We Love our Pets

Dear Friends,
We love our our furry, funny little animal companions who love us dearly and unconditionally. We lost our little grand-doggie, Zoe, yesterday. My daughter is grieving and we are too. We all loved that little girl and know she is back in her true home as her true nature, happy, healthy and bouncing around again. There is a void in our hearts, because we miss her. Knowing we will see her again, since life is eternal, is reassuring. Those of you who have lost beloved pets may appreciate these pet blessings/prayers.

Come With Me
God saw he was getting tired
And a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around him
And whispered, “Come with me.”
With tearful eyes we watched him suffer
And saw him fade away.
Although we loved him dearly,
We could not make him stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.

The Creation
-Author Unknown
When God had made the earth and sky
the flowers and the trees,
He then made all the animals
the fish, the birds and bees.
And when at last He’d finished
not one was quite the same.
He said, “I’ll walk this world of mine
and give each one a name.”
And so He traveled far and wide
and everywhere He went,
a little creature followed Him
until its strength was spent.
When all were named upon the earth
and in the sky and sea,
the little creature said, “Dear Lord,
there’s not one left for me.”
Kindly the Father said to him,
“I’ve left you to the end.
I’ve turned my own name back to front
and called you dog, My friend.”

Abigail and Steve

Never Too Late

Dear Friends,

It’s Never Too Late!

I am reminded of this wonderful idea every once in awhile. Maybe you, like me have thought we missed an opportunity, or have guilt-ed ourselves with the
I woulda’, coulda’ shoulda’ done that mind set. I am here to remind all of us,
no good idea is ever lost, no opportunity is missed and we do what we can with the consciousness we have at the time. That is what life is all about, learning, growing, making choices, making mistakes and expanding in consciousness.

Every day is a blessing and an opportunity to BE who you are and Serve the Divine within and all around you. In my early morning meditations I like to say, “Show me what is mine to do today, and give me the courage to follow through.”Sometimes intuitively we know what we are supposed to do. Our intuition tells us, but we ignore it for a variety of reasons. Listening to that
quiet inner voice is never too late. The beauty is we can always begin again, everyday. We have eternity to learn.

What is yours to do today?
Start that new project you have procrastinated. Take one step forward.
Visit or bring food to a sick friend or family member.
Call and reconcile with a person you have differences with.
Acknowledge the stranger and homeless person on the street.
Get involved with a cause you feel passionate about.
Forgive those who seem unforgivable. There is a Divine Spark in everyone.
Love yourself enough to allow time for rest, reflection and fun.

Most importantly, look deep into your heart space and ask It, what is my passion, my desire? What have I always wanted to do? Listen and take the first step. It is never too late to take the first step towards anyone, anything, or any new idea that is roaming around in your heart and mind. It may be simple or complex. With God it is all the same – no difficulty, no easy, just a de-sire
(of the Father) being completed in its own Divine time and way.

You and God are ONE. It is never too late for God, and it is never too late for you. You and God are the majority. Affirm it, believe it, do it.
Remember Yoda said, “There is no try, just do.”

It is never too late to blossom into the Divine Being you were meant to be.

Never Too Late to Be Me,
Abigail and Steve

Laboring in Love

Dear Friends,
Labor Day is this weekend and FALL is just around the corner. We are wishing you all a wonderful Labor Day Weekend, whether you choose to go away, spend time with family and friends or just be by yourself.

The website tells us:
“Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”
We truly have come a long ways, and have a long ways to go.
We need to continue working for worker rights to have fair pay and raise the minimum wage so our fellow brothers and sisters can live a comfortable, prosperous life.
We need to continue working for equal pay for all races and ethnicities.
We need to continue working for equal pay for women in all fields.
We know THERE IS ENOUGH for Everyone when we each take time to give to those who are struggling and need a helping hand. The quote says to “Teach a person how to fish.” Let us do both. First feed, then teach. People cannot learn a trade when they hungry and in survival mode.

