October 4, 2022

Dear Friends,

Happy October! I love the quote above because I love the word “Awesome.”
I love the concept of making something awesome. It is an attitude and a life choice.

Many of us have complained about the hot summer weather and are looking forward to cooler days. Let us rethink our summer and declare it awesome too. We are alive and are blessed with so many wonderful people, family and friends. We have technology to communicate with others. We have a roof over our heads and money in the bank. We are blessed to be able to serve God by serving people. So our summer was awesome. regardless of weather.

Let us take the AWESOME idea and a grateful heart with us into October, the rest of this year, next year 2023 and beyond. We know when we speak, our words and energy go out into the Law of Mind and is fulfilled.

The cooler days are awesome. The colorful fall leaves are awesome. Preparing for the winter season and all the holidays is awesome. Life is good. Declare it and be it.

A – Always Keep a Good Attitude.
W – Wield kind and uplifting words.
E – Expect Joy, happiness and love and watch them enter in numerous ways.
S – Simply know Life is Spectacular.
O – Only YOU can change your attitude
M – More Good comes when you speak it into visibility.
E – Eagerly anticipate an Awesome Day!

Abigail and Steve

Say YES to Your Creative Urge






Dear Friends,
Have you ever had a thought that keeps nagging you, pushing you, or pulling you? That thought is the Divine seeking your attention! Did you listen?
Did you follow through?

“We believe in the direct revelation of TRUTH through the intuitive and Spiritual nature of the individual and that any person may become a Revealer of Truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.”
Ernest Holmes

We know we are Spiritual Beings, which means the Intelligence, Wisdom, Joy and Creativity of God is inherent within us. There is a pattern of YOU in the Invisible. You are One with the Creative Genius. You are as much a part of IT
as the sun, the earth and the air.

God, the Creative Principle is always seeking to express though you.
Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings said in the Science of Mind Magazine:
“As humans, we diversify the Divine Life. We are here to be somebody who has never been, doing things that have never been done, entertaining new thoughts and paradoxically, expanding the reach of the consciousness of the Infinite One containing us.”

When we say YES to that nagging, pushing, and/or pulling idea, we surrender to GOD allowing our Divine potential and purpose come ALIVE in our lives.
We say YES to our next DIVINE assignment.

Whatever is nagging, pushing or pulling is the deep calling of your soul.
You really DO want to do it! So say YES to this Creative Urge and enjoy the beautiful and exciting ride you will have!!!
God has no limits and neither do you!

Always Saying YES,
Abigail and Steve









How can we bring love, patience, kindness, compassion into the world?
None of those beautiful qualities are something that can be ordered by a head of country, company or faith leader. We as individuals must become peaceful, loving, patient, kind and compassionate BY CHOICE. It always begins with me, you and all other people who are making choices to BE the change you wish to see in the world

We are all interconnected energetic vibrational beings – no one is an island anymore. What affects one, affects all. Energy is Consciousness activated and sent out unconsciously to others. It is like the Butterfly Effect
“The phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.”
Created by Meteorologist Edward Lorenz

Focus on what you want to SEE, Divine Love, Peace, perfection, not what seems to be. Believe you are a Peacemaker and you are one!

Quotes on Peace:

“Consciousness is the key. We cannot save our world with fragmented minds and fearful emotions.” Pg 74 Spiritual Philosophy for the New World
John Randolph Price

“You may not be responsible for World Peace, but you are responsible for your Piece/Peace.”
(North American Interfaith Network)

“How do you get world peace? You get world peace through inner peace. If you’ve got a world full of people who have inner peace, then you have a peaceful world.”
Wayne Dyer

“Peace is not the absence of War. It is what we radiate in the midst of conflict.”
Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith

“Each and everyone of us is the unique creation of the Divine. Our core essence and energy are made up of Divine Love and Peace. Therefore, we are Love and Peace in action, whether or not we are aware of it.”
Rev. Gay Beauregard

YES PEACE is Possible for:
“We believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.”
Dr. Ernest Holmes.

