Talk Less, Slow Down

Dear Friends,
The other day, Steve and I were talking about the MEANING of LIFE. It is a big topic and I believe the meaning of life is different for everyone due to their personal life experiences.
I would like to share my thoughts about the Meaning of Life in an acronym.
L – LOVE unconditionally. To live is to love without strings attached or expectation of
something in return.
LIVE your life to the fullest with purpose and passion.
I – INSPIRE others to BE their Highest, Greatest and Best Selves. Lift up, not put down.
Follow your INTUITION (God’s Guidance).
F – FORGIVE yourself and forgive others. Forgiving is a Gift you give yourself and others.
E – EMBRACE and actively BE with ALL people regardless of race, color, creed, ethnicity,
gender preference and religion. A beautiful flower garden is beautiful because no
two flowers are alike.
I love the words of Karen Drucker’s Song “You Are the Face of God”
You are the face of God
I hold you in my heart,
You are a part of me
You are the face of God…
You are the face of love
I hold you in my heart
You are my family
You are the face of God
Everyone you look at is the Face of God and we are ONE Family.
Lovingly, Your Sister,
“The sun’s rays have vision and give us vision. However, it is the birds’ eyes and the two invisible angels by your side that record everything. Nothing goes unnoticed throughout the universe. Wherever there is a vibration, there are eyes and ears. Some energies don’t need ears or vision to see or hear, they can feel what is in your heart and tap into all your sins and fears.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
May 1, 2018
Dear Friends,
Today on my walk, I heard so many birds singing their little hearts out. I passed one, high in a tree, singing so loudly, and with such exuberance!! I had to stop, listen and watch the joy of song coming through this little bird. It reminded me how important it is to “sing our own song”
I love to sing in the car. That gives me a sense of joy, and sacredness because I only have music that is uplifting and fun in my car. Singing also brings me peace.
One does not have to sing to be happy.
Doing a kindness for another will make your heart sing.
Being a part of a group that helps and supports others with the intention of Good, will make you happy.
Doing an activity or hobby you love to do will make you feel joy and contentment.
What do you love? What makes you happy? What makes your heart sing?
When we are happy, our spiritual vibration is UP and that energy ripples out to all we see and meet during the day. Our happy vibration can travel around the world and affect a person we do not know and may never meet. In our world today, being happy, singing our song (voice, dance, activity, hobby) will contribute to the Consciousness of our planet and raise its vibrations of Good in, through and for all.
Let us do our part for our human family and be happy.
Sing your song,
Speak your truth
Be who God intended you to be.
Joyfully Singing,
Dear Friends,
April 21st is Earth Day. I reflected on Mother Earth in my meditation this morning.
I felt so appreciative of this creative Mother Soul that holds us all on her loving ground.
It reminded me how holy the ground is, as we walk on her.
Do we pay attention to all the beauty that springs forth from her? Do we appreciate all the trees, flowers, plants, shrubs, bushes and water?
Mother Earth gives us food and nourishes every living thing.
I view beautiful hills and valleys behind my house and I am so grateful I have that view. It uplifts me in my morning prayers. With the news and all the drama and happenings on
this planet, she calms me after a busy day.
She supplies the path for me to walk, or ride on. I feel loved by her and in turn I love her.
How can we acknowledge our gratitude for Mother Earth and the living things close to her?
Pickup any trash you see as you walk by.
Pick up snails slowing moving on the street and place them softly on the ground
and grass. Thank her for her beauty and place where you are standing, walking or riding
(car or bike).
Recycle and begin to use more earth based cleaners and supplies.
Remember Mother Earth is a living breathing soul created by Source and here only to benefit ‘man-womankind.’
Let us be KIND to her. Hug her trees. Love her beauty. Care for her gently.
Loving our Mother,
Dear Friends,
It is Spring! I love this season. Even in California, we have our “winter,” maybe not as severe as the mid-west or east coast, however we still have a change in weather.
I love to see the tulips, the lilies the lilacs, the jacaranda trees and all the new growth blooming. Even the air smells good. Spring is the time of the year where we can start anew, and bloom again.
Where is it you would like to start anew? I am sure there are times in your lives when you “wished” you had said something, done something or been someone better.
Now is the time! You do not have to BE the old you. You can BE the NEW you.
It is like cleaning out closets in the Spring only it is cleaning out Consciousness. It is letting go of what no longer serves you. An old Consciousness based on fear, unworthiness, and sadness only holds you back. Being unforgiving blocks your good as well.
Ernest Holmes said,
“Change the consciousness and the false condition will disappear.”
What ever it is, it is time to Spring Clean Consciousness, and change those old tapes, thoughts and feelings. Allow the fresh air to blow in and breathe in the flow of love, wholeness, goodness, growth and God’s blessings
Lovingly Blooming,
April 3, 2018
Dear Friends,
I love that April is Multicultural Month! Let us celebrate all the beautiful and diverse people living on our earth with us. Being so involved with the Interfaith Movement, Steve and I meet many people of different faiths, cultures, races, ethnicities all the time. We realize everyone is a fellow traveler, in this thing we call life, doing the best they can, just like we are.
Are you in a faith center that embraces diversity? Sometimes centers are so focused on their own faith tradition, there isn’t room to include those not of their faith.
During this month, I challenge you to step forward and offer to create an “Interfaith Outreach” committee to plan various activities to get to know your neighbors.
Some suggestions are:
Bring in speakers to share about their faith traditions.
Plan an interfaith potluck to get to know another faith community near you.
Work together on a social issue or charity project.
Show movies such as “The Sultan and the Saint” to promote understanding.
When we work, eat and play together we make a stranger, a friend.
Remember, everyone is a child of God. Everyone is an emanation of the most High God. We all have God DNA in us. We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. We are connected at the Source, our Creator. We are one family.
Get to know your multicultural and interfaith brothers and sisters. See the Face of God in each one. You will be blessed.
Loving the Oneness,