Happy December! I love this beautiful month and season! We have our Christmas lights up, tree ornaments on, and house decorated.I sit in my meditation chair loving the lights from our Christmas tree shinning in the darkness. It is warm and sacred.

The idea of LIGHT warming our hearts and lighting our way is a golden thread though many faith traditions. “In the beginning God said, “Let there be LIGHT, which was the beginning of life. We often say, GOD is the LIGHT of the World! Hebrew scriptures say, ” Yahweh is my LIGHT and my salvation.” (Psalm 27). Christians say “God is LIGHT and in him is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1.5). Muslims say, “Allah is the LIGHT of the heavens and the earth.” (Sura 24.35).”                    (K.K. Yeo: Kenneth L. Vaux)

“Many religious holidays celebrate LIGHT as spiritual hope. Hanukkah celebrates the hope that the Jewish people derived from the ancient “Miracle of Lights.” where there was only enough oil for one candle and yet it lasted 7 days.                                        Christians decorate with LIGHTS to symbolize Jesus the Christ as the LIGHT of the world.                                                                                                                                During Islam Ramadan, the Fanoos is a lantern used to LIGHT up homes, mosques, and streets.                                                                                                                        Hindus celebrate Diwali, the Festival of LIGHTS.”                                                        (Interfaith exploration of Light representation in the celebration practice and interpretation of religion))

“LIGHT has been symbolic for purity, goodness, illumination, enlightenment, Divine Wisdom,, presence of the Divine, Awakening, of consciousness and embodiment of Truth. Hinduism: LIGHT represents enlightenment and self-realization. JYOTI or inner LIGHT refers to the divine spark within every individual. Buddhism: LIGHT symbolizes wisdom and awakening of consciousness. Cultivating mindfulness and meditation, individuals can illuminate their minds and gain insight into the nature of reality.”  Unlocking the Spiritual Meaning of Light)

What does LIGHT mean for us? Embracing the light within ourselves enables us to shine brightly in the world and make a positive impact on others. We take the time to be kind to others, be a beacon of joy, hope, love and compassion. We realize the LIGHT within us is GOD living LIFE through us and we see GOD as LIGHT within ALL people.

In the beginning GOD! That is our ancestral heritage, our ancient wisdom, our LIGHT, our ONENESS, our very ESSENCE.

Be a LIGHT Unto the World,                                                                                           Abigail and Steve

Pray Sing Dance in Gratitude





November 26, 2024

Dear Friends,

We are all looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday. Giving THANKS is an everyday expression of love for us. Last Saturday we were ‘Grammie and Pop Pop sitting” for our little 4 year old granddaughter Peyton.

Before lunch I asked her if she would like to sit in the dinning room. We had some Thanksgiving table decorations and simple Thanksgiving napkins and plates just to make it festive. She loves to eat in our dinning room and said ‘Yes.’ She also wanted to bring in a favorite toy gorilla to sit with us and we did. As we were about to begin I said, “Let’s say Grace.” I began with a simple “Thank you God for our food.” Peyton said it and then we all said it together. I then said, “Thank you God for our sweet Peyton.” She beamed a big smile and immediately said, “Thank you God for Grammie and Pop Pop! Thank you God for Buns!” That is the name of the gorilla in the room. The name itself is another story 🙂 Soon we began a Thank you to other people and things. It was the sweetest and simplest expression of gratitude with a young child.

Later we danced with stuffed animals and a life size doll to Aria’s CD singing “I am so grateful, and I live in a world of abundance with a heart full of love….”

Being Grateful is an expression of Love and Joy and can be experienced and expressed through words, prayers, song and dance. The three of us were laughing and happy in our gratitude expressions. Love filled the room.

“We are creating heaven on earth by Living in Heart Centered Gratitude.”                       by Patricia Wagner

At your Thanksgiving Table this year go around and express love and gratitude for each person and then expand it to others you know including those who are sandpaper to your soul. LOVE is all there is because God is all there is. Let us express that not only on Thanksgiving Day, but everyday of the year.


Blessings, Abigail and Steve

Tsunami of LOVE








Dear Friends,

My prayer partner, Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson and I decided to pray and visualize a gigantic TSUNAMI WAVE of LOVE and LIGHT surrounding our planet earth and moving in and through all people everywhere.

