Dear Friends,
In the mornings I love to read my spiritual magazines/books to help me start off the day in the highest possible way. Today I was reading some inspirational quotes and I would like to share a few with you.
In these troubling times I believe we could all use a purposeful word, joyfilled phrase or thoughtful reminder as our guide while we move through our day.
From the August Science of Mind magazine here are are few favorites:
Today is a fresh beginning, a new start and a joyous adventure on the pathway of eternal progress. Today is bright with hope and happy with fulfillment.
-Ernest Holmes
Thoughts are like arrows: once released, they strike their mark. Guard them well or one day you may be your own victim.
-Navajo Proverb
God speaks to us in the Qur’an saying that He will not change our condition until we change what is in our hearts and souls.
-Saleemah Abdu-Chafur
The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us, and the light
goes out.
-James Baldwin
We must continue to be aware of our thoughts. Are they are stinging or kind?
Are our hearts filled with contempt or compassion? Are we embracing all others, alike and different than ourselves? Only when we do, we can then truly find hope and joy in our daily lives.
Holding onto anger or irritation does not keep us safe, healthy or change the world. If we want to change the world, let us begin to change ourselves.
Go Deep:
Why do I dislike people different than me?
Why am I angry with those whose philosophies are different than me?
FEAR of listening to a view different than your own…
FEAR due to an old tape from childhood…
FEAR of the unknown and change….
Let today be a different day, a new day, a new thought, a new feeling living with a new declaration:
I am happy and fulfilled today. I believe All people have their place in the sea of humanity. All are my brothers and sisters regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, love preference, political preference.
I am, and we are all connected in the family of God.
In the world of bodies, we are all separate. In the world of Spirit, we are all one.
-Marianne Williamson
Moving Daily with Joy,
Abigail and Steve
Dear Friends,
“… It is time to turn the page and begin a new chapter.”
(Science of Mind Magazine, August 12th Daily Guides)
I always like to read the Daily Guides in the SoMM. The quote above stayed with me because I really feel I am turning a new chapter
in my life and we collectively as humans are beginning a new chapter in our human evolution.
In the midst of this pandemic,
I am and we are opening our hearts and minds to a new way of looking at our life, our systems and structures.
I am, and we are reading books, gaining information and changing the way we view ourselves and others.
I am and we are SEEing our differences and are beginning to appreciate the various life experiences people have that are unlike our own.
I am and we, who are white, are listening now and recognizing the White privilege we have living here in the USA.
Our Next Chapter
Will show we are no longer hiding behind the old habits and ways of
doing things.
Will be setting up new ways of acting and reacting to people.
Will be restructuring the systems we are a part of to exhibit equality and opportunity for all.
Will be helping one another to a greater extent. When we help one, we help all. When we stand up for one, we stand up for all.
“Today is a fresh beginning, a new start and a joyous adventure on the pathway of eternal progress.
Today is bright with hope and happy with fulfillment.”
Dr. Ernest Holmes
I am and we are beginning to really SEE our oneness with each other.
I am and we are turning a new chapter in our human history and evolution.
I am and we are living in exciting times. Let’s step into the next chapter with joy, gratitude, fortitude and purpose!
Stepping into a New Chapter,
Abigail and Steve
Most Intense Human Chain Ever Rescues Dog Stranded in Canal | The Dodo
Copy paste this title above on your browser and watch a short
but inspiring video.
The first time I watched, it made me cry. All these strangers came together to help a stranded and scared dog who was about to be swept away at the edge of a torrent canal. The first man down almost lost his balance while trying to secure the dog. This is a heartwarming rescue.
After I saw the video, it reminded me how when we work together, regardless of race, nationality, political persuasion etc. we can be in service and do great things. Our focus is on selfless service, or SEVA. We work as a team and have each other’s backs. I thought, perhaps, no matter how opposite people view life, when there is a worthy cause, it pulls them together in brother and sisterhood. It brings opposing people together for a common cause.
Think about this idea when upset, angry or mad at a family member or co-worker. We cannot change people’s minds when they are adamant about their point of view. However working together on something NEW may just be the glue that can bring people together again. We need to stop trying to change people’s views and work on finding ways to come together in full cooperation and collaboration. Leave the opposing views outside the door. When inside we work together on a common project.
Finding Commonality,
Abigail and Steve
Dear Friends,
As you know our passion and purpose has been to bring Interfaith (knowledge, understanding and respect for all faith traditions) to the forefront of not only our community, but the country and the world. At this time the
All Faith Center has expanded its mission.
We sacredly honor all faith traditions, all races, all cultures,
ethnicities, and gender identities.
When we stand up for one group of people, we stand up for all people. For in reality there is no separation, only Oneness and Unity.
As I mentioned in an earlier ‘Inspiration’ I was fortunate to be invited to a Baha’i Devotional a couple weeks ago with the speaker (on zoom) Charles Howard. Charles is the brother of a friend of mine. Charles gave a heartfelt and inspiring talk on ‘Racial Unity and Justice’. He has 35 years of experience working on Diversity and Inclusion, Social Justice and Sustainable Development issues in communities and organizations throughout the US and various parts of the world.
His excellent presentation is now on Youtube’
I encourage you to watch this video.
Right now, many of us are doing what we can to help bring about equality, and justice for all people of color, faith, ethnicity and gender. We must also be willing to stop and LISTEN to the life experiences of people who have suffered from injustices. It is so important to sit down and hear their stories. Begin to open up and understand white life experiences are very different than black life experiences. Many of us who have listened to stories, exclaim “I never knew, what I never knew!” We cannot KNOW until we LISTEN. It is time for white America to learn, what they never knew. White Privilege is inherent and we need to realize the benefits we automatically have, while others do not. Knowing, helps us expand and create the change we wish to see in the world.
There are several wonderful zoom programs featured under Local Events to help us understand racism and ways to dismantle it. We all have tunnel vision of some kind. It is time to open up the tunnel. See more in order to understand more, in order to do more.
Opening and Listening,
Abigail and Steve