Take Wednesday, September 21st The International Day of Peace, to Pray, Vision and take Action to bring PEACE about in your life which will ripple out to the world.

Put Spiritual Practice into Practice








Dear Friends,

I know many of you are committed to a daily spiritual practice of prayer, meditation, yoga, meditative walk and/or more.
It is a wonderful way to center yourself to begin your day. Does it end there? Are you taking the benefits of your practice into your work space,
volunteer work, team work and/or out and about on errands?
If not, how will your spiritual practice benefit you and others?

A Zen Koan says:
Before Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water
After Enlightenment, chop wood, carry water
Your daily life needs to reflect your spiritual practice.

I believe we are all ONE in this life. I am you and you are me. I can make a choice to benefit you because I know the Law of Circulation and Attraction says,
‘What I do comes back to me.’ How are you helping, uplifting, encouraging, supporting and or promoting others at your work space, volunteering place, with friends,
family or strangers?
The idea of climbing up the work ladder by pushing others down is the old paradigm. That way of working and thinking suppresses creativity.
The new paradigm is promoting the talents, skills and abilities of others.
This enhances joy, and new innovative ideas of all people.

” Competition limits our divine inspiration. We must resolve the thought of competition into its native nothingness. Truth does not compete with anyone.
We should never watch to see what another is doing or how they are doing it. for when we do this, we limit our own possibilities to the range of another’s vision.”
“Our work is not divorced from our spiritual life or from opportunities for spiritual growth. In fact it is there where we have the greatest chances to practice
our principles.” 
(Petra Weldes, September Science of Mind magazine)

Thank you to Judy B for sending me this powerful You Tube video. It truly shows how we can BE and put our spiritual principles and beliefs into practice.
Enjoy “How to Use Power”!

How to Use Power – YouTube








Dear Friends,
School is in session for another year. Children and parents are making choices whether to attend school in person,be home schooled or a combination of both. Whatever they decide still creates a new learning environment with new skills,abilities and possibilities. We as adults are always invited to learn new skills, foster creative talents, fine tune abilities and be open for new opportunities and possibilities. In fact every day we make a choice to grow and learn or stay stagnate where we are.
Maybe it is a challenge to think one, two or five years ahead. However we can think about today, tomorrow and even next week.
Everyday we have a choice to BE our Divine selves and DO our Divine Directive.

It only takes a moment to STOP, LOOK/LISTEN & GO,
just like children need to be taught to cross the street.
They need to stop where they are, look/listen for traffic, then when it is safe, they can go. We as adults need to be tuned into God and our GO signal
for clear direction. The only way we can do that is:
STOP – When there is a challenge or when you are unclear on an issue, and/or need direction in life, it is time to STOP.
Sit quietly, allow all the “have to’s, worries, and anxieties dissipate. Close your eyes or look at a beautiful view. Focus on gentle breathing.
Take a moment and just sit in your spiritual essence.
LOOK/LISTEN – Spirit, who you are, is always nudging you one way or another. You may have a picture or a thought enter your mind and heart.
Try not to second guess what comes up. Spirit within is trying to get your attention to guide you and bring the answers you need and where you
are to go.
GO There will be an inner knowing and an aha moment when you know what to do. Follow your Divine Guidance and Divine Intuition.

Taking a Moment,

Have FAITH in Your FAITH








August 30, 2022

Dear Friends,

Life is life, and always a journey. These past few months have put my faith to the test. I had symptoms which required a uterine biopsy, a urine test and a colonoscopy.
Well, I came through tests one and two fine. Then there was the colonoscopy. This put my faith to the test. Do I truly believe in the Spiritual principals of New Thought?
Do I truly believe Spirit, which I am, is whole perfect and complete? Do I believe in my ONENESS as God? Do I trust it?
Do I believe what Jesus the Christ said, “When ye pray, believe that ye have, and ye shall receive.”

