I SEE YOU as GOD Individualized


Dear Friends,

We are in the midst of Interfaith Awareness Week, loving all the beautiful programs and speakers from different faiths and cultures from all over the world. We can feel our Unity and Oneness.

I have a CD in my car which I love to listen to called “Songs for Humanity” by Cahill & Delene. One of those songs is called” Shades of Brown.”

The basic lyrics are:

“I have never seen a white man.

I have never seen a black man,

I have never seen a yellow woman, purple, red or blue man.

I have never seen a green man, orange or tangerine man…..

We are all just different shades of BROWN and stand on common ground.”

The lyrics go on to say how we are all the same on the inside.To hear the whole song go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6KMmPr1YKM

Edwina Cowan (Spiriutal Playdate.com) says let’s “Celebrate Skin.” We can celebrate our skin color and also know our beautiful skin color does not define us. Our skin only protects what is essential inside our human body, to live here on earth. What is essential is our Godness, our Spirit, our Christ/Buddha Consciousness that guides and directs us everyday in our life as we live inside our human bodies.

Kathy Juline, RScP says, “You have a name but you are not your name. You have a body but you are not your body. You have a story but you are not your story. Who are you? You are a center of God-consciousness, perfect and timeless.” (August Science of Mind Magazine)

Not only do we need to remember this TRUTH for ourselves, we need to remember this TRUTH for everyone we meet. We can recognize the color of people’s skin, recognize their culture, faith and ethnicity and also know their Divinity. I believe each person chooses to live in a particular body for Spiritual Growth, What we must always SEE is the Divine Presence within ALL people, YOU included.

We greet our brothers and sisters this week participating in Interfaith Awareness Week and with love, joy and see them for who they really are:

GOD individualized.


Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,

When we BLESS people we are bestowing God’s Love upon them. God loves ALL of us, no exceptions.

This poem is written by Mirabai Starr (Spirituality and Health)


Beloved One

You who endlessly create, sustain, transform and rebirth the Universe,

Thank you

For the luminous beings from every wisdom tradition, Known and Unknown,

Whispering secrets from the past and dancing among us right now,

Lighting our way,

With their poetry and tears, their exile and liberation,

Their resounding no and their full-bodied yes.

For the women who step up and take their seat against all odds.

For the men who bend to clear the weeds from their path.

And the ones whose true humanity defies, dissolves and absorbs all gender.

For Black femmes and brown girls, for Native elders and Asian babies.

For the image of God shinning from the faces of the blind and those rolling

in wheelchairs,

The ones who utter wisdom without words or live long lives without partners.

In brokenness and mending, in dismantling and tending.

For the radical rebel who embodies clear-eyes conviction.

Linking arms with those on the margins and making songs for the voiceless.

And the peacemaker who sees beyond duality.

Flowing like water around boulders in the stream, carrying us back home

to love.

For a thousand faces offered into the ground in solidarity with those who cannot breathe.

A thousand bodies rooted like small mountains in meditation.

A thousand pairs of hands weaving prayer rugs, harvesting pumpkins,

brewing tea.

For the lotus flower with its roots reaching unapologetically into the mud.

Its petals opening quietly to the sky.

For our shattered hearts when our loved ones die or choose to love another.

When we behold the suffering of those who do not have clean water to drink or Enough rice to make it through another day.

Of the incarcerated and victims of torture and refugees forced to leave the land they love.

For the blessing of red wine in a clay cup, a loaf of braided bread.

A day of rest

Thank you beloved one, for the ability to give thanks.

To give gratitude in spite of and also because of everything,

To say thank you, thank you, for the way you flower into everything that is.

Penetrating and saturating all that is,

Blessing exactly what is with your boundless, extravagant, impassible Beauty.

Blessings, Abigail and Steve



Dear Friends,

As I was recovering from a severe cold, cough and sore throat these past two weeks, I realized if I cannot continue my responsibilities for the POINT Interfaith Team by informing the members of events, happenings, newsletters, meetings with agendas, minutes, treasurer’s reports, and committee meetings as Executive Director, who would be my backup? At the time, no one. I needed help. I contacted the board and we put in place a contingency plan so that the system continues even if I cannot not, for whatever reason.

This got me to thinking about how everyone at some point in life has to move on, and allow someone else to fill his or her shoes. This thought didn’t set well with me. I love my work. I love doing what I do and really don’t want someone to step in and take over. I allowed that thought to set for awhile. Then I had a new realization, a new higher consciousness thought.

