Look To and With the Light

Dear Friends,
“Before sunrise, a young sunflower looks east – towards sunrise. As the sun moves from east to west, the flower also turns west. As the sun sets, the flower returns to its original position to the east to begin the cycle the next day.
According to an article published in the journal Science in 2016, researchers believe that sunflowers exhibit this type of heliotropism because their stems lengthen differently at different times of the day.
This is what researchers observed during their study: when the sun begins to move from east to west in the sky, the east side of the stem of a sunflower plant grows faster than the west side. Due to this uneven growth on both sides, the flower tends to lean toward the sun.”
Sunflowers are beautiful. I love their elegance and height. I pass a garden with these beautiful flowers on my walks in the morning, and notice how they all are facing East as the sun is rising. It also reminded me of the movie, “City of Angels,” when all the angels gathered at the shore for the morning sunrise and evening sunset. It was a beautiful remembrance of our Source and Creator.
Sunflowers, like all of nature, are our teachers. Sunflowers look to the sun, the light for their nourishment, strength and growth. We can take this lesson and realize we too must look to the LIGHT for our nourishment, strength and growth. The LIGHT for humans is the essence of GOD, all love, life, joy, wholeness, power, and sustainer within. Although the sunflowers appear to look to the sun as their source, we know GOD’s light essence within them is their source, creator and nourishment. We know that truth for them, all of nature, and for ourselves.
Let us daily know the Divine Light of God within us is our creator, source, and sustainer for our life physically, emotionally and spiritually. When we remember who we are, we naturally radiate God’s Divine Light and become the inspiration and Light for many.
Look first to the GOD LIGHT within you.
Then radiate this LIGHT to all.
Looking to my LIGHT, my Source, my Creator,
Abigail and Steve

Open the Door into a New Direction








Dear Friends,

I was reading in a local newspaper this past week about a 35 year old man who just became a priest. This young man had always wanted to serve people and previously was a fireman. At age 30 he felt restless, an urge within him to seek something else, and he wasn’t exactly sure what it was. He had a girlfriend and decided he was never going to marry her, so it was time to set her free so she could find the right person for her. He went through what we call in New Thought, “Divine Discontent.” Long story short, he surrendered to the Will of
God and asked that his path be made perfectly clear and eliminate any distractions and open only the God opportunities to him. So priesthood became an option and he followed his heart and his God given path.

We all have those moments, days, and time of Divine Discontent and perhaps we feel it more now that the pandemic is slowly moving out from our lives and experience. Our discontent may be that we don’t want to return to the old normal. We really want to move forward into a NEW way of being, working
and living our lives. Let us appreciate this Divine Discontent for we can anticipate a new soul calling and new spiritual purpose being made ready for us. It is here now, just waiting for us to OPEN the door and surrender to what is on the other side.

Opening the door will definitely be a change, possibly a pull in a direction that is so different than before our first reaction may be NO, can’t do it, don’t want to do it. At that point we need to PAUSE and stop looking at the new direction from a human point of view. Let us ask to look at it from God’s point of view.
It is a Higher Calling which always is meant to move us out of our comfort zone and expand into something greater than before. Life always moves us upward and onward.

Ernest Holmes said: “Nature will not let us stay in any one place for too long. She will let us stay just long enough to gather the experience necessary to the unfolding and advancement of the soul. This is a wise provision, for should
we stay there too long, we would become too set, too rigid, too inflexible. Nature demands change in order that we may advance.”

We have been in our pandemic cocoons for a long time. Now we are ready to come out, be the butterfly, blossom, expand and grow into a new calling and life.

Expanding in Life,
Abigail and Steve

WE the People

Dear Friends,
“The preamble sets the stage for the Constitution (Archives.gov).
It clearly communicates the intentions of the framers and the purpose of the document. The preamble is an introduction to the highest law of the land; it is not the law. It does not define government powers or individual rights.”
The U.S. Constitution: Preamble
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
High school students reflect on the Promises of the Preamble. and their
views on Freedom. This is a wonderful video to watch.
On our 4th of July holiday, let us too reflect on what the preamble and constitution means to us. Let us remember the high conscious ideals our forefathers gave us. Yes, as humans, they had their flaws, however our constitution was a Higher Ideal, one we need to live up to. As all documents and past decrees, we must look at each and decide the relevancy for today.
Over the years our government leaders have made amendments to the constitution for that time and age. We as people must continually be OPEN
at the TOP, as Ernest Holmes says, to continue to evolve in heart, mind
and spirit.
For me, WE the People means EVERYONE. We are in this together.
We have the right to think and speak however we wish. Our actions on the other hand must be carefully decided, for we know what we do to one, we do
to all. Chief Seattle, in 1854, said,
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” (July SoM)
When we hurt one person, we hurt ourselves and everyone.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said.
“Freedom is not the right to live as we please, but the right to find how we ought to live in order to fulfill our potential.” (July SoM)
Living up to our potential also means helping others live up to theirs.
Helping students gain higher education.
Helping immigrants and refugees become citizens.
Helping release prisoners who no longer should be serving due to innocence and/or poor judgement on past sentences.
Reforming our infrastructure so ALL people, regardless of race, faith, creed or cultural or gender identity, feel they are being treated fairly.
How else can we help ourselves and others live up to their potential?
How are you embracing your freedom and helping others to embrace and live their freedom? Let us always be grateful for the FREEDOM we have, and continue to work in heart, mind and action to keep it, for we know
Freedom is precious.
Living Freedom,
Abigail and Steve

