Colors of the Soul

It is March and I am seeing lots of greenery as well as bursts of color appearing among the bushes and flowering trees. Being here in sunny Southern CA we see colors appear sooner than our friends in the northern part of the world.
For some reason I have been wanting to wear more purple, yellow, red and bright pink. Our weather is still cold here (gets down to 32 at night) in Poway (suburb of San Diego) but the signs of Spring are well on its way.

Have you ever just wanted to wear a certain color for the day? Women, often more than men, are very aware of the color combinations they wear. What inspires you to choose one color over another? For me it seems when I am needing to be nurtured or out by trees and nature, I tend to wear green. Other times when I feel happiness and joy I want to wear yellow. Red empowers me and purple uplifts me. I believe our bodies, mind and heart are choosing the vibrational color frequency we either need or want to wear.

One day I wore a purple sweater with my purple raincoat (rainy day) to a metaphysical bookstore and boutique. I bought a beautiful 4 1/2″” amethyst obelisk and a 4″ amethyst tree. Amethysts are purple. I knew the tree was for someone else and at the time I did not know for whom. The tall obelisk was definitely for me and as I held it in my hands I could feel the energy emanating from it. Later in meditation the name of the person was clear and later that day I gave the amethyst tree to her. It was like I handed her the gift she has always wanted. Was purple communicating with me?

God within guides us in so many different ways and one is through color. Each color has its own frequency and our chakras each have a specific color. Perhaps the color for your day is your chakra sending you a message. Here is a list of chakras and their color meanings. What color vibration do you need or want?
What color vibration will you emanate?

BE BOLD, wear the color of your Soul’s choice for the day. The color will bless you and the color vibration will bless others.

Due to the recent invasion by Russia in the Ukraine, you may choose to wear blue and yellow in solidarity with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.

Living in COLOR
Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,
“Michelangelo said, ‘Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to find it.’ You and I have a divine spark within us, and it is our task to find it and live it.” (Ron Fox, Feb. Science of Mind Magazine)
I love these quotes because they are the truth of my being and your being. Being created out of God means God is inherently within us. Sometimes we forget our Divine Selves when we are in the midst of heartache, loss, work, family or health challenges. God never goes away, we just may not be in a place to hear or listen to the wisdom within. We know there is a deep calm and peace at the very center of a hurricane or tornado. We must always remember God, our peace and calm, is always at the center of us no matter what is taking place in our lives.
Ernest Holmes said, “No man goes unguided through life for we are all divine at the center and all are images, of the most high. Spirit is always available to guide us, but we must listen for the guidance.” (Feb. SoM)
We know this truth for ourselves and, although it may be challenging, we can know this truth for others. When someone is hurtful, outrageous, appears ignorant or uncouth, can we see the ANGEL in him or her? Can we see the God Divine in this person? Can we know the Truth about this person? I believe when we look for the angel, when we call forth the angel in our minds and hearts, it is heard and acted upon.
As a retired teacher I know for a fact the most unruly children are also God’s Angels. I only had to draw out the angel by stating words such as;
I love how you are working.
I love how you are careful.
I love how smart you are.
I love how you are kind to others.
The more the child HEARD these words, the more the child BECAME these words. One little challenging girl I had in Kindergarten would come back to me, when she was in 1st grade during recess, and say, “I wish I still had you for my teacher.” Today I can imagine she is probably a CEO at the head of some big organization. She had all the potential, and yet had to learn
to work and play with others.
In our work-a-day world we may not be able to speak angelic words out loud, however we can most certainly THINK them. Thoughts are prayers and heard on a subconscious level.
So today, SEE the ANGEL in each person. Tell them (thought, word, deed) how Divine, Gracious and Good they are. Enjoy the results.
Loving the Angel in You,
Abigail and Steve

GOD WITHIN Listens and Directs Outcome





February 15, 2022

Dear Friends,

Dee Pak Chopra said,
” We are all cells in the Body of God.”
“Meister Eckhart wrote the highest and dearest leave taking is… leaving God ….for God.’ that means leaving our idea of the sacred for an experience of the sacred. It means embodying divinity and acknowledging I AM THAT .”
(Jan Phillips, Unity Magazine).