NO ONE CAN TAKE MY PLACE as a spiritual being. I stopped thinking that I could be of no value anymore if someone replaced me at my human job. There may be someone ready to step into my job when I am ready, however no one can REPLACE ME as a Spiritual being. I read a beautiful affirmation in the July Daily Word,

“As a divine being, I am valuable and irreplaceable. “It also said, “The world needs my unique contributions. Like a beautiful gemstone, I, too, am a precious jewel among so many others. Together we sparkle and shine.

Jobs are jobs, passionate work is passionate work, winners are always replaced by other winners. DIVINE BEINGS, you and I, are never replaced and last forever. We are always VALUABLE and VALUED by GOD in our human life and beyond. This is the Truth that never ends.

I will continue doing the job/work/passion I love for as long as I can with backup and then release it when the time comes. I may let go of the job, however I never can release my Value as God’s human vessel on earth. YOU TOO are Valued, Valuable forever as an individualization of God forever and ever. Amen.

Knowing Our Worth                                                                                                 Abigail and Steve



Dear Friends,

“I let go of the life I am living and open myself to experience the LIFE living me.” Rev. Josh Reeves (SoM Magazine)

The past couple weeks have been a challenge for me. I came down with a severe cold, sore throat, and lung pain. I took a trip to Urgent care, called my Dr., got on Antibiotics and will see my Wholistic Dr. this week. It has been a very long time since I felt so ill and weak. This experience really ‘knocked me for a loop.’

In my prayers, meditations and dreams, I asked God, what happened? Why me? Why now? What have I been doing to cause such a severe health challenge? The Answer.. doing too much, trying to be too perfect. Wow.

I do know I strive to do the best I can, in fact I take on other people’s responsibilities when I know a job needs to be done and I will not let it fail or be less than it should be, in my eyes. At a recent event I was in charge of, I thought maybe one of the speakers would not be prepared to I created a talk in case she was not. Who does that??? I guess ME and everyone who wants things to go smoothly and be perfect. The question is, what if she was not prepared? Is that on me? NO, that is on her. It would not have taken away from the rest of the speakers or the event.

Overly Responsible:

In the past few months I tried to be sure everything was “perfect” for company, inside the house ( massive cleaning, paint touch ups, carpet cleaned, new pillows, etc) and outside (windows washed, new rocks, new flowers, new patio furniture etc.).

I also made sure events I was responsible for, went without a hitch. I was also available to attend other events when asked. I always want to show up to support others, even when I don’t feel well. Unfortunately it all caught up with me.

Here are the lessons I learned through an illness experience:

  • STOP, slow down.
  • Listen to your body, care for yourself. Be your own advocate.
  • Give up activities that no longer serve you.
  • Even if you want to go to an event, and feel tired or not quite right, say NO.
  • Let go of the need to be everything to everybody. Have backup. When you are down, who will take your place?
  • Allow others to take responsibility. I have “prided” myself on having my fingers in many pies. Pride goeth before the Fall.
  • Stop rushing and be in GOD’s Time. What’s the hurry? I love the quote above: “I let go of the life I am living and open myself to experience the LIFE living me.” Allow GOD to live through you, instead of pushing your will on God.

I had to stop, rest and let go of activities, I sat on our balcony, hearing the birds chirping, feeling the warmth of the sun and the gentle wind. I was quietly in touch with the Presence and a profound sense of Stillness and PEACE flooded through me and around me.

I listened to Rev. Michelle Ingalls talk on Sunday morning. and Lissa Lazaro  practitioner’s talk on Perfect Imperfection. It hit home for me.

If you need to let go of being “perfect” all the time, go to the link below and watch the Sunday Service.



I Let Go of Perfection                                                                                                   God Loves me just the way I am!                                                                                Abigail and Steve


Unexpected Opportunities


Dear Friends,

We had an unexpected opportunity and bonus in our lives last week.

Seemingly out of nowhere we each received a letter (in the mail on an official letterhead) invitation to attend a “Cypress Land of Embrace” concert at the 47th Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America on July 3rd at the Sheridan Marina Hotel. Steve and I looked at each other with a “who? what? why?” expression. We have no contacts with the Greek faith organizations here in San Diego and this letter originated from New York! How did they hear about us? Must be a GOD Thing!