What Kind of Life Wants Me?








What Kind of Life Wants Me?

I was reading Dr. David Alexander’s article in the July issue of the Science of Mind magazine. It was a wonderful reminder, that God’s Plan has ALL POSSIBILITIES for our life. We are in the midst of Unlimited GREATNESS, GOD.

We often use the spiritual tool of Visioning or Visualization. I use this often even in a small way. There are times I am tired when I start off on my morning walks so in order to ‘speed up the process’ I visualize myself a few blocks ahead.
When I get there, it seems like no time has passed. I continue doing this on my entire walk and before I know it I am home.

Both Steve and I have Visioned many things in our life, our home, our spiritual path and have always been amazed by the joyous journey God has provided us.

However the times I have been most amazed is when I released, let go and let God put the next step, next focus, next purpose in front of me. One of the biggest surprises was when I was steered into a completely different direction in my life. I went from teaching elementary school to becoming a minister.

Years ago I was fervently trying to find a church home, in the areas of mainstream churches. There was not a fit or match for the beliefs I embodied.
I loved church, but I could not in all good conscious become a member and say I believed what the church denomination believed. I was frustrated and mad when I told God ” I am done! If you want me to find a church home, You do it.
I am done looking!!!” I really thought I would just find my own path with the help of books. Needless to say, not even one week later, I got a card in the mail inviting me to a workshop on ‘Reincarnation,’ which I was extremely interested in. So I went! I loved the workshop, the people, and the metaphysical books in their book store. I told God, I would give this church a chance on Sunday!
I went to their services and the minister seemed to be talking just to me and I felt like I had come home. Needless to say this started my adventure with
New Thought, and The Science of Mind teaching! Over the next 10 years, I became a practitioner, an ordained minister and started my first church.
I also retired from teaching.
My releasing and letting go of what I thought I should do, allowed GOD to DIRECT ME in the LIFE Spirit wanted FOR me.

So, instead of asking God, Spirit, Mind, the Universe for something you think you want, Ask “What Kind of Life Wants Me?” What kind of life, purpose, journey does God have ready for me to step into? Release your ideas,
Relax into God’s Greater ideas. Watch the Universe unfold in your life and enjoy the journey!

“Realize you are God’s Masterpiece created to do things
that you can’t even yet imagine.”
Mark J. Musser

Releasing and Relaxing,
Abigail and Steve


Happy Father’s Day

This coming Sunday is FATHER’S DAY! It is a day we celebrate our earth fathers, grandfathers, and all the men and women in the role of “father.”
We look to fathers for guidance, strength, love, encouragement, ideas and balance. It is a time to honor our dads. For without them, we would not be here. Last month we honored our mothers and all the women and men who are in that role. Mothers and Fathers give a child direction, values to live by, and balance in life.
On this day, and every day, we acknowledge our Heavenly Father-Mother God. The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine together, bring all the aspects of God in balance. We know that we are all emanations of God and we acknowledge our human fathers are emanations of God as well. Many of us are/were blessed to have a father/dad who treated us kindly, taught us well, encouraged us to follow our dreams and always said we have a place at home when we need comfort, support and understanding.
I was fortunate to remember my adoptive dad teaching me how to swim,
to ice skate, to drive a car. He encouraged me to play piano and clarinet
and my childhood dream to be a teacher. He helped me with my high school English papers so all my grammar was correct. He was an example of kindness and compassion. I have many great memories from the road trips I took with my father and mother. He has passed and I will still honor him on his day.
For those who had a difficult relationship with your fathers, here is a lovely quote from Carol Clemans,
“If your natural father was absent in your life physically or emotionally,
you need to know that God who is your Heavenly Father wants to bring healing to the brokenness of your heart.”
I never knew my birth dad. However I am grateful to him, for I would not be here today. I know there is a Divine Plan in my life and everyone’s life.
I believe it was my soul’s choice to come in and experience being adopted.
We know with ‘God All Things Are Possible.’ With God, as our Divine Father, our hearts are healed, our burdens lightened and our pain lifted. We know those who are hurting inside, often lash out to those they love. We know too,
at this time we have the consciousness to realize that truth and to forgive.
Today, we can be grateful and know God’s DNA is in us. We know we are God’s perfect child, totally loved and cared for.
On Father’s Day let us honor our fathers (who are here, and who have made their transitions) with blessings, gratitude, memories, forgiveness and love.
It is a day to celebrate our eternal Oneness with God, both Father and Mother, and ALL there is.