Let us be grateful for what we have, and for the labor we have done in our past, present and future.
Live well, Love well and Give well.
Answer God’s call.
Be Authentic and true to yourself in what you love to do.
Organize what you really need and let go of the rest. Live an orderly life.
Remember to surrender and give thanks to God everyday.
Laboring in Love,
Abigail and Steve

Change is the River of Life

Dear Friends,

Change happens!
In the past few months we have heard from friends, colleagues, acquaintances and business associates that they are moving into new positions.
A minister friend retired, another is looking for a new position, one found a new church home and a cantor, as interim minister, had to leave her position and is looking for a new synagogue. Our banker retired, our investment adviser now lives in Oregon and is commuting back and forth. Some friends have moved to new homes. In the past few years our primary doctor changed and our dentist changed. We keep telling our wholistic doctor, he can never leave! ha ha. Ladies, you will appreciate this, my favorite makeup has changed and new bottles now hold my favorite hair products. And the list goes on. Whew!
This reminds me of a RIVER, the river of life. We all come from the same Source and yet our lives flow in different directions, making changes along the way, just like a river has to adjust its direction depending on the landscape, flowing over, under and around rocks, boulders, and trees etc.
When we can view our life as a river and know there will be rocks, boulders and trees in our way, as well as twists and turns depending on our choices, we can view it from the perspective of Spirit. All is well and so are we.
Our lives are meant to change. We can never be the same person today as we were yesterday, and that goes for everybody. Our thoughts, feelings and experiences shape our day, and our life. The Daily Word affirmation said,
“I am flexible yet strong in times of change.” Keyword- “flexible.”
How flexible are you in times of change? Can you flow like the river or are you trying to put up boulders and damns to stop whatever is happening in your life.
Have FAITH, and Bless the Change. It helps us learn and grow spiritually.
NEW is good. NEW is fresh. NEW brings us a different perspective.
Change Happens, all is well.

Flowing with ease,
Abigail and Steve

Let the Universe Be Ambitious For You

Instead of being ambitious yourself, let the universe be
ambitious for you.  You relax in to the space of being who you are supposed to beand doing what you are supposed to do and let the universe take it where the universe wants
to take it.
Marianne Williamson


I enjoy reading the Science of Mind magazine in the mornings. This particular Daily Guide caught my eye with the quote by Marianne Williamson (see above.)
“Instead of being ambitious yourself,
let the universe be ambitious for you!”
To me it is another way of saying, relax, surrender, let go and let God
(Spirit, Mind, Cause) create the outcome.
How many times have you been disappointed with the outcome of an event or circumstance in life? It just didn’t go the way you wished or wanted it to.
This past week, Steve and I were looking forward to seeing some wonderful friends who were only 1 1/2-2 hours away. It just seemed their CA vacation schedule and ours did not match. We even tried to Facetime with them, and that did not happen. When things like this happen, we must realize, we have a choice, to be disappointed or allow the Universe to provide what is best for us
at the time.
Cheri and Ben Jamison wrote the July Daily Guides and July 16th said.
“Spirit is in charge. Things fall into place when it’s meant to be
or metaphorical doors close when it’s not.
If you try to force, you will likely be frustrated.”
We have a choice, to try to MAKE things happen the way we want them to, or allow the universe “to be ambitious,” and create the way, which will only benefit us for our highest good. We can still do our prayer treatments, visualize, and vision for what we think we want, then we must release all our wants and needs and allow the Universe/God/Law/Spirit take over. In the end,when one door closes, a new door will open and be wider, more apparent and easy to walk through.
Stop being ambitious for yourself.
Let the universe be ambitious for you!

Letting go,

Reconcile with Kindness

Dear Friends,

I had an interesting lunch meeting with a person from my past, who wanted to apologize to me for his past actions that caused me harm and heartache. I had forgiven him years ago, however he was in need to reconcile his past deeds.
He told me he knew all the things he did wrong and was very sorry. I appreciated his candor and his need to make things right. I know it was not an easy thing to do.