We had a choice, to disregard an invitation out of nowhere, or to pursue and accept this bonus. A Greek concert sounded like a lot of fun and great music! So we said YES.

We had a delightful contact, Father Rev. Dr. Nicolas Kazarian who met us early in the day with a day pass to attend any workshops or plenaries and walk through their exhibition hall. We met lovely people in the Exhibition Hall and marveled at the beautiful and ornate chalices, jewelry, church décor and artifacts as well as exquisite robes. There was information about the Greek Orthodox Church activities and outreach. We met a lovely lady, Elina, from Greece and chatted with her for a long time.

After the Plenary and supper, we were sitting in the long walkway hall watching the many priests, Bishops and attendees go by. As we were looking at the door across the hall, all of a sudden it opened and two men dressed as Santa Claus walked out. I think our jars dropped. They came over to us and we engaged in a wonderful conversation.


They truly have a Santa Ministry where they take requests from parents and call their children and talk to them on a zoom call before Christmas. It is more than just what the children want for Christmas it is a sweet conversation about who the children are, what they like or don’t like. The kids can talk to them about anything. The youth often have their own iPads or laptops and walk around their house showing Santa different things.

We also asked them why priests are dressed in black. Steve and I were talking about how so many clergy in many faiths wear black robes. Of course at this Congress we saw 100’s of priests and bishops dressed in black. These lovely Santas (Peter and Kevin) said it signifies “Death to the world.” In other words, letting go of worldly things and putting full attention on God.

At this point we felt we have already had a FULL afternoon and the concert had not even begun. We met Father Nicolas Kazarian 15 minutes before the concert and he introduced us to the United States Archbishop Elpidophorus. What an honor it was to meet this kind and gentle soul. We were then escorted to front row seats and enjoyed a 2 1/2 hour concert of lively, fun, foot stomping, hand clapping Greek dancing Music!!!

This unexpected opportunity was a GIFT from God blessing us with meeting new and wonderful people with a future of collaboration and continued friendship. Who knows where it will lead? Obviously GOD does. It has inspired us to reach out to the Greek community in San Diego to get to know them and invite them to participate in our Interfaith work.

When divine opportunities come your way, no matter how they look, big, small or who? what? why? GO FOR IT. You will be blessed!

Accepting the Unexpected Gifts,

Abigail and Steve

Keeping our Democracy and Freedom








Dear Friends,

We are about to celebrate the 4th of July, our day of FREEDOM when we declared our independence and our ability to choose our government and way of life.

We are so fortunate to have Freedom in our country and we must keep it with every breath we take, every stand we make and every vote we cast. It is up to us to look into the hearts, minds and actions of our leaders to see God’s goodness and conscience for All the people. ALL PEOPLE are GOD’S PEOPLE.

Freedom is precious, and we have been given Free Will by our Creator to Be who we are meant to be, an expression of God, an emanation of the Divine, the hands and feet of GOODNESS, kindness and compassion here on earth.

All people, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, culture, gender have a RIGHT to freedom, to be here and to be loved and heard. When freedoms start to be taken away, we must look at those trying to minimize the worth of individuals, seniors , women, children, gender preferences. EVERYONE has a right to make their own choices and once we stop allowing those choices to be made, we eliminate FREEDOM. Our lives will fall and Democracy will fail.


by Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science

“Believing in the Divine destiny of the United States of America and in the preservation of liberty, security, and self-expression, I offer this, my prayer for my country:

I know that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of the United States of America, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide its affairs.

I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are the gifts of freedom, and are the Divine heritage of everyone in this country.

I know that success, prosperity, and happiness are now operating in the affairs of every individual in this country.

I know that Divine guidance enlightens the collective mind of the people of this country, causing it to know that economic security may come to all without the loss of either personal freedom or individual self-expression.

I know that no one can believe or be led to believe that freedom must be surrendered in order to insure economic security for all.

The All-Knowing Mind of God contains the answer to every problem which confronts this country.

I know that every leader in this country is now directed to this All-Knowing Mind and has the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem, and each is compelled to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, security, and peace shall come to all.

And I know that this spiritual democracy shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone in this country personal liberty, happiness, and self-expression.

And so it is. Amen.”

Let us pray our country elects a person of High Conscience, a person with values, a person who speaks kindly to others, a person who seeks to unite, rather than divide, a person who believes in the worth of every individual regardless of race, color, creed, gender or ethnicity, a person who believes in the law, justice and the truth.

