person knowing the Highest Good was happening NOW!
I read in the January Science of Mind magazine these words by
Meister Eckhart,
“God is not found in the soul by adding anything but by process of subtraction.”
As I breathed in deeply and settled in quietude I felt my fear of saying the wrong words or worry the insurance wouldn’t cover the repairs of the job. I had to subtract that layer of ego and BE the peace of God, the knowingness of God, the love of God that passes all understanding.

Ernest Holmes said “When the greater comes in. the lesser leaves because there is no longer anything to give life to it.” ( Jan. Science
of Mind Magazine)

Needless to say Friday morning went like clockwork. The plumber came out wrote up the actions to take. When the field agent came I gave her his notes. The mitigator walked about with the field agent and everything was in perfect order. I called the insurance desk agent and he was on top of the situation.
The lesser feelings of fear and worry LEFT so the GREATER GOOD could LIVE.

The plumbing work was done on Monday, yesterday, and we have hot water again. Now we place the repairs in the hands of God as the insurance agents.
Thank you God!

Do a Good Deed

Dear Friends,

In my morning meditation I ask God, “Is there anyone I need to connect with today? How can I serve and who needs my help.?” Very often names pop into my head I hadn’t thought about in awhile. I know there is a reason I need to reach out to them. I am also very grateful for my life and how blessed I feel living it. For it really is GOD living life through me. My message today is short and simple.
Everyday take a moment to ask GOD to reveal someone who could use a little joy, or comfort, or just to be remembered. Use that information and be GOD
in form.
Here is the Acronym for GOD.
G Give Gratitude
O Offer support
D Do a good deed

Give Gratitude- Be grateful for the little things in your life, not just the big things.
Offer support to someone in need. It could be one you know, a person that comes to mind and/or a homeless person who needs food, money, shelter. I just gave a packet to a homeless man with food, the name of an organization he can seek help from (Interfaith Community Services) and $5.Call someone who has lost a friend, relative or is in ill health right now.
Do a good deed can be picking up the mail for someone on vacation. Offer to shop for someone who is house bound or ill. We just had our Gift of Love Day where we brought cute little stuffed animals to patients in the hospital.
In the 1939 film ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ the Wizard says, “Back where I come from, there are men who do nothing all day but good deeds. They are called good deed doers”.
Be a Good Deed Doer Today and your life will be Blessed in Return.

Being a good deed doer today, Abigail and Steve

DECLARE Your God Power

Dear Friends,

In my morning prayer time I noticed I was beginning my prayers with “Let it be….with whatever I was praying for after the “be.”                                                                             Let Love flow through me…                                                                                               Let Divine Peace fill my day…                                                                                             Let the Timing unfold in this day…

I caught myself quickly realizing the idea of LET, may only be a doubt or begging type of prayer. I know the Bible says, “Let There Be Light, and there was Light…” However that was an interpretation of what happened. GOD IS LIGHT so there is nothing else. HE/SHE/IT did not have to ask for Light when It was already Light!

An inner voice reminded me, and I resonated with a whole different feeling. Love is always flowing through me because Love is me. Divine Peace is my day because Peace is inherent within me. Divine Timing happens because I call it forth NOW.

Love, Peace, Timing and All there is, is GOD within me . Recognizing GOD Power is always within me eliminates the need to ASK or LET. I just have to ALLOW and DECLARE my Good. God is in me, as me, doing the work through me NOW.

I don’t have to ask for Strength, God is my strength NOW. I don’t have to say LET this situation unfold beautifully. I can affirm and declare this situation is unfolding beautifully NOW. This or something better.

Remember WHO you are in your daily, moment to moment prayer. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing just KNOW God Within is your guidance and power always. Declare Affirm and KNOW it is done NOW.

Blessings,                                                                                                                              Abigail and Steve

BE the Messiah


“Learn to be Compassionate and treat each person as the Messiah.”                      Robert Schwartz, Your Souls Path

The last day of 2024 is here, tomorrow we start a New Year, and possibly a New Life. New beginnings are exciting and necessary for our spiritual growth. Perhaps when making resolutions for the New Year, think about Being more rather than Doing more. Here is a beautiful story called     “The Prophecy.”