We Declare and Affirm:

The Giant God Force, Tsunami of LOVE and LIGHT flows and moves rapidly in and through the planet and all its people, leaders, political and otherwise. LOVE IS THE ONLY POWER that overcomes fear. LOVE and LIGHT Now Demonstrates over and over with visible evidence! Consciousness is Transformed! We see the Divine Result happening in Great and Wonderful Waves and Ways.

We invite you to join us in this experiment of LOVE and LIGHT.

  • See this Tsunami Wave whooshing into and through all beings.
  • See the earth people pulsating with goodness and LOVE.
  • See the politicians being consumed by LOVE and LIGHT forging ITS way into their decision making process.
  • SEE our U.S. leaders, politicians and incoming administration motivated to do and be the highest and best for our country.
  • SEE LOVE make a stand, make a demonstration for good, and manifest in situations where LOVE and LIGHT are Heard, Felt and Acted upon for the good of all.

Demonstrations                                                                                                            On my walk one morning I said hello to a man walking his dog. Normally it is just a hello or a wave. This morning the man (who I have never seen before) said, “Have a Blessed Day.” I told him to have a blessed day as well. I felt really good after that encounter. I know blessings just went around the world.


Abigail and Steve

Co- Ministers of the All Faith Center



Dear Friends,


This past election was very difficult for me. I did not vote for Trump and I know those of you who did believed in his philosophy and decided he was the best candidate. I voted for Harris because I believed in her philosophy, policies and that she was the best candidate.  The truth is I went through all kinds of feelings, anger, hurt, confusion as to why Trump won, and then worry and fear set in. Why was I fearful? I was worried he would really follow the paths of Putin and Hitler. I was worried about our immigrants and refugees, our Jewish and Muslim friends, our Black and Brown friends (now being tormented by those wanting to return to slavery) and a possible implementation of

“Project 2025.” Which “opposes abortion and women’s reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, immigrants’ rights, and racial equity.” And calls for abolishing the teaching of “‘critical race theory’ and ‘gender ideology’” in public schools, and “deleting” terms such as “diversity, equity and inclusion,” “gender equity,” and “reproductive health” from “every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant … and piece of legislation that exists.” (www.factcheck.org)


And then I read a beautiful story of FAITH in the book, Works of Heart, written by ministers and practitioners from the Affiliated New Thought Network. One of my friends, Rev. Janine Burns wrote a beautiful story about faith. In a nutshell, Janine is a certified captain and has her own boat in Long Island, N.Y. She was at a Music Festival on the water front along with 1700 boats. While watching the festival, a couple other boats came along side and tied up to her boat. The boaters came aboard and Janine was concerned the number of people would be too heavy for her boat. One lady on board called out, “There is water in the cabin!” Janine immediately told everyone to return to their own boats. She saw 5 inches of water coming in and rising.  She said, “I immediately called out my faith to COATI (Creator of All That is), her word for God. Please get us out of this mess. There is only Divine Order and Divine Right Action taking place on my boat right now!” She said, “The next thing I saw, in the midst of all these anchored boats, was a waste-water pump boat heading in my direction. I was amazed! It just happened to be driving toward my boat. He pumped water out of my boat and I could then head back to shore. On that day I realized FAITH is a Super Power. We have choice. We trust the highest and best will unfold. It doesn’t mean challenges won’t happen, however it does not mean all is lost.”


After reading Janine’s story, my FAITH was restored again. I truly believe what we think about we bring about in our lives. God showed up in Janine’s experience, as the waste-water pump boat, as an answer to her prayer, I know Divine Good/God is always showing up and guiding our country. God as Love is the Source of our good and we can rely only on IT, God, Spirit, COATI, however you wish to call our Creator of Life.


I heard Jimmer Bolden at The Unity Center sing “Love Wins.” Let us FEED our FAITH with loving kindness and pour it out into the world. Everyone is a child of God. Everyone has been created from the Divine Source. God as LOVE will always Win! Let us FEED our hearts with LOVE and prayers for our country’s leaders to promote loving kindness, respect for all, and to continue the freedom in our beautiful democracy! Every thought is a prayer so let us keep our thought prayers going for equality, equity, human rights and the strength for all our leaders to uphold life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and justice for all.