I put my faith to the test. The weeks before the colonoscopy I did these things:
In the morning I sat quietly in prayer and meditation. I visioned a flow of Divine Light coming through my crown chakra, moving slowly through all areas of my body. This healing LIGHT went down through my feet to Mother Earth. I envisioned the Light and love of Mother Earth coming up through my body as healing Light. I could feel the energetic vibration as the flows merged in my body.

I envisioned a healthy colon. I told my colon it was loved and I appreciated all it does to keep my body healthy and whole.

I wrote out prayer treatments and affirmations declaring my health and wholeness. I wrote over and over ” My colon is healthy.” Most importantly I declared my ONENESS in, of and as God. There is no separation. Spirit within me is whole, perfect and complete, always has been and always will be. It is the ONENESS that is central to our beliefs. The CORE of my being is God. The CORE of my colon and entire body is God.
I said this “Meditation for Self Help” from the Science of Mind Text by Ernest Holmes.
He is Mighty Within Me to Heal
God within me is mighty to heal.
He healeth me of all my diseases and removes all fear from me.
My God within is now healing me of all sickness and pain,
and is bringing comfort to my soul.
God is my Life, I cannot be sick.
I hear the voice of Truth telling me to arise and walk, for I am healed!
I Am Healed!

I walked our labyrinth knowing health and wholeness is my true nature. I felt the energy of the rocks as I wound my way to the center, which represents the center and wholeness of my being. I had to trust in a Divine Right Outcome as I walked out. I had to release and let go of fear. Throughout this process my internal knowing led me to believe All Is Well!
GOOD NEWS. After the procedure, the outcome was ‘no cancer.’
There were suggestions as to what foods to avoid. Eat more fiber etc.
Times like these in life, put our faith to the test. All I can say is:
‘Thank you God!”
Abigail and Steve

ONE POWER and We Can Use It


“There is a Power in the Universe and You Can Use It!
Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science taught us this profound Truth.
I like to state it for me personally.
“There is a Power in the Universe and I Can Use It!

I loved reading the daily messages from Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon in the Science of Mind Magazine this month. It is all about our inner ability and inner knowing. He said, ” We can use this same Power that births a baby or holds the cosmos in place by simply being willing to surrender to it.” The consciousness that created the problem is the small “c” consciousness. The large “C” Consciousness ” has no limitations and no parameters,” and has the answer.

How many times have your tried to fix a problem, fix a relationship, and/or
fix a health issue? Did it feel like you were pushing a boulder up a hill? The boulder is the small “c” consciousness where you feel you have to
fix” it by yourself. Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.” So if it is in your mind, you are part of the problem. Time to “LET GO and LET GOD.” Access the large “C” Consciousness in you and simply release it in to your GOD SELF within and allow the Divine Answer to manifest.

“Remember the Inner Mind knows infinitely more than the intellect.”
– Ernest Holmes.

Just thinking about GOD taps into the Divine.



These are words Rev. Steve often uses in our interfaith work. After the fabulous Interfaith Awareness Week, we truly realized we are not alone in this endeavor.
Interfaith work is being done by individuals like you and me all over the world, some in large ways and others in smaller ways. However we know there is not large or small
in GOD. All actions, all work, have significance, and helps not just one person, but ripples out to many others in ways we cannot even imagine.
Just like the Butterfly Effect, one small act of kindness, or one inclusive invitation to a person to join you at your table,
your interfaith or faith group flutters out around the world. Everyone feels the affect.

Ask yourself..
What can I do today to be more loving and inclusive?
Will I see someone who looks different from me and realize they are my brother and/or sister?
Will I see that person as a child of God?
Will I find out he or she has many life experiences similar to mine, and/or different than mine?
Will I learn from from him or her?
Will I be empathetic to his or her challenges?
Will I extend a hand in friendship?
Will I find a way to cooperate and collaborate with him or her on similar causes?
SAY YES, then watch where your BUTTERFLY WINGS take you today!

Inspiring Quotes:

“If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of Human relationships, the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together in the same
world at peace.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

” We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
Martin Luther King.