Both of these quotes helped me to pause and consider GOD, who and what It is. Since we are all cells in the body of God, each one of us has a unique part to play and be AS God. We as humans, are sharing the life experience together in this dimension. Each one of us affects the other’s consciousness. Are you a positive, uplifting cell in God, or are you one to gossip and hurt others?
We know through science and metaphysics the cells in our own body are completely connected as well. When one area is ill, the rest of the body feels it. When we are happy, our whole body experiences joy.
When we pray we know our thoughts, words and intentions are HEARD, because God is not out there somewhere, God is within us, moving through us, being us, activating the Divine Outcome of the words we speak.
God within me is the same God in you. There is ONLY ONE GOD manifesting in and as everything. We are all emanations of the ONLY GOD, therefore completely connected at our core. Our prayers are knowing this TRUTH about ourselves which activates that same TRUTH in those we pray for.

The other day I was invited to be in a prayer circle to pray for a friend who was about to have surgery. I was at a mega church and the ladies were kind and beautiful souls. As the prayers began and each shared their prayers out loud, I realized they were praying TO God, TO Jesus, not from God within themselves, nor from their Christ Consciousness. I stood up to say my prayer and shared how I have a candle lit on my meditation table for her. I see her healthy and whole right now. Light and Love are within her now, flowing through her now and the medical team are now in the hands of God. The words we used were different, yet I know the intention of a Divine Outcome was what each one there wanted. Intentions count as much as words spoken.
God hears the heart. God is the heart.

The more I pray, the more I realize prayer begins with recognizing God in me. I ask for Divine Guidance within and I receive Divine guidance throughout the day.
One morning I was walking and thinking about a dear friend who is now in Hospice Care. I was so sad. All of a sudden a tiny hummingbird flew across my path, then swooped back and forth, up and down all around me for a least a minute I knew God within was sending me a message. My White Stone word for 2022 is JOY. The Hummingbird totem represents: “JOY, Happiness, adaptability, resiliency, flexibility, lifting negativity, openness to love, light, and lightness in approach to the unexpected….”(internet)
Having this hummingbird cross my path was definitely what I needed to see.
I KNEW I had to turn around and walk home. On my way home, the husband of my friend stopped his car and we talked. I KNEW God within orchestrated the hummingbird crossing my path, my turning around, and the time to have a sacred conversation with her husband.
This was all part of my God plan for the day. The beauty is, I was listening and followed my God Guidance (Intuition).

You, Me, Everything, All ONE. All related cells in the body of God, being guided by our INNER Knowing, INNER Wisdom, INNER Master.
Take time to observe, listen, change plans, take a detour.

Be the healthy, wisdom cell in God.

Listening & Acting on Guidance,
Abigail and Steve





February 8, 2022

Dear Friends,

I am sure many of you remember the heart touching movie,
“Pay it Forward.”



“The story of a social studies teacher who gives an assignment to his junior high school class to think of an idea to change the world for the better,
then put it into action. When one young student creates a plan for “paying forward” favors, he not only affects the life of his struggling single mother,
but he sets in motion an unprecedented wave of human kindness which, unbeknownst to him, has blossomed into a profound national phenomenon.” (Internet)

People often ponder, how can we bring peace into the world? How can we bring love, patience, kindness, compassion into the world? None of those beautiful
qualities are something that can be ordered by a head of country, company or faith leader. We as individuals must become peaceful, loving, patient,
kind and compassionate by choice. It always begins with me, you and all other people who are making choices to BE the change in the world you wish to see.

I have often noticed when I let someone in front of me while driving my car, there is a reciprocal response not long after. I am let in when I need to change lanes.
It happens every time. It is a simple pay it forward and most people are not even aware it is happening. Be aware and be mindful of the daily experiences
of paying it forward.

This month with Valentine’s Day coming up and being fully in the Season for Non-Violence we can make an extra effort to really become what we wish to see.
In the mornings, during your prayer and meditation time, decide on the virtue or value you intend to implement during the day. It could also be the word
on your New Year’s white stone. For every intention sets off a series of unexpected events to help you fulfill your promise for the day. Your loving actions
will always be felt and noticed even when you are not aware. Trust in the principle of “paying it forward,” knowing the kindness you give will open hearts
and those hearts will pay their kindness forward as well.