There is only Divine Order and Divine Right Action taking  place!

I AM LOVE FAITHFULLY BELIEVING                                                                              Abigail and Steve  Co- Ministers of the All Faith Center


History of Samhain








Dear Friends,

Halloween is just around the corner, and here is its origins.

“Ancient Celts marked Samhain as the most significant of the four quarterly fire festivals, taking place at the midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. During this time of year, hearth fires in family homes were left to burn out while the harvest was gathered.

After the harvest work was complete, celebrants joined with Druid priests to light a community fire using a wheel that would cause friction and spark flames. The wheel was considered a representation of the sun and used along with prayers. Participants took a flame from the communal bonfire back to their home to relight the hearth.

Early texts present Samhain as a mandatory celebration lasting three days and three nights where the community was required to show themselves to local kings or chieftains.

Because the Celts believed that the barrier between worlds was breachable during Samhain, they prepared offerings that were left outside villages and fields for fairies, or Sidhs (supernatural beings).

As Christianity gained a foothold in pagan communities, church leaders attempted to reframe Samhain as a Christian celebration. In the 9th century, Pope Gregory moved the celebration back to the time of the fire festivals, but declared it All Saints’ Day, on November 1. All Souls’ Day would follow on November 2.

Neither new holiday did away with the pagan aspects of the celebration. October 31 became known as All Hallows Eve, or Halloween, and contained much of the traditional pagan practices before being adopted in 19th-century America through Irish immigrants bringing their traditions across the ocean.

Trick-or-treating is said to have been derived from ancient Irish and Scottish practices in the nights leading up to Samhain. In Ireland, mumming was the practice of putting on costumes, going door-to-door and singing songs to the dead. Cakes were given as payment.

Halloween pranks also have a tradition in Samhain, though in the ancient celebration, tricks were typically blamed on fairies.

A broad revival of Samhain resembling its traditional pagan form began in the 1980s with the growing popularity of Wicca.

Wicca celebration of Samhain takes on many forms, from the traditional fire ceremonies to celebrations that embrace many aspects of modern Halloween, as well as activities related to honoring nature or ancestors.

Wiccans look at Samhain as the passing of the year, and incorporate common Wiccan traditions into the celebration.

In the Druid tradition, Samhain celebrates the dead with a festival on October 31 and usually features a bonfire and communion with the dead. American pagans often hold music and dance celebrations called Witches’ Balls in proximity to Samhain.”


Blessings, Abigail and Steve

Looking Forward to Change


Dear Friends,

We are in the beautiful season of Fall. Leaves change color and we see the splendor and Glory of God in the beautiful trees. Children are anxiously waiting for Halloween when they can wear their favorite costumes and trick or treat for candy and little toys. We are looking forward to decorating our car with Halloween “trunk and treat” items and handing out candy at our two granddaughters’ school.

I believe the key words here are “looking forward to…“Every season brings a change on earth and in our lives. We realize our lives have seasons too, that bring about change. We can either go with the flow and look forward to it, knowing God is still in charge, or we can stomp our foot and try to hold back the winds of time, change a sad event, wish our interview went better, or be bitter when someone else receives praise or promotion. The Universe’s intention is never to hurt, only to heal and move us forward onwards and upwards.

Change isn’t always sad. Change can come when you least expect it, a kind word from a stranger, a monetary gift in the mail, a ‘coincidental’ meeting with someone who will change your life forever! Whatever changes are happening in your life, remember they are necessary for your growth spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

Look forward to each day and the joys, surprises and unexpected good it will bring. Know with every challenge there comes a gift; a gift of knowledge, patience, new direction and greater good.

Enjoy the seasonal and life changes. KNOW they are for your highest and best. For in our eternal evolution, Spirit always has us moving forward (not backward) to BE the Great God Being our Creator intended us to be.


Looking forward to the seasons and the changes….

Abigail and Steve

Co- Ministers of the All Faith Center

GOD You Look Great!











Dear Friends,

God! You Look Great!