Grateful for Freedom,                                                                                                     Abigail and Steve 







Dear Friends,








 Do you remember that movie? It was a fun comedy! The words, TRAINS, PLANES AND AUTOMOBILES popped into my mind because many people will be traveling on vacations during these summer months. Last year we flew three times, and each time I would write out a prayer treatment and say the Unity ‘Prayer of Protection.’ I would visualize a White Light around the plane and Angels on the wingtips. I would see Angels inside as our flight attendants.

The light of God surrounds us; the love of God enfolds us,                                      the power of God protects us, the presence of God watches over us.                        Where we are, God is and all is well.

I love this prayer and say it often. Every morning one of my rituals is to vision a ring of white light I call the RING of PROTECTION around each member of my family including me. This visual and words spoken has kept me from harm numerous times, especially when driving in the car. I am always careful about checking my mirrors and looking over my shoulder before changing lanes. However there have been times when a car seemed to come out of nowhere and almost hit the side my car. Just before that moment, I seemed to pause one more time before changing lanes. I believe that was GOD, my Angels keeping me safe in the RING of protection I called forth earlier that day.

I was reading about Arlene Jullie’s vacation story in the July Daily Word. She traveled to South America and one of her experiences was on a boat going towards an island. When a storm came up, the waves were “towering over the boat” and she wasn’t sure they were going to make it. However She kept repeating the “Prayer of Protection” and never let her mind vision a disastrous outcome. She visioned the boat arriving safely. The good news is the captain did get the boat safely to the port.

Her story reminded me of my experience many years ago when I sailed in a small 28’sailboat from CA to FLA through the Panama Canal. At times there was some very rough weather and seas, yet I knew GOD was always with me.

When my daughter was 16 we went on a Caribbean Cruise and we were excited to see the many islands and just have fun. After touring one island, we started to come back to the ship. As I was walking along the pier my heart started pounding and I felt severe anxiety as we stepped onto the ship. On board I had an internal fear, which I could not shake or validate. Why was I feeling this way? Later before going to bed, I looked out our cabin window and I had the image of the boat sinking and people running with life jackets to life boats. I did not want to alarm Tammy, yet I did tell her I was anxious. I got prepared to leave if necessary. Then I called my mentor minister in CA and told her what I was feeling. She called her prayer group and they went into prayer. I went into prayer and called forth the RING of Protection around us and everyone on the ship. I visualized the Divine LIGHT flowing through the ship inside and out. I did this as long as I could until I fell asleep. I woke the next morning and all my fear and anxiety was GONE! When we left the ship for another island tour we saw workers “mending” the side of the ship. We will never know what happened or could have happened. What I DO KNOW is the Prayer of Protection and the visioning of Divine Light surrounding the ship and flowing in the ship SAVED us!

This summer, wherever you travel whether it is on a on a plane, train or automobile call forth the RING of Protection and say the ‘Prayer of Protection.’ You will be glad you did!

Save Travels,

Abigail and Steve





Dear Friends,

On my morning meditation table, I have a picture of a rose and the words, “LOVE is the Answer.” I believe to every question, every request, every hurt and/or every fear, LOVE is the answer. Who do we pray to? LOVE – GOD.

Our answers come forth as LOVE especially when we embrace the feelings of Love when we pray. I read this beautiful poem in the July Daily Word.

“Love Is the Key” by Mary Berg

“God is a flame, igniting my heart,
fueling my breath from the very start.
The vastness of the world, all that I see,
the splendor of choices living in me.
Embers, coals, sparks lit from within-
electricity, light waves glowing on skin.
Love ever dancing, love is the key.
Love is the answer, love sets me free.”

Reading the last line, I realize I need to add “Love sets me free” to my meditation picture. LOVE Truly does set us free. When we embrace LOVE and allow the feeling of Love to move through us and out into our world, our people, our family, our friends, and those who have hurt us, we are FREE.

We are free of guilt, anger, hostility, sorrow. LOVE cannot exist with those emotions. It may take awhile to bump ourselves up on the emotional scale, however when we do, we are FREE. We feel good, we feel healthy, we feel blessed, we feel God as Love emanating through us and everyone. We begin to change our world.