Be mindful that every thought, feeling, word and intention is always in motion and felt on the web of human consciousness. That being so, make it one that
uplifts, inspires, encourages so others can feel your heart based intentions and continue that consciousness by acts of Paying it Forward.

May you all have a beautiful Valentine’s Day. Pay it forward by sending a Valentine card to a friend, a co-worker, an acquaintance, a person going through
a health challenge. Watch the love blossom!









February is always known as the month of LOVE. Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, you can always celebrate God’s love within everyone.
It is this LOVE that truly WEAVES us together. We do not have to “love” the personality, behavior, or attitude of a person, however we can always LOVE
the Divine Spirit that emanates the person. LOVE is our Unity and what holds us all together. It is our commonality and connection with humanity.
I love the song WEAVE. We sang this often when we held church services.

Weave, weave, weave us together,
Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together,
weave us together, together in love.

We are many textures,
we are many colours,
Each one different from the other.
But we are entwined with one another
in one great tapestry.

Weave, weave, weave us together,
Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together,
weave us together, together in love.

We are diff’rent instruments,
playing our own melodies,
Each one tuning to a diff’rent key.
But we are all playing in harmony,
in one great symphony.

Weave, weave, weave us together,
Weave us together, in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together,
weave us together, together in love.

The song says it all. LOVE is not just romantic, It is LIFE. It is the glue that
that weaves in, through and as us. We are all different,(culture, faith, ethnicity, gender preference, politics) yet we are here in life to uphold each other,
encourage each other and above all to LOVE each other.

This may be a fun activity for your faith group. Better yet, invite a different faith group to join you in this project.
dole rod
multi color ribbons
different color markers
Hang 2′-3′ ribbons (25) vertically on dole rod
Write words of LOVE (kindness, compassion, joy, patience, unity etc.) on another 25 ribbons then WEAVE them horizontally onto the vertical ribbons.
Be Creative with more or less ribbons.
Just the act of doing this project brings people together!


Bringing in the NEW YEAR


Dear Friends,

We had a few cancellations for the Labyrinth Walk so I will bring some of the ideas to you in a nutshell. Each one of you can perform your own ritual of releasing the old and bringing in the new. Enjoy the process!

All wisdom traditions have light coming from darkness giving way to
a new beginning.
Just as:
Dark days of winter move into longer and lighter days.
Crisis and Tragedy brings forth blessings.
Loss brings forth new opportunities and spiritual growth.
We Honor and Release the past & what no longer serves us.
We are grateful and bless our past, present and future.
We know with every ending there is a new beginning.
We expand on the past and take our learnings with us.

What GIFT, blessing , goodness or learning did you receive,
and did not expect in 2021?

What no longer serves you? Person, place, thing?
Is it an item of clothing, a garage full of “stuff?” Is it a job, a toxic friend or family member? Is it worry, anger , unforgiveness, guilt, feeling unworthy or not good enough? These attitudes are barriers built against love for others and especially for yourself. Ernest Holmes says,
“Through the power of LOVE we can let go of past history and begin again!”
We can choose to let go of any hurt and forgive ourselves and others.
Forgiveness opens up our heart for love.


Write down all that no longer serves you, and what you do not want to carry with you into 2022. Burn the paper safely. It is a great way to physically and mentally release any burdens, love blocks, physical, mental, and/or emotional.
If burning is not an option, tear the paper into tiny pieces and drop it in a bin.
What used to seem LARGE, is now tiny and dissipating completely.

What are you grateful for? What do you appreciate? These can be from
the past, the present and into the future. Always be grateful for what is coming.
If you have a small glass candle holder, write your gratitude words on the glass and put a candle in it. Metallic pens work best. The LIGHT will shine through your words. Read your words daily to stay in an attitude of gratitude.