Rev. Steve gave a great presentation at the ANTN Conference last week. He said, “ My hope is to leave you with a desire to look in any mirror & recognize the magnificent Soul of God within you by saying to the image in the mirror, “God! You Look Great!”                I see it Do you?”

“Infancy/childhood/adulthood our Soul has evolved us through our life times of happiness & times of struggle. Ever changed jobs? Ever changed partners? This is all part of our Soul’s evolution which moves us from one lifetime into the next. My question is, with all the evolving you have done, why would you think your evolution might stop when you die?”

Steve had a dream where his Soul, was showing him he had been here before in a past incarnation doing this work with the leaders of New Thought in the 1800’s! The past incarnation had set him up to evolve into New Thought.  His Soul brought that experience with him into this lifetime!

WHY are you interested in what you do? You came in with talents, skills and abilities to be and have a purposeful life. One of our favorite musicians, singer, and writer is Daniel Nahmod. His parents were both lawyers and yet his heartfelt desire was to create and sing music. THIS is definitely a SOUL CHOICE.

We cannot be what others want us to be. We are here to decide for ourselves by listening to our God Soul, Spirit. That is how we change and evolve in all areas of life. Steve asked the question, “What do you want to evolve into? Is your Soul ready to start now?” His acronym for the talk was ECHO.


E = Evolve Into The Future You Want – Design It Today;                                            James:4:2. “You have not because you ask not”

C = Claim Your Future Good NOW – You are God in human form. Your God word is your God power.

H = Have Patience! – It May Take a Day or a Lifetime.

O = Open to God’s Good – “This or Something Better”                                                 Luke:17.21 – “The Kingdom of God is Within You.”

Why Settle for Average? God offers our Soul the best and is literally with us, in us, as us every step of the way. What do you want?” God Mind hears and responds.

“ECHO = What we send out, comes back to us”

“I declare, your Soul is ready for you to dive in & accept God’s greatest gifts.             Plan Well and Claim Your Evolution!   NAMASTE!”

Ever Evolving,                                                                                                                   Abigail and Steve






Both books are available on AMAZON




Dear Friends,

Throughout the years, I continue to realize GOD is still in charge! Go figure! We all have a Divine Plan which we agreed to before coming into this earth dimension. Whether we follow through or choose a different path is our free will. However I believe The Divine Presence within us never gives up and continues to place people, events, synchronistic happenings on our path for us to WAKE up, LISTEN and realize “God Has a Better Plan!”

I have had many God ‘Wake -ups’ in my life. One major one was when I said NO to God by telling Spirit I will never step into a church again. The next week I received an invitation in the mail to a Reincarnation seminar at a New Thought Church. I went and found my “home.” Another time I said NO to God was at a Asilomar Conference when I was just learning about New Thought. I sat at a “Ministers” table and finally realized I was not supposed to be there because I was not a minister. The lady minister next to me said, “Honey, this is possibly your future.” I quickly left and took a long walk, saying no to God, until I was able to say yes, OK God You Have a Better Plan for my life.

I look back and am so grateful for those milestones, tipping points, wake-ups, whatever you wish to call them that led me here today. I also am grateful for the daily tipping points, mini milestones because God is in the tiny and the large. God is everywhere, in, through and as us, ALL the time.

I had been putting off getting my car serviced for its annual check up. Steve told me my right brake light was out. That was my God push to get an appointment which I did the very next day. Our mechanic told me I needed a new tire. I knew one kept losing air, and again I had put off taking care of it. I thought to myself, I will get a new tire tomorrow. Ha! As I was leaving the auto shop, I took a right, instead of a left on the main road. My car seemed to be driving me to go get that tire! I thought, OK GOD, this must be your plan today. While I was talking with the Discount Tire service provider, all the lights and power went out in the building. We kind of laughed and he said, you might not get your tire today. I said to myself, “OK God, if you want me to get a new tire today. Let’s get the power on.” A minute later the power and lights came back on. Everyday I surround myself with a circle of protection, so being prompted to get a new tire IS an answer to that prayer. A new tire my seem like a small decision, but really is it? My human life on earth is precious and being safe in a car will help prolong my life and what I came here to do.