We cannot change the past, nor can we forget it (see quote above). We can learn from our mistakes, gain knowledge and insight and then more forward.
I moved forward years ago, and now I think he can move forward as well.
I am not just talking about actions or deeds. I am talking about consciousness.
I am a better person. He is a better person.
Isn’t that why we came on earth? We are here to right past wrongs, work out our Karma, forgive, reconcile and learn to love unconditionally.

Every action we take, must be one of love, kindness and/or forgiveness.
Every deed must be thought out to possible consequences of our actions.
Every time we seem to fall short, we must forgive ourselves and ask others to forgive us. When we truly see each person through the eyes of Love (God), we move forward in consciousness. This ripples out and affects everyone around us and the world.

Do you want the world to be better? Start at home, with those you know, and/or love.

Remember the Butterfly Affect.


Happy Independence Day!

Dear Friends,
Today is our Independence Day and we celebrate our Freedom!
Whether you watch fireworks on a hill or stay home and watch them on TV,
say a grateful prayer for the principles on which this country was founded.  Every time I meet someone from another culture or country, he or she has a story of not having the same kind of freedom we experience.
This past week, Steve and I went to a United Religions Initiative Conference. “Accelerate Peace: Interfaith Action in Global Peace Building.” at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. We met people from all over the world;
South Africa, Ethiopia, India, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Bosnia, Jordan, Israel, Nigeria just to mention a few besides  Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe and the US.  There were at least 400 in attendance.
These beautiful people, no matter their circumstances,  are devoted to bringing a new world of interfaith peace building, love, justice,and change to their country.
Our topics of discussion were:
Daily Interfaith Cooperation from Dialogue to Action
Voices for  a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
Ending Religiously Motivated Violence
Building a Culture of Peace, Justice and Healing for the Earth
      and All Living Beings
Women’s Empowerment
Environmental Sustainability
We are blessed to live here, in spite of our politics right now.  Let us be thankful and let us pray for the Divine to inspire our leaders to do the right thing, be honest, live in integrity and realize they are in service to the American people and to maintain our rights as people of this nation.
One of our New Thought beliefs is:
“We believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.” 
Let us pray, believe and see this for everyone around the world. Here are some of our new interfaith friends from around the world.

Divine Appointments








Dear Friends,

I believe in Divine Appointments. There are those times when being in the right place at the right time, had to be a God scheduled happening. I am sure, like many of you, there were times when you felt you needed to be somewhere and just had to go. Once there, perhaps you met a person that became important to you, became involved in an activity or cause that speaks to your heart, or was there to support a friend or stranger. One never knows why some of the Divine Appointments happen. We know there is an exchange of God Energy, Universal Life, the I AM Radiance and Vibration when we are with people and in situations. We are called to remember we are God in action, wherever we are, and wherever we go.

Last Sunday, Steve and I had that Divine Appointment experience. We knew we needed to attend the Unity Church in Mira Mesa. We always receive an excellent message from Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell so we were looking forward to it. After a half hour of beautiful songs, Tibetan bowl sounds, prayer and silent meditation we could feel the Divine Presence in the sanctuary. It was palpable. There was a sense of calm, peace and serenity. And then for some reason during the silent meditation, I opened my eyes and saw a man in the front row fall down. Then a person next to him jumped up, while others came quickly down the aisle. Wendy saw what was happening and immediately said words to calm everyone, who at this point became aware of the medical emergency. She asked only nurses and doctors come down to assist. A call to 911 went out. Wendy told us to BREATHE in sync as mothers breathe when a baby is in distress and is held close. We did. Both Steve and I immediately held our hands out to allow the Divine Energy flow through us to the gentleman as we began prayer treatment. We knew God is all there is, everywhere flowing in and through all people and places. The Mighty I AM Spirit is the Wholeness of ALL. We continued our prayers in the silence, even as the medics worked on him, and after they left for the hospital. We knew beaming the light and speaking our word in prayer was our Divine Appointment for that day.

