Dear Friends,

I want to share a beautiful Thanksgiving poem written
by our good friend Rev. Hal Lingerman.

The Lighthouse Prayer

May the cleansing currents of Your Holy Presence enter my heart
and energize all my atoms.

In You I now let every particle of my being gleam like a glowing sun.

Like a blazing lighthouse, I spread Your light to all travelers on the ocean
of life.

And fellow pilgrim, may you, too, shine forth the Light in you:
let it be clear and luminous.

May you stream bright rays of peace and blessing continuously to all beings.

Together, let us now extend the glow of lovingkindness
to everyone – a welcoming to those close to us and in distances far away.

Let us offer glistening rays of forgiveness, reconciliation and wellbeing,
especially to ones who may be suffering.

Like a guiding lighthouse, we now broadcast beacons of good will
and safe harbor to protect all individuals and kingdoms of nature.

We express deep thanksgiving for all the gifts of Grace filling our life.

With His Company of heaven we receive anew Christ’s golden heart
igniting our Goodness as heralding Angels kindle us in Radiance.

Awakened in wonder now, let us find new joy in sharing holy Light.

Behold the eternal flame in each of us, expanding in beauty burning bright.

Let glad tidings sound ! A new music now inspires Earth to heavenly heights.


May you all have a Blessed Thanksgiving










November 15, 2022

Dear Friends,

Lately I have been taking a flashlight with me when I walk early in the mornings. I want to be sure I am seen by cars and trucks going by. I am enjoying the darkness before the sun rises. There is something magical about the dark. I always feel I am closer to and in the Presence of God. I know in truth God is always present, however when it is dark, I tend to shut out and let go of daily concerns and plans. The darkness affords me time for quiet, rest, and peace. I sleep better and longer. I surrender and just relish in the season of late Fall and Winter.

Our bear friends, as well as squirrels, hedgehogs, turtles, snakes, woodchucks, hibernate for rest and renewal in the winter. Trees, plants, flowers go dormant in the winter as well. It is wise to follow their example for rest and renewal.

This darker Fall /Winter season really shows us how important it is to take a moment to quiet our minds and focus on the Presence of God in our lives.

Watch the sunrise, watch the sun set. Both are quiet sacred times. Do you remember the movie ‘City of Angels” where all the angels gathered in the morning and at night on the beach to be present for the sun rising and sun setting? It may only be a movie, however I could feel the sacredness of the moment before the day began, and at night as the day ended. The angels were restored and renewed after a day with us humans!

We too need to be restored and renewed. Take time in the morning or at night to rest and feel the Presence of God. You can do this during the day just by closing your eyes and giving yourself a break, a moment, a time for the Divine. Quieting the mind helps solve problems and create new ideas.

As Louis Armstrong says, “The day is bright and blessed and the night is dark and sacred.”

Restored in Sacred Darkness,

Abigail and Steve

Be Reverent, All is Holy


Dear Friends,

November is here with all the expectation of Fall becoming Winter, leaves changing color, preparing for Thanksgiving and being grateful for life itself.
I was reading in the November ‘Science of Mind Magazine’ a Daily message from Rev. Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones on “Living with Reverence.” He said,
“Living with reverence is remembering that we exist in a spiritual universe where everyone and everything is interconnected. Seeing the sacred in a seed
can be a spiritual experience if we will look beyond form and see the divine essence… Everything we do becomes a sacred act,… We see the God in ourselves
and in every person. Relationships become sacred.”

Reverence is mindful. When I walk I am fully aware of the beautiful trees lining the street and the birds flying in formation over head. I notice where coyotes
have been. I often move snails from the street to a grassy area. Even in CA the leaves are changing and I am in awe of the beauty and color. Sometimes I see fog
in the valley as the sun rises over the hill. It is a glorious moment in time, one I do not forget. We are all connected and our true reality is the Spiritual universe
as Dr. Dennis wrote.

During this month of November be mindful of all there is. Have a sense of reverence for Mother Earth.. Be reverent for each expression of God, animate or inanimate
knowing all belong here and we are connected to everyone and everything at the core of our being. The rock senses you, the bird knows you are there, the trees
lovingly share their energy with you.
As New Thoughters often say, “There is no spot where God is not.”
That is the Truth. Everything is Holy.

For a beautiful song, please listen to “Holy Now” by Peter Mayer.

As you begin this month, be Mindful, be Grateful, be Reverent for all the Good, the Beauty, and for Life Itself. Everything is Holy.

Abigail and Steve

Lifting the Veil







Dear Friends,

Halloween is right around the corner. Not only is it a time for kids to dress up, wear masks and go trick or treating, it is also a sacred holiday for our
Mexican and Wiccan brothers and sisters.
My friend Devra Gregory, a Wiccan Priestess says, “Samhaim, October 31, is “All Hallows Eve.” It is similar to the Mexican “Day of the Dead” where the veil
between the earth world and after-life is thin. This is also how the Halloween tradition with masks and costumes started. Samhain is the time of doing rituals
to access our ancestors. We recognize the cycle of life and the continuation of life beyond the veil. Seances are popular at this time.”

Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, is a traditional Mexican holiday celebrated November 2. On this day, it is believed that the souls of the dead return
to visit their living family members. Many people celebrate this day by visiting the graves of deceased loved ones and setting up altars with their favorite foods,
drink, and photos.

These holy days are celebrating life, here in this dimension, and on the other side. In New Thought we believe life is eternal. Those who have “passed on” are still
living in a different reality. I believe our consciousness expands and can move through many dimensions. When we pray, our consciousness taps into the Divine and is
received by the person we are praying for. There is no reason why we cannot tap into the Divine and reach those on the other side.

Day of the Dead

I believe they are trying to connect with us here as well. We need to be open, and receptive. Many of us have already had experiences with our passed loved ones.
We have seen, heard or been aware of their presence.
During these days, October 31 – November 2 light a candle, speak your loved ones name, call them to come and visit you, and ask them to leave you a sign and let you know they are alive, well and happy.

Lifting the Veil,
Abigail and Steve

Be Flexible Be Teachable


“You know, if the tree didn’t bend a little before the wing, it would break off just like an icicle. Nature has provided flexibility…”
Ideas of Power, pg44-45, October Science of mind magazine)

Dear Friends,
LIFE is all about being flexible and teachable. We know change is a constant and without new ideas, and learning we would not move forward spiritually, educationally, emotionally or physically etc.

This past weekend we celebrated our granddaughter’s 2nd birthday and I was watching her closely so her parents could set up for the party. She showed me her new train set and all the train cars were magnetized to easily bring together. She couldn’t quite figure it out so I showed her. She immediately got it and started putting the cars together, still with a little help. I love watching her learn new things. She is open, and teachable.

A friend of ours just gave notice to her boss to leave the company. She is ready to both move out of the area and find a new job. She said it wasn’t easy however there was something within her that just KNEW this was the time even though she does not have a new job lined up. That takes strength and courage as well as flexibility. She is willing to learn new skills at a new job.

Last night Steve and I were are the Sikh Foundation for a FAITH and BLUE event. I was the coordinator with the Poway Sheriff’s Dept. It was excellent.
The theme was SAFETY, in the faith sanctuaries, community and individually. Lots of questions were asked and answered by the Deputies and Captain. I know many of the officers had never stepped in into a Sikh building before where head coverings and shoe coverings were required. There was even a Turban Tying demonstration with Captain Karla Menzies. As our friend Amardeep said, it “demystifies the turban.” These officers were experiencing and learning something new. They all graciously answered all of our questions and new rapport and respect was generated among all who attended.
We ALL learned new things.

Everyday has new possibilities, opportunities, and educational experiences.
Be open and receptive. Be Wise like the tree which bends when necessary. Spirit is always giving you signs to go, do and be. Follow those intuitive signs, Be flexible, teachable and bend like the tree.

Blessings, Abigail and Steve

Anchored in Faith










Dear Friends,

“Faith is my anchor in a sea of doubt.”
(October Daily Word)

I read those words and was immediately enamored with them. Here are some doubts we hear people say.
I doubt this world will ever be at peace.
I doubt there is more goodness in the world than evil.
I doubt that I will ever have enough (money, joy, friends…)
I doubt I can do that project.
I doubt I can speak in front of people.
I doubt that person will ever change.
I doubt he or she will ever forgive me.
And the list goes on…..

If and when your mind goes in the doubt spiral, stop for a moment and think…what is my faith for, if I cannot see beyond appearances. Everything is an appearance of consciousness. Our world seems to be reeling and needs a beckon of light for hope and happiness. That is where FAITH comes in. Where do you put your trust? In GOD/SPIRIT or the human experience? Time to put your FAITH to work and Vision the Truth of each person on earth. Each person is a Spiritual being having a human experience. Each person is a creation of God. Each person is a Divine Spark, whether they know it or not. As YOU and I begin to SEE the TRUTH of each being, and ourselves, the Truth emerges & manifests.
We all know the Original People’s story about the Wolves. The grandson asked the grandfather, which wolf will win, the evil or the good? The grandfather said, the one you focus on, and pay attention to.
We must focus and pay attention on the GOOD in people and ourselves.
We must focus and pay attention to the truth that we are capable spiritual beings. We listen. We forgive. We uplift.
Focusing on doubt will only increase the doubt. Focusing on God and the truth of our being, will always increase the Good.
Then we can say, “Faith is my anchor in a sea of doubt.”

Anchored in Faith,
Abigail and Steve








October 4, 2022

Dear Friends,

Happy October! I love the quote above because I love the word “Awesome.”
I love the concept of making something awesome. It is an attitude and a life choice.

Many of us have complained about the hot summer weather and are looking forward to cooler days. Let us rethink our summer and declare it awesome too. We are alive and are blessed with so many wonderful people, family and friends. We have technology to communicate with others. We have a roof over our heads and money in the bank. We are blessed to be able to serve God by serving people. So our summer was awesome. regardless of weather.

Let us take the AWESOME idea and a grateful heart with us into October, the rest of this year, next year 2023 and beyond. We know when we speak, our words and energy go out into the Law of Mind and is fulfilled.