“He who experiences the unity of life, sees his own self in all beings.”
Gautama Buddha

“One must see in every human being only that which is worthy of praise.
When this is done, one can be a friend to the whole human race. If, however
we look at people from the standpoint of their faults, then being a friend to them is a formidable task….. Thus it is incumbent upon us, when we direct
our gaze toward other people, to see where they excel, not where they fail.”

An Inspiring Video
An owl and a cat become friends and play with one another. If they can do it, so can we! Love and friendship knows no bounds.
(Thank you Judy B for sending this in.)

Fluttering Our Wings with Love,
Abigail and Steve

Let Go Let God


” I am always growing, always changing. With gratitude, I receive the blessings while letting the painful memories go. I have no room for regret and do not dwell on things I have no power to change. As I release unwanted thoughts and unpleasant memories,    I free myself to enjoy new experiences and create beautiful, lasting memories.”      (August Daily Word)

Letting go, is one of the most powerful life experiences and also the most painful. It is powerful when you finally release a desire for that perfect job, spouse, partner,
friend, event etc. to realize better and more profound good is meant for you. That job you sought, was not the right fit. That spouse or partner was not the right match.
That sought after friend was not loyal or truthful.
That event needed to go in another direction for its highest purpose.
When we realize GOD ALWAYS has greater good for us, we begin to let go and let God on a daily basis. The Divine flow just happens. The Divine phone call or person you meet “accidently” is right for you and/or your situation at hand. You stop trying to make things happen and allow Divine orchestration to happen. Your Divine Purpose finds you!

Letting go is painful when a person we love has cut us off, or won’t speak to us. It is painful when a friend is hurtful and we keep trying to “make things right.”
It is painful when a situation happens and we can do nothing about it. These are times when we feel helpless and powerless. It is also at these times we need to remember
GOD is the ONE POWER who sees the greater good in everyone and in all situations. There are people in our lives that must,
and are ready to find their greater good elsewhere. It may not be with us.
The more we release to God, the greater good will find its way back into our lives.

Letting Go is a benefit to your health. When we want to hang on to something, it affects our bodies. Mind, Body, Soul all are interrelated. The more we release our will
to the divine will, the more we will relax, feel at peace and the turmoil in our bodies will calm down.


Global Interfaith Awareness Week

August 2, 2022

Dear Friends,
I am looking forward to a beautiful
Interfaith Awareness Week coming up this Sunday, August 7 going through Saturday, August 13th!
Rev. Steve has been the coordinator, planner and spear header for this global event. I invite you all to look at the program schedule below and find the areas of interest, go to the World Interfaith Network Website and click on the link to your favorite program.


I love the quote by Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science
(New Thought).
” The philosophy of Religious Science is nothing new to the world.
It is rather a synthesis of the greatest concepts that have ever come to the mind of humankind.The laws of Moses, the love of Christ,
the ethics of Buddha, the morals of Confucius and the deep spiritual realization of the Hindus all find an exalted place in the philosophy of Religious Science.”     
I know he never meant to exclude any other religion. His purpose was to show how we honor, respect and value all faith traditions for each are unique in their expression of love and gratitude for our Creator.

I want to share some other favorite Interfaith quotes which I received from our friend Paul McKenna from Canada (Golden Rule Curriculum & IAW Program ).
“It seems to me that the world’s religions are like siblings separated at birth. We’ve grown up in different neighborhoods, different household, with different songs, stories, traditions and customs. But now, we’ve been reunited and having found each other after so many years apart, we look into each other’s faces and we can see the family resemblance. We’re back together again and its’ very good!”
-Richard Watts

All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves.          All is really one.
-Black Elk

“The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.

“If you can’t see God in all, you can’t see God at all.”
-Yogi Bhajan

Steve and I have been in the Interfaith Movement since 2006 and still feel excited about meeting other people from different cultures, faiths, ethnicities and perspectives. We have made so many friends and cherish them greatly.
When we work, play and eat together we are bonded as friends.

There is no US. There is only ONE. ONE GOD, ONE HUMANITY

Go to the World Interfaith Network. It will take you to the schedule and all the links to the programs