The Law of Attraction says, we attract who we are. LOVE is the GREAT ATTRACTOR in life. When there is an uncomfortable situation or experience you are going through, take a moment, close your eyes and bless it with love and say:

Love is in charge of this situation, experience.
Love is the answer. Love sets me free.

When we know we are part of the immensity of LIFE, of LOVE, of GOD we realize every thought creates change not only in our life, but in every life. The African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Are we not all someone’s children? Are we not all part of the village of humanity? (Daily Word) When we read the daily paper and see man’s inhumanity to man, very often we make judgements about who is right and who is wrong. Remember there is Divine Justice. There is also Divine LOVE. As humans we love and forgive our children who make mistakes and possibly follow a broken path. GOD Always loves us no matter what we do and what path we take. People around the world are broken, hurting and/or suffering and we as part of the human family can send them LOVE. Wrap them in a blanket of light, love, beauty, compassion and kindness.

Chief Seattle says, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” (Daily Word)                                                                                     “As you give, so shall you receive.” (Jesus the Master Teacher).

We are all connected in this world. The “worst of the worst” is still connected to us. We all have the DNA of GOD within us, which makes us ONE entity. As we begin to make LOVE our priority in EVERY situation and experience, the ripple affect will touch everyone and far exceed what we can imagine.


LOVE is the KEY
LOVE sets me FREE.

Much Love,
Abigail and Steve



Happy Father’s Day

Dear Friends,

Father’s Day is this Sunday and a time when we honor our dads, grandpas and all who stepped in as a dad to us. This is the day I remember my “daddy” and Steve remembers his dad. Memories flood back and we smile and laugh, cry and pause knowing without that man we would not be where we are today.

My dad taught me how to swim, ice skate, dance, manners, and correct grammar. I used to ask my dad to check my school papers and then we would have to sit there for at least an hour while he perused my paper and help me correct any mistakes. He was an educator and would teach me why I needed to have a comma here or a capital there.

When my dad and mother took me on road trips, I remember singing in the car and making up silly rhymes and goofy games. I love my dad and still miss him. The beauty is, I know he is still with me always. Chief Seattle said, “Death is only a change of worlds.” I believe life is eternal and our loved ones are always with us. The other side is but a breath and thought away.

Today honor your dad and/or the person who cared for you, loved you and wanted the best for you. Every person in our life is meant to be there. I believe we choose our parents, our families and even the seasonal friends along the way. For we are here to learn how to LOVE one another. Being a father and having a father ( and mother) is our first step to learning how to love, be kind, have compassion and be purposeful.


We wish you all a joyful Father’s Day!


My ATTITUDE Creates My Experience

Dear Friends,

“My experience of the world depends on the ATTITUDE I bring to it.”                (June Daily Word)

We are in the midst of company this week. The weeks and days before were busy cleaning inside, cleaning the balcony, the chairs, benches tables under the balcony, the labyrinth and all the kids playing equipment in the back yard. We even had new rock/gravel replace the old in the front of the house and planted new flowers and roses. I was just making sure we were ready for 5 people and a weeks worth of activities! My sister and brother in law are staying with us. My niece and her two girls are staying with my daughter and family. Needless to say ALL the cousins are SO EXICITED to meet and be with each other. Monday they all flew in, and today is BEACH Day, Tomorrow is DISNEYLAND and Thursday is ???, hopefully a slower pace day.

My attitude up until last Saturday was one of “frenzy” in preparation. Then I talked with my daughter Tammy and I got a LIGHT BULB moment. I was in a frenzy because I was trying to plan activities each day as well as meals and who eats where and when, all together, different houses, times… etc. Then Tammy said,” I think we need to take one day at a time.” She shared how having two little ones has taught her to be less A type personality, and just ROLL with daily life! I have noticed the change in her as she gradually became softer, and more amiable. I got it!

I realized I do not have to DO it all, THINK it all or PLAN it all. Everyone can have a say so in each day’s events and timing. The only thing locked in is Disneyland because of the tickets.

Getting ready for company is still a good plan, and once everyone is here I will:

  • Pause and enjoy their company.
  • Be with them, not manipulate the day.
  • Laugh and enjoy the chaos.
  • Let go of the details.
  • Surrender each day to the Highest and Best for all!

My daughter taught me a little humility and the idea of letting go. So today, Tuesday, June 4 my ATTITUDE is one of JOY and acceptance of the highest and best for all however that looks.

Having Fun,                                                                                                                      Abigail and Steve