Where ever we are and wherever we go, let us always keep a high consciousnesses ready to BE that Light of God in all events and emergencies.
We know the Truth, we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
When we speak our word, it is God Power directed and acted upon. We know the active Presence in that sanctuary was GOD BEING GOD Among us, and the gentleman will live knowing he too was at the right place at the right time.

Always In My Divine Place,

Abigail and Steve

Happy Father’s Day

From Whence All Came.
Dear Friends,
This Sunday, as you begin to honor your father or the person who has played a father role in your life, take a moment to Honor God as Father/Mother. We are grateful God wanted to experience Love as us so we were created.
Today we can celebrate God’s love with our fathers if they are still here, and remember them if they are not.
Let us remember not all fathers are biological. I was adopted and had a wonderful father. Fathers are those who love and care for us, provide for us, protect us, see the best in us even when we can’t see it in ourselves.
Fathers come in many shapes, sizes and genders. They can be moms raising children by themselves. They can be grandpas, uncles, brothers, adoptive, foster and many other father figures who have taken on the role of Dad.
Even if fathers are/were not always the best, this is the day we see the good in them, understand they were doing the best they could and find a memory that was a teaching moment. What did you learn from your dad?
Your dad was a child once, being blessed and loved by his father or dealing with a father that found fault, was uncaring or worse. To be clear, we do not honor abusive fathers. We need to stay away from them and when the time is right find it in our heart to forgive them.
Enjoy today with the fathers and family you love. Laugh, smile, bring out those old photo albums and remember the joy. Be grateful for the time together.
Happy Fathers Day.
With Honor and Gratitude,
Abigail and Steve

Diversity and Inclusivity







Dear Friends,

How inclusive are you? We talk about ‘inclusivity,’ and how we are against those who display racial or ethnic prejudices, sling slurs and say hurtful remarks. If we are really inclusive, we also stand with our LGBTQIA friends, our immigrant/refugee friends, and those who do not share our political views. In our New Thought Spiritual tradition, we believe there is only ONE GOD, One Spirit, One Mind, One Heart, One Essence, One LOVE that lives, moves and has Its Being within, and as us. In Spirit there are no differences to be found, because we are ONE.

I was reading an article about ‘Radical Inclusion’ in the June Science of Mind magazine, featuring Rev. Karen Fry and Rev. Dr. Petra Weddes. These are two ladies who came out declaring they were gay. It was difficult for both, however the center they lead “celebrates diversity and invites inclusion.”
How beautiful! Even in our inclusivity, we tend to label people, the immigrant, the Muslim, the gay, the person of color, the conservative,
the liberal etc. Dr. Petra said,
“I seriously work to identify myself as the Divine Self, the I AM That I AM. At the end of this life, at that point, I’ll no longer be white, blonde, female or gay, but I will still be
the I AM That I Am.”

In the end, when we leave this world all our identities will not matter. It will not matter what religion we follow, what color we are, what gender or preference we have, or what political views we have. What will matter is, how we lived our lives and showed up as the I AM THAT I AM. The Mighty I AM Spirit expresses through all people. As humans we are given a choice to express God being God or not. Are we expressing God as kindness, compassion, love, generosity, encouragement, and joy?
Or are we expressing the opposite? The qualities on the inside are far more important than the looks on the outside. Our qualities and consciousness are what we take with us when we move to the other side. It is what we have done here on earth to enhance humanity that will matter.

Dr. Petra says,
” We are not inclusive of every idea.
(You do not have to agree with everyone)
We are inclusive of every person! ”
(Agree or disagree, everyone has a place at our table).

Today, take an inventory. How inclusive are you?
Are you ready to go past the outer and look at the inner consciousness of people and see all of them as God beings? Everyone has the potential and everyone at some point in their eternal lives, will achieve it. That is our goal and that is our destiny.

Today BE your true self, BE the I AM THAT I AM and watch your
world change.

Loving Diversity & Inclusivity,
Abigail and Steve