Is Your Soul Calling?






Is Your SOUL Calling?

Embody this beautiful prayer treatment on your Soul’s Calling by
Rev. Sunshine Daye, Spiritual Director at Downey Center for Spiritual Living
in Downey, CA. (Science of Mind Magazine June issue)
Feel and Know the Truth of your being and hear what the Soul of God within you is guiding you to do.

“The Soul’s Call”
“There is one power, one presence, one life. That life is God. I believe in God and nothing else. This magnificent Intelligence is all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere present, I know It as love, as joy, as freedom and as power.

This life has created all from Itself; therefore, I am the unique unrepeatable, glorious way the Most High expresses in human form. This power and presence is my life, and this is the truth for all. God expresses in, through and as all.

From this place of power and love, I speak the word over all life as one.
I declare my soul beautifully paints and colors the canvas of our world.
I listen to the indwelling broadcast of my soul.
I am obedient to this call as it guides me toward the highest and the best.

This driving essence within me say yes to that which is for the fullest expression of all life. When I experience a dark night of the soul, I remember and celebrate my soul’s calling for rest, reassurance and a return to what
is real.

When it is good in my soul, only richness and plenitude is produced. ‘My soul sings out to you, my Love’ as the demonstration of overflow in my life. I accept this sweet invitation of abundant joy.

From this place of deep appreciation and thanksgiving for my soul’s call, I release this word into the loving law that makes manifest this prayer.
Moment by moment, I joyfully confirm the evidence of the answer.
And now it is.”

Hearing my Soul,
Abigail and Steve

Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is a Choice!
It was one of those cool, overcast gloomy days in Southern CA. We call it the May/June gloom. It lasts till late morning/early afternoon until the sun magically appears! I was feeling gloomy too, when I realized my gloominess was really a choice. Whether the sun is out or not, I have a choice to perk up,
or wilt down. CHOICE. We all have choices in every situation. On TV we often hear a perpetrator say, “I had no choice.” Wrong. We all have a choice to do what is right and good, to be cheerful and happy or not. Nothing stands in our way, except ourselves, our thoughts and our mindsets.
GOD as JOY is us. Every aspect of God lives and reigns (when we allow) in us.
Being happy and joyous reminds me of the two children’s songs we all used to sing, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands…” and “I’ve got joy, joy, joy down in my heart….” Happiness and Joy are part of our true essence.
It is always within us, ready to express and emanate.
Even in the midst of trouble or hardship, we can bring it up as a positive, new outlook and perspective. We have the God creating ability to choose a new direction, or outcome. Being of positive mind and heart only brings a positive outcome, regardless of circumstances.
We have a friend who has been a barber for many years. Unfortunately he needed medical attention and was in the hospital for several months. Although he want through a tough time and hardship, he is now out of the hospital and planning a YouTube Food Network program. Years before he became a barber, he owned a restaurant. We never could imagine this drastic change in his life direction, but here it is. When talking with him, he was always upbeat and positive! I believe his attitude was the opening for God to Divinely come through with a new Idea, a new direction and purpose in his life.
So this week when something seems to get you down, start singing some of those children’s songs. They are fun, uplifting and will put a smile on your face bringing you to the feeling of joy and happiness. Who knows what new and creative idea will manifest in your life.
With Happiness and Joy,
Abigail and Steve

GOD Always Answers

Dear Friends,

We have talked about watering new “seeds,” nurturing and following through with new thoughts, ideas, adventures and following God’s lead. It takes courage to take a leap of faith and “begin again.”
As soon as we realize we can start over, with a new job, new activity, new purpose we humble ourselves and allow the Divine to open within us to make the changes necessary.

At this new stage of beginning we must activate our faith because we do not always see the outcome ahead of time. We may still feel like we are in a time of trial and tribulation. However, remember the Bible verse ”
Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”
(Isaiah 65:24 NIV)

We all live in an amazing field of possibilities just ready to be activated. We do that by speaking our word. Our thoughts and words create our reality and manifest our needs and wants. There is no thought or prayer that is unheard or unanswered. It may take time or be different than what we expected, however IT WILL BE ANSWERED!!!

We are co-creators with God. What we experience or manifest corresponds directly with what we think, pray, affirm, and KNOW. God is our source,
our supply, our abundance and the answer to every prayer.
There is no lack in the Universe. We may block our answer by thinking we
don’t have enough, whether it is money, friends, job, purpose. Activate your faith by saying, “I do have enough. All my needs are met. I choose to accept a NEW perspective on this situation.”