Lose a job? A better one is coming.                                                                                    Lose a friend? A new one is ready to support you.                                                          Partner left? Someone is on his/her way…or do you need independence?               Health challenge? Here is an opportunity to Trust in your healing power and to allow others to learn how to be in service.

God has a better plan in the small details as well as in all the major decisions in our life. Our job is to be aware of the Divine whispers, coincidences, intuitive feelings to stay on track and fulfill our Divine Purpose. Everything matters from the tiniest of choices to the major life crisis decisions. God is in the mix and mingle of everything and everyone in our life. Surrender daily to God’s Better Plan in your life. Being acutely aware of the sweet presence guiding you is a joy and often fun when you recognize you are not alone and God is all there is.

Guided by God,                                                                                                               Abigail and Steve

BE Your God Power







I had lunch with two of my best and loving friends this past week. They are both highly respected and powerful women. Each has served hundreds, maybe thousands of people in their life time. They deeply care about people, live by personal values and their faiths. Each worships differently. When we come together we laugh, share and enjoy each others company. We trust each other when we share work and family situations. They both are a blessing to me and to the world.

I used the word “powerful” when talking about them. What makes them powerful? Not because someone gave them a position of power. Not because they were forceful in the workplace. Not because they put someone else down to rise up. They are powerful because they know where their power comes from, GOD! They are willing to serve God by serving others.

The powerful GOOD they do for people comes from a deep Faith in the Divine. ALL TRUE POWER comes from God Within. God leads us into our highest and best when we listen. There are always signals, and road signs. When we pay attention, we follow the direction our heart leads us.

Here are the three P’s for POWER

PRAY – and know God’s power is always within, available and working for your highest good..

PAY ATTENTION – When you ask in faith believing pay attention to what comes next; an idea in mind, a feeling “I have to do this” a knowing what needs to be done.

PROCEED – DO IT! Follow your God Power, that innate intuition which is the still small voice within you. Let go of the thoughts of, “Really?, I can’t do that. I don’t know how. What will people think? I am afraid”…. and so on.

If it is YOURS to do, God will open the way for you to do it. YOU have the Power. Walk and talk with God daily and not just in your morning meditation. God is available 24/7 and listening 24/7. For God within hears all your requests and is ready to give you much much more and even something better! Be open and receptive for your highest good.

Walking and Talking with God,

Abigail and Steve


This is the Day the Lord Has Made…. Be Present in it

Dear Friends,

I was preparing to sit in my favorite meditation chair and begin my morning spiritual practice, when I realized my mind was filled with swarming thoughts about the…

Past.                                                                                                                                   I should have taken a picture of the POINT meeting.                                                          I should have responded to a particular email, especially when the person shows up for the POINT meeting.                                                                                               I shoulda, I shoulda, I shoulda…

Future                                                                                                                                    I have so much to do later today.                                                                                      I have to get things ready for October events, meetings and travel.                                   I have to make another list…etc.                                                                                        I have to, I have to, I have to…

Does this happen to you? I am sure it does. Of course God in Its Infinite Wisdom directed me to a daily passage in the Science of Mind magazine.

“Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear-are caused by too much future and not enough present. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievance, sadness, bitterness and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past and not enough present” Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now.

I AFFIRM: Today, this moment in time, the PRESENT is a GIFT. I put my Trust and Faith in the Divine Presence. The Divine PRESENCE of God is taking care of the future ;and all unfolds easily. God, the Divine PRESENCE loves and forgives my past. The Divine Presence, is my Present, my Gift now and Divinely guides me. The NOW moment is my only moment. It is only in the NOW moment I can make choices. Today I choose God to handle it all, past, present and future.

Remember when your life gets hectic, bring your attention back to the NOW moment, the only moment and present that counts. Focus on the GOD PRESENCE and feel the peace that flows over, in and through your body. Notice the sounds, the scents, the beauty of where you are now. Gently love yourself and KNOW in this peaceful moment all answers are available, all future events are now Divinely Orchestrated, all past is the past. The only moment that counts is the moment with the PRESENCE of God, the Gift of Spirit.

I love to say, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”  (Psalm 118:24)

Living in the Moment,

Abigail and Steve