“Once upon a time there was a small community of people who were not getting along with each other at all. They would bicker and argue and fight all day and all night. Finally, everyone became so disgruntled they began to think of disbanding the whole community altogether!

One night their minister had a vision. The vision was very simple and very short. The vision told him, ‘One of your members is the Messiah.’ The minister shared his vision with the rest of the community and from that day on things began to change.

Every day when one member of the community was with another member they would think, ‘Maybe this is the Messiah.’ so they began to treat one another with more love, with more care and with more respect. When each member of the community got up in the morning and looked in the mirror they would think, ‘Maybe I am the one, Maybe I am the Messiah.’ So they began to treat themselves with more love, with more care and with more respect.

And so the community began to prosper. None of the members bickered or argued or fought any more. Soon the community began to grow. People from far and wide came to join the community and it became known for the love, care and respect that flourished there. So it was that the community that had been dying came to thrive!”

(from Children Believe Everything You Say by Jenifer Day.)

Yes, this may be a children’s story, however this is a story for all ages with wisdom and truth in the message. So in 2025 treat everyone with love, kindness, and respect. Treat yourself with love, kindness and respect, for WE ALL are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the Messiahs.

Be the Messiah in your life. What you see in yourself, you will see in others.

Love and Happy New Year,                                                                                                 Abigail and Steve



December 24, 2024

Dear Friends,

Twas the Night Before Christmas and All Through the House not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse…

Metaphysically we know the night before Christmas is a sacred time, a holy moment as we celebrate the NEW being who came into LIFE centuries ago, the Christ Child named Jesus. This evening is also a sacred and quiet preparation for the birth of our own Christ Consciousness, our own way of being LOVE in this physical world of experiences and effects.

One of my favorite Christmas Carols is “Oh Holy Night.”                                                  Verse three says…                                                                                                          “Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His Gospel is Peace
Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother
And in His name, all oppression shall cease…”

It doesn’t get simpler than that. We have a choice. Every situation can be met with LOVE or not. Rev. Dr. Missy Higginbotham told a story in the book Works of Heart, about her experience with an angry costumer, who was berating a female cashier. She heard his outrage and told him “That’s not nice.” He immediately lashed out on Missy and called her names. In the book Missy said, “People who are in pain, angry, scared and feeling out of control of their lives will often deliberately strike out with words intended to hurt others. We can play their game of victim/victimizer, speak up or not.” Rev. Missy said she kept blessing him and said “Thank you so much.” He then left the store.

Loving the unlovable is truly a Christ Consciousness gift. Rev. Missy said, “What we damn, damns us back, what we bless, blesses us in return. Our energy fields will pass that information on to the energy fields of all those present. Isn’t that what we really want to surround us, the energy of PEACE, LOVE, KINDNESS, MERCY and UNDERSTANDING. Jesus the Christ was born with this Consciousness and taught it throughout his life and beyond.

During this time before Christmas let us give the gift of LOVE, PEACE and BLESSINGS to others in all situations and also to ourselves. This is the Night Before the sacred Christ-Mass Consciousness Circles the World.

Peace and Love, Abigail and Steve








Dear Friends,

The Star of Bethlehem

“The star in nativity scenes represents the Star of Bethlehem, also known as the Christmas star or the Star of the East. According to the biblical account in the Gospel of Matthew, the star served as a celestial sign that guided the three wise men, or Magi, to the birthplace of Jesus. (Wikipedia)

“The three Kings represent the souls who have risen above their lower natures and found what is truly important when familiar ways no longer exist.” (Flower Newhouse, The Sacred Heart of Christmas)

“We all want something more. Advent asks the question, what is it for which you are spending your life? What is the star you are following now? And where is that star in its present radiance in your life leading you? Is it a place that is really comprehensive enough to equal the breadth of the human soul?—from The Liturgical Year by Joan Chittister (Thomas Nelson)

Have you ever looked up at the stars on a clear night and just marvel by the magnificence of them? I have seen them on the desert and in areas away from the city and it is almost unreal how beautiful they are. I was in awe of the magnitude of stars and felt so close to the Divine.