In Prayer, Always Declare!
(The Universe doesn’t understand begging. Begging implies doubt.)

Speak your word, your prayer AS IF it has already happened, because it has.
Before they call I will answer;
while they are still speaking I will hear

Declaring with Faith, Knowing it is done, and so it is….!
Abigail and Steve

MOMS in Charge



Dear Friends,

“The only people who should be allowed to govern countries with nuclear weapons are mothers, those who are still breast-feeding their babies.”
― Tsutomu Yamaguchi

What an absolutely truth filled quote. Women understand the preciousness of LIFE, after carrying a child for 9 months, giving painful birth and watching
the miracle of her baby grow and learn. She only wants to protect this child and do what is best for him or her. YES, Women need to be running the world
countries and especially ones with devastating weapons!

Two ladies in the 1800’s were instrumental in bringing about a celebration of Mothers. One was Anna Jarvis who began a Mother’s Friendship Day in 1868.
The other woman was Julia Howe who wrote the first Mothers Day Proclamation in 1870 asking ALL WOMEN to work and pray for World Peace.
Just imagine if women came to power in the 1800’s, had the vote, the right to own property, and thought of as equals with men, our world would be a different place today.
We may not have gone through WW1 or WW2, the Korean war or Viet Nam. As much as we need men and the male consciousness for balance, the Divine Feminine is needed now more
than ever in leadership roles.

We are still praying and working for World Peace 151 years later. We bless our men and unfortunately they still hold all the power. Now is the time for WOMEN to step up,
take charge, be the change. Taking on a new job, or more responsibility can be frightening, however, we need YOUR DIVINE FEMININE voice and consciousness to come forth,
and shine brightly. Young moms, raise your daughters to be strong, compassionate and access their abilities to the fullest. Raise your sons to be compassionate and strong
as peacemakers, conflict resolution leaders. Help your boys see there is always another way besides war. STOP giving guns and toy soldiers to your boys. Our whole attitude
and consciousness must change. Boys must access their Divine Feminine and girls must access their Divine Masculine qualities. Being in balance will always move us toward
the highest and greatest good for ALL.

Mother’s Day may only be celebrated once a year, however we can celebrate mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, female relatives and friends
every day of the year by encouraging them to rise up, be who they were intended to be, incredible souls here on earth to bring peace, love and harmony to the world.

Strong Peace,
Abigail and Steve

Bringing CORE VALUES into Business







Dear Friends,

At our last POINT Interfaith Team Meeting, Jeff Blanton, founder and President of the Blanton Group, spoke to us about how he is dedicated to guiding business professionals to find the meaning of work by aligning their personal purpose, calling and passion to what they do. We had a thought provoking discussion on bringing faith, spirituality and values into the work place, and business environment.

This idea reminded me of when I began a “prayer time” at my last school before retirement. I know religion in schools is frowned upon and kept separate unless it is a parochial school. I was fortunate to get permission from the principle to have it once a week for the teachers early in the morning, well before school began. It was a beautiful experience for the few of us who met consistently. We were of different faiths and yet we prayed for the well being of each other and the school, teachers and parents. I have not heard of any other teacher doing this, and hopefully there are others implementing an inclusive prayer time for teachers in other schools around the nation and globe.

My question is, why can’t we bring in the idea of authentically pursuing company goals with core values guiding the way in the business world!? All faith traditions have core values of love, peace, compassion, kindness, integrity, and ethics. Jeff said the companies who have core values as part of their mission are successful and prosperous. I would think meetings and business proposals could be based on the good of all parties, rather than making one the winner and the other the loser. When it is a WIN WIN, everyone is happier, works harder and better.

What job/occupation do you have? How are you bringing your core faith values into the decision making process wherever you work and whatever you do?
Real Estate
Businesses local and national
Profit/ Non-Profit
Medical offices/hospitals
Police, Fire
and more…..

How are you lifting up, encouraging, respecting each other in your work place?
Are you honoring the different faiths knowing some people will need time off for their holy days?

Are you aware and sensitive to food preferences/needs whether they are religious, vegan or vegetarian?

Are you promoting positive talk with people and stepping in to stop implicit racist/bias talk?

How are you showing you care for the PERSON who works for you?
He/she is not just a place holder in a chair in an open office area. This is a person with a life outside the office, with family, friends, a gender preference, a faith community, and sacred traditions.

Are you honoring all people regardless of faith, gender, race or culture?

And again, how are you bringing your personal core values to work and allowing them to guide your words and way each day?

Roy Disney said,
“It is not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.”

Practicing Our Values,
Abigail and Steve