The cooler days are awesome. The colorful fall leaves are awesome. Preparing for the winter season and all the holidays is awesome. Life is good. Declare it and be it.

A – Always Keep a Good Attitude.
W – Wield kind and uplifting words.
E – Expect Joy, happiness and love and watch them enter in numerous ways.
S – Simply know Life is Spectacular.
O – Only YOU can change your attitude
M – More Good comes when you speak it into visibility.
E – Eagerly anticipate an Awesome Day!

Abigail and Steve

Say YES to Your Creative Urge






Dear Friends,
Have you ever had a thought that keeps nagging you, pushing you, or pulling you? That thought is the Divine seeking your attention! Did you listen?
Did you follow through?

“We believe in the direct revelation of TRUTH through the intuitive and Spiritual nature of the individual and that any person may become a Revealer of Truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.”
Ernest Holmes

We know we are Spiritual Beings, which means the Intelligence, Wisdom, Joy and Creativity of God is inherent within us. There is a pattern of YOU in the Invisible. You are One with the Creative Genius. You are as much a part of IT
as the sun, the earth and the air.

God, the Creative Principle is always seeking to express though you.
Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings said in the Science of Mind Magazine:
“As humans, we diversify the Divine Life. We are here to be somebody who has never been, doing things that have never been done, entertaining new thoughts and paradoxically, expanding the reach of the consciousness of the Infinite One containing us.”

When we say YES to that nagging, pushing, and/or pulling idea, we surrender to GOD allowing our Divine potential and purpose come ALIVE in our lives.
We say YES to our next DIVINE assignment.

Whatever is nagging, pushing or pulling is the deep calling of your soul.
You really DO want to do it! So say YES to this Creative Urge and enjoy the beautiful and exciting ride you will have!!!
God has no limits and neither do you!

Always Saying YES,
Abigail and Steve









How can we bring love, patience, kindness, compassion into the world?
None of those beautiful qualities are something that can be ordered by a head of country, company or faith leader. We as individuals must become peaceful, loving, patient, kind and compassionate BY CHOICE. It always begins with me, you and all other people who are making choices to BE the change you wish to see in the world

We are all interconnected energetic vibrational beings – no one is an island anymore. What affects one, affects all. Energy is Consciousness activated and sent out unconsciously to others. It is like the Butterfly Effect
“The phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.”
Created by Meteorologist Edward Lorenz

Focus on what you want to SEE, Divine Love, Peace, perfection, not what seems to be. Believe you are a Peacemaker and you are one!

Quotes on Peace:

“Consciousness is the key. We cannot save our world with fragmented minds and fearful emotions.” Pg 74 Spiritual Philosophy for the New World
John Randolph Price

“You may not be responsible for World Peace, but you are responsible for your Piece/Peace.”
(North American Interfaith Network)

“How do you get world peace? You get world peace through inner peace. If you’ve got a world full of people who have inner peace, then you have a peaceful world.”
Wayne Dyer

“Peace is not the absence of War. It is what we radiate in the midst of conflict.”
Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith

“Each and everyone of us is the unique creation of the Divine. Our core essence and energy are made up of Divine Love and Peace. Therefore, we are Love and Peace in action, whether or not we are aware of it.”
Rev. Gay Beauregard

YES PEACE is Possible for:
“We believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.”
Dr. Ernest Holmes.

Take Wednesday, September 21st The International Day of Peace, to Pray, Vision and take Action to bring PEACE about in your life which will ripple out to the world.

Put Spiritual Practice into Practice








Dear Friends,

I know many of you are committed to a daily spiritual practice of prayer, meditation, yoga, meditative walk and/or more.
It is a wonderful way to center yourself to begin your day. Does it end there? Are you taking the benefits of your practice into your work space,
volunteer work, team work and/or out and about on errands?
If not, how will your spiritual practice benefit you and others?

A Zen Koan says:
Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water
After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water
Your daily life needs to reflect your spiritual practice.

I believe we are all ONE in this life. I am you and you are me. I can make a choice to benefit you because I know the Law of Circulation and Attraction says,
‘What I do comes back to me.’ How are you helping, uplifting, encouraging, supporting and or promoting others at your work space, volunteering place, with friends,
family or strangers?
The idea of climbing up the work ladder by pushing others down is the old paradigm. That way of working and thinking suppresses creativity.
The new paradigm is promoting the talents, skills and abilities of others.
This enhances joy, and new innovative ideas of all people.

” Competition limits our divine inspiration. We must resolve the thought of competition into its native nothingness. Truth does not compete with anyone.
We should never watch to see what another is doing or how they are doing it. for when we do this, we limit our own possibilities to the range of another’s vision.”
“Our work is not divorced from our spiritual life or from opportunities for spiritual growth. In fact it is there where we have the greatest chances to practice
our principles.” 
(Petra Weldes, September Science of Mind magazine)

Thank you to Judy B for sending me this powerful You Tube video. It truly shows how we can BE and put our spiritual principles and beliefs into practice.
Enjoy “How to Use Power”!

How to Use Power – YouTube