What is the word from the Divine that will be your compass
in 2022?
In ancient days a White Stone signified a prisoner’s release from prison.
He was FREE. Your white stone today can also be your symbol of FREEDOM. You have released what no longer serves you, you are FREE to BE who you want to be and do what you want to do.
First, find a stone and ask God, Your Higher Consciousness, Higher Power what word will be your touchstone, compass, guiding light for 2022.
Write it on the stone with a black marker. Keep it near you daily.










What is the Universe’s (God’s) GIFT to you in 2022?
What do you want? What brings you JOY, Happiness? Create the story you wish to star in. Use you imagination and write it down as the next chapter in your life! Picture it daily.








What GIFT can you give the Universe (God)?
The world needs what you have to offer. What unique talents, skills and abilities do you have? How do you want to be remembered. Write it down
as if it already happened!



Let Us ALL Rise in Consciousness






Dear Friends,

Life is all about Consciousness. Our Consciousness is how we perceive and act in the world. Our hearts & minds create our lives.
In the ‘Daily Word’ I read
“I rise in consciousness to help create a world that works for all.
As more and more people reach their highest potential,
the whole of humanity ascends.”
As we continue to proceed in 2022, let us think about intentions or goals always evolving.

Where are you now in consciousness (thought word and deed?)
Where would you like your consciousness to be evolving towards in thought, word and deed? Life is always in the process of evolution.
We are here on earth because we have lessons to learn and karma to fulfill. On a scale of 1-10, where do you see yourself?
If 1 is FEAR and 10 is LOVE, where are you?

Perhaps this year is not just about setting outward goals and intentions, maybe this year is about setting inward consciousness
goals and intentions.
Moving toward LOVE as 10 may mean breaking down the barriers
to LOVE by asking yourself these questions.
Am I Bias? If so towards Whom?
Am I Prejudice? If so towards Whom?
Do I have a closed mind and attitude to different opinions?
Where do I stand on race and equity issues?
Where do I stand on immigrants and refugees?
Where do I stand on LGTBQ people?
Where do I stand on Republican or Democrat beliefs?
HOW can I break down these barriers to love?

LOVE, number 10, encompasses compassion, kindness, service, generosity, honesty, patience, respect, graciousness, equity, listening,
gratitude and forgiveness to name a few.

This year as we consider our goals and intentions, let us all RISE in Consciousness to help create a world that works for everyone.
The more people who are evolving towards LOVE in heart, mind and action will help everyone reach their highest potential,
and the whole world will benefit and ascend!

With Loving Kindness,
Abigail and Steve

Are We There Yet?







Dear Friends,

How often have you asked the question… “Are We There Yet?”
I remember as a child my parents and I would drive from Illinois to Pennsylvania to visit my grandparents and I know along the way, I asked
“Are we there yet?” The drive seemed soooo long.

Waiting in anticipation for a loved one to arrive, a celebration to happen, or the word about who got the promotion always seems to take soooo long.
There must be something in our genes, that makes us always pushing towards the next step, the next idea, the next event as quickly as possible. We can hardly contain ourselves.

It is also a challenge to wait for a prayer to demonstrate. We are impatient because we want everything to happen now. The truth is, every word, every thought, every prayer is always answered in the NOW in Divine Mind. In God there is no delay only Divine Timing. Our human timeframe is different. We need to remember all parts of the prayer are being worked on behind the scenes. Rev. Christine Green says,
“Progress is happening on an inner level where we can’t see.”
(December ‘Science of Mind’ magazine)
In the early 90’s I prayed for a spiritual partner in marriage. I met him in 1999. The timing in 1990 was not right, my partner was still in another state and in another marriage.

Here is something to ponder. We are never there, and yet always here. Even if and when we “get there,” we are still here, at this moment in time that does not have a past or a future. It is called living in the NOW moment as Ekhart Tolle often said. When we feel the compulsion to ask “Are we there yet?,” let us turn those words around and say, “There we are!” or “Here we are.”

Let us pray, and affirm what we want by saying,
“Thank you God for All this and or something better in the right time
and in the right way!”
Doing this takes the anxiety out of waiting. This means we accept Divine Delay in all aspects of our life because God has something better planned.
Remember how long it takes a flower to bloom after planting the seed. We plant prayer seeds knowing it will bloom and demonstrate when ready.