Can you imagine the shepherds and the wise men looking up into the sky and seeing the radiance of this one huge star? The scene of the shepherds watching their flock by night and then seeing the star and being guided to the Christ child, as were the wise men, is a beautiful story. They all found a precious gift, a baby with pure potential, pure love, pure innocence and pure hope for the future of all mankind. They found a new way of life, a new consciousness.

In past centuries, the North Star helped men at sea and people traveling great distances. Following a star today can also mean finding your purpose, your calling, your joy in life! Do you see a brilliant star in your life today? Are you following that radiant star? I know people who are absolutely filled with LIFE and PURPOSE and are following their Divine Star within.

Christmas is a wonderful time to pause, reflect about your life, where you are, where you have been and where you would like to go. We are forever evolving and not meant to stay in the same mind set. As we rise in Consciousness, our purposes evolve. Sometimes we are pushed by the Divine and/or pulled by a Vision, a Force Greater than ourselves. The wise men and shepherds were seeking the CHRIST. Ultimately WE are seeking CHIRST CONSCIOUSNESS. We are continually meant to rise above human consciousness to the purity of love for all in everything we do, at work, play, with family, friends and strangers.

The wise men and shepherds found their GUILDING LIGHT, their personal STAR and followed it. Find your GUIDING LIGHT today, your personal STAR by looking WITHIN. Your Christ Consciousness is guiding you, and your new life is evolving today.

Following Our Star,

Abigail and Steve

Co- Ministers of the All Faith Center



GIVING is an Act of LOVE


December 10, 2024

Dear Friends,

“Through research from the HeartMath Institute, Dr. Joe Dispenza says,”The act of giving activates heart-brain coherence, aligns you with the frequency of abundance, and opens the door to miracles. Generosity is a gateway to transformation, and every act of giving brings you closer to your highest self.” (TCCHE)

I saw in our local newspaper the TOYS for TOTS annual event was happening at a Walmart near us. I thought what a wonderful opportunity to take our granddaughter to buy some toys and help other children have a toy or toys for Christmas. Peyton shares her own toys well with other children, so I thought this would be fun and a great learning opportunity to GIVE to others less fortunate. Her mom started preparing her a few days before I took her to the store, however Peyton didn’t want anything to do with it. She couldn’t quite understand why we would be going in to buy toys NOT FOR HER. The past few months she has gotten caught up in toys and costumes for Halloween and now Santa coming to bring toys. she thinks every time an Amazon delivery comes, it is for her. Her parents are actively helping her realize not all gifts are hers and have asked the “Grandmas’ to not bring over gifts every time we come over. We have faithfully done just that. So the day arrived and I took Peyton to Walmart. We walked up and down the toy aisle several times. I kept asking her which toy she thought a little girl or boy would like. At first she kept saying NO. Then we talked about KINDNESS and GIVING. I said GIVING is like a circle. When you are kind and give to others, kindness and givingness comes back to you. We finally decided on a firetruck for a boy and a doll in a bathtub for a girl. She was quiet as we paid and left the store.

I saw the Marine in charge of the Toys for Tots Day and asked him to come over. We talked and I explained my granddaughter and I wanted to give toys to a boy and girl. He was so sweet and talked with Peyton and thanked her for doing this kindness. She and the Marine put the toys in the box. I gave a check as well told Peyton I was giving too. We left and spent the rest of the day at our house with PopPop. Later when I took her home, she got a new lunchbox in the mail, one she had been waiting for. I told my daughter Tammy what I said at the store, and asked her to help reinforce the Kindness circle. Peyton GAVE and she RECEIVED. Tammy was thrilled to do so.

We all love to give to our families and I ask you to remember to give to others less fortunate, by check, on line or with toys. Make it a great learning experience for your children and/or grandchildren

Giving with Love and Kindness,

Abigail and Steve