In my car ride after asking “Are we there yet,” my parents would explain the number of hours it takes to drive and show me the clock. I could see about when we would get there. Then we would play the car games of “How many red cars do you see? Who can spot a green truck? What rhymes with……? Doing something fun diverted my attention and then the drive was a snap!

We too can divert our anxious thoughts by KNOWING God’s timing is always perfect. We have faith in the outcome KNOWING it will be right and true for us. We can move forward KNOWING and believing we are HEARD and God has answered us in the right time and way for our highest good.

Write a NEW Story in 2022






Dear Friends,
Welcome to the New Year! I am excited about this new year and all the possibilities and potentials it holds for me, for Steve and for YOU.

There is just something about starting over, and beginning again that sets my heart and mind on a new path. It is like opening a new book and reading it
for the first time. Each chapter holds excitement and new possibilities as the narrative continues.

This New Year can open a new chapter in your life. Only YOU get to create
the STORY! How exciting do you want your story to be this year? Will it be
full of drama, mystery, romance, new skills, new adventures….? Remember what ever life in 2021 brought to you, it does not have to set the precedent for 2022.
Ernest Holmes said
“Principle is not bound by precedent. There is no law in the Universe that seeks to perpetuate old limitations, but there is a Law which responds to our greatest
vision at the exact level
of that vision.”

Every day, every week, every month is NEW. Create a new story with a new vision. Perhaps instead of writing out a long list of “goals,” this year, write a story
about what you would like your life to be, imagining fascinating ideas and people. Bring in other characters, new to you, ones you have not met yet. How would you
like them to show up? This is the time to let your imagination soar and rise above human conditions. You are the co-creator of your life. God within is your partner
and gives you the tools, (affirmative prayer, meditation, word power, competence, aptitude, skills and capability) to write, and act in your own life story.

Humans are not ideally set up to
understand logic; they are ideally
set up to understand stories.”
Roger C. Schank, Cognitive Scientist

Imagining a New Story,
Abigail and Steve

Nothing is Too Wonderful to Happen





Dear Friends,

The year 2021 is ending, and a brand new 2022 year awaits us. I am looking forward to it and all the wonderful possibilities of good happening. I was looking at an
old Vision Board one morning and saw things that had come to pass and others still waiting to be demonstrated. On the board I had glued on a phrase
(I don’t remember which magazine or the author) saying,
” Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m Possible!”
Years ago as an intern minister, my mentor and teacher, Dr. Juanella Evans told me to choose a favorite song for our pianist to play while I walked up to the lectern.
I chose the song, “Nothing is Too Wonderful to Happen.”
I still love that song. Here are the words.
” Nothing is too wonderful to happen,
Nothing is too good to be true,
Nothing is too good to last forever;
Everything is possible to God through me and you.
Happiness is everywhere about us,
So let us all happy be;
There are no dark clouds to frown upon us,
The sun will shine wherever we may be.
To the left, to the right,
Look around, see the light.
If it’s smiles you spread, then it’s smiles you’ll meet,
And a song in your heart put wings on your feet.
Nothing is too wonderful to happen,
Nothing is too good to be true,
Everything is possible to God through me and you.”
You may be thinking , “There are just some things I can’t do.” However God says, “Yes you can!” Read the list below. Have you ever said any of those things?
Switch your mind set and affirm what God says. Your word is your power. The more you say it, the more you believe it, the faster your “possibilities” happen.







As you prepare for the coming 2022 year, stop a moment and reflect on your life. What is it you really want? Believe in those things.
Be grateful even before they demonstrate.
What would put a smile on your face?
What would make you happy?
What would make your heart sing for joy?
Create a Vision Board with wonderful “possibilities” knowing nothing is too wonderful to happen. Even if you think something is ‘top of the line’ wonderful,
always leave room for God to create something even GREATER than what you imagine. Your words, thoughts, and imagination are your creative power.
Say it, Believe it, Be Grateful for it, Manifest it!
” Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m Possible!”

Affirming All Wonderful Possibilities,

